Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1443

But in any case, Xufeng's battle was won.

The reward task of the third stage was finally completed.

Xufeng felt exhausted physically and mentally, and wanted to sit down and take a good rest.

Although the battle just now wasn't a long one, every move used all of Xufeng's strength.

However, Xu Feng knew that even if he was tired, he couldn't rest here. The pollution of the dark blood was increasing, and the entire snow-capped mountains would become a no-man's land. Xu Feng must leave here as soon as possible.

Just when he was about to turn around and leave, the hand of darkness bitten by the dragon's head slowly shrank, and finally, it condensed into a precious orb braving the darkness and death.

Before Xu Feng could take a closer look, he directly grabbed the Death Orb with his dragon head and put it into his own inventory.

Then, Xu Feng quickly scanned it with the Lingvision system, and made sure that there was nothing left, so wrapped in dragon skin, he quickly withdrew from the top of the snow mountain.

At this moment, all the people on the slopes of the snow-capped mountains cheered excitedly.

"Hurray! Dragon Slayer!"

"Azog was killed! Long live the Dragon Slayer!"

"The dragon slayer avenges us! The dragon slayer is our great benefactor!"

When Xufeng jumped down wrapped in dragon skin, everyone rushed towards Xufeng.

Xu Feng then shouted loudly: "Keep away from me!"

Everyone present was taken aback, and everyone didn't understand why the dragon slayer became so unkind.

It was King Thrandil who reacted first, and he quickly said: "Yes, everyone is a little farther away from the lord Dragon Slayer, the dragon scales on his body are still stained with dark blood!"

Everyone just woke up.

If they all rushed on like this just now, they would probably be stained with dark blood, and the consequence of being stained with dark blood would be... to become a skeleton!

Xu Feng carefully took off the dragon scales from his body, and then shuffled the dragon scales and dragon head into the crystal cage.

The crystal cage is an extraordinary item that transcends the plane. Only the owner Xufeng can see it, but the people in Middle-earth can't see it.

They saw the dragon scales and dragon head folded in Xufeng's hands, and then there was nothing left.

Gandalf asked in astonishment: "Diedi, where did you get the dragon scales and dragon heads? That's contaminated things. You can't just throw them away. I suggest that you should put all the contaminated dragon scales and dragon heads. Give it to the Holy White Council and let the white-robed great mage Saruman handle it. The magician is familiar with light magic, and he can naturally wash away the dark blood on the dragon scales and dragon head."

Xu Feng smiled faintly, "I know, but I don't need it."

Saruman can indeed "cleanse" the dragon scale and the dark magic pollution on the dragon head, but Xufeng didn't believe Saruman.

If Saruman got the dragon scales and dragon head, then the old thing would definitely take it for himself.

Compared with that, Xufeng might as well wait.

Gandalf said again: "Diedi, if you have other dragon scales in your hand, it's better to hand them to the Holy White Council."

In fact, Gandalf has no selfish intentions at all. He just thinks that Smaug’s body is very dangerous. Even Smaug’s treasures can affect Thorin’s mind. Then Smaug’s corpse is naturally cursed. If Xu Feng holds it for a long time. If anything, it might make Xufeng become brutal like a dragon.

He was worried about Xufeng's motives and asked Xufeng to hand over Smaug's body.

Xufeng can understand Gandalf's kindness, but how can he give such a good trophy to the Saint White Council?

What's more, Thorin was not affected by Smaug’s treasure. Thorin just wanted the Lone Mountain Dwarf to rise again. From the king’s point of view, his approach was correct. Although he was more radical, his direction was Yes, it's just a pity... The strategic position of Gushan is too important, and the army of half-orcs is coming too fast.

If the army of half-orcs can arrive half a month late, Thorin will already be the throne of the King of the Lonely Mountain.

Xufeng smiled faintly at Gandalf, "Oh, what a pity, I only have that dragon head and that dragon scale, nothing else. Smaug's body has sunk into Long Lake Town, Saint White Council If you want it, you can only salvage it in Changhu Town."

Gandalf nodded, "Okay, I will tell the white-robed mage Saruman the truth about this matter! Diego, you have done a good job, you have done a great job, you are the savior of the entire Middle-earth world! If Without you, our Battle of the Lonely Mountain will inevitably be lost. Then, within half a month, Sauron will rebuild the Angmar Kingdom in the north, and then at most half a year, Middle-earth will be completely Perish! The Holy White Council must remember your merits!".

Xufeng smiled and waved his hands: "It doesn't matter if you don't take credit. We, after all, are a mercenary team. Only if we win this war can we get the benefit."

Gandalf shook his head helplessly, "You are a noble person, but for some reason, you always deliberately show your less noble side to show others, but anyway, we all know that you are a A true hero!"

Chapter 561 I'm Very Worried About You

After speaking, Gandalf covered his heart and saluted Xufeng respectfully.

Don't underestimate such an ordinary bow.

You know, Gandalf is the black-robed great mage of the Holy White Council. In Middle-earth, the Holy White Council is the highest authority. Any king, any lord, even the king and lord of the elves, has its status and status. Both are nominally lower than the Saint White Council.

The great masters of the Holy White Council are Meiya inferior gods themselves, and their status is extremely high. If they see the king, it should be the king who salutes them instead of asking you hello to the king.

Therefore, don't look at it as an ordinary bow, but the meaning contained in it is completely different, which is equivalent to acknowledging Xufeng's status in Middle-earth as a master of the Holy White Council.

In Middle-earth, Xufeng's original status was just an ordinary "mercenary". Even if Prince Arsson called him a brother, Xufeng was not a true nobleman.

Later, Xu Feng killed the last dragon Smaug and gained the identity of the dragon slayer.

This identity is naturally very lofty, especially among the folks, but in the upper-class society of Middle-earth, it only recognizes Xufeng’s identity, not much respect.

And now, Xufeng not only prevented the civil war in the alliance army, but also helped Gushan win the battle. With a clear disadvantage, he eliminated the 100,000 half-orcs army, killed Polger, and killed Commander Azog!

With such a record, no one in the entire Middle-earth world can match it!

Therefore, everybody in Middle-earth will respect Xufeng and regard him as the savior hero!

While Gandalf was holding his heart and bowing towards Xufeng, the others knelt on one knee to express their gratitude and respect for Xufeng.

This includes ordinary elven soldiers and iron-footed soldiers, as well as refugees who survived the catastrophe, as well as leaders such as Thranduil King and Dain Iron-footed.

They are all convincing.

Not to mention anything else, just say that when dealing with Azog, if it weren't for Xufeng, all of them would have become skeletons in Azog's dark blood!

Xu Feng quickly said, "What is this? Get up quickly, everyone! Oh, I'm actually a mercenary. Don't take me as a hero. By the way, you must remember to share the treasure of Gushan with us. One!"

Dein Iron Foot quickly said: "The dragon slayer can take half of the treasure in the Lonely Mountain, and we will all divide the remaining half equally."

When everyone heard it, everyone was overjoyed.

Can Dein Tiezu be the lord of Lone Mountain?

In fact, he can really do it.

In this battle, almost all the dwarves of the Lone Mountain died heroically.

Thorin slashed Azog before dying, but Azog pierced his heart, and his first and second heirs, Kili and Philip, also died in the wave. Under Ergo's spiked warhammer... the purebred blood of the Lone Mountain Dwarf has been severed.

If you are looking for an heir, you must look for Thorin's cousins.

Dayin Tiezu is Thorin's only cousin. Therefore, when Thorin and his successor in line both die, it is Dein Tiezu who can inherit the Palace of the Gushan Palace.

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