Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1444

Thranduil said: "Din Iron Foot, now the King of the Lonely Mountain is yours. You shouldn't let us enter the Palace of the Lonely Mountain like Thorin.

Dein Tiezu immediately said: "How is this possible? We are comrades who have shed blood together, I cherish this hard-won friendship! Besides, in the presence of Lord Dragon Slayer, if I dare to take possession of As far as the Gushan Palace, Master Dragon Slayer will definitely not let me go."

Everyone laughed even more.

Xufeng said: "This place should not stay for long. The filthy blood pool on the top of the snow mountain will continue to pollute this area. I am afraid that within 100 years, we will not be able to set foot here. Let's leave here and find a place to rest. "

Dein Tiezu said quickly: "Then go to the Gushan Palace. I believe that if Thorin is still alive, he will be very happy to invite us all in to celebrate, but unfortunately..."

When Dayin Tiezu thought of Thorin's tragic death, his eyes blushed.

King Thranduil on the side patted Dein's iron-footed shoulder lightly to express comfort.

Everyone started going down the mountain to the Gushan Palace.

Some people stayed to clean the battlefield and rescue the wounded.

As for the corpses of Solin and other Lone Mountain dwarves, they were lifted down the mountain in a very respectful manner by the Iron-footed Army, ready to arrange a funeral after cleaning.

When they wanted to take Kili's body away, Tao Ruier silently stood by Kili's body, not allowing the Ironfoot Army to get involved.

Prince Legolas felt a pain in his heart and whispered to Taurier: "Tauriel, he is dead..."

Tao Ruier said lightly: "I know that he died for me. I feel very guilty. I want to stay with him for a while... If he is alive, you will be very happy to stay with me for a while. ."

Prince Legolas sighed faintly, "It seems that I didn't get your love."

Tauriel looked up at Prince Legolas and said honestly: "I'm sorry, your prince, the person I love is not you. I don't know if you are cruel to you, but this is true. Cruel for a while It’s better than a painful life."

Legolas Prince Taurier nodded, "I see, Taurier, you... take care."

Tao Ruier nodded slightly at him: "Goodbye, my prince, may the stars shine in front of you forever."

Prince Legolas pursed his mouth and turned away in pain.

He thought that the person Tauriel loved was Kellie.

But this is not the case.

Prince Legolas passed through a narrow cave in disappointment. He had no goal. He didn't know where to go.

At the end of the cave, he saw a long figure standing there, as if waiting for him on purpose.

He recognized the man at a glance, and that man was his father, Lord Thranduil, Lord of the Wood Elves.

At this moment, King Thranduil was also exhausted physically and mentally, his original meticulous blond hair became messy, his eyes were bloodshot, and his luxurious clothes were full of orcs' black blood, and it didn't smell so fragrant.

If it was normal, King Thranduil would never allow himself to be so sloppy. He would put aside anything in his hands, take a shower, take a good rest, and then face the world with an extremely elegant attitude.

But this time, King Thranduil was uncharacteristically.

Prince Legolas frowned slightly, "Father, are you here to teach me?"

In addition, Prince Legolas could not think of any reason for his father to endure such a dirty manner.

King Thranduil sighed faintly, and said in a slightly hoarse voice: "I am worried about you."

Chapter 562 King Thranduil's Suggestion

Prince Legolas was startled slightly.

He did not expect that King Thranduil, who was arrogant and unfeeling, could say such words to him.

I am worried about you……

Prince Legolas was at a loss.

For so many years, King Thranduil has always been strict with him, even if he performs well, King Thranduil has never praised him.

Yes, not once.

And now, King Thranduil said to him, I am very worried about you...

Prince Legolas thought he had auditory hallucinations, but he saw the vicissitudes and aging in the eyes of King Thranduil.

He almost forgot, his father is more than 10,000 years old.

Although more than 10,000 years is not the end for the elves, 10,000 years is indeed long enough.

Prince Legolas didn't understand King Thrandil very well before, but now, Prince Legolas sympathizes with King Thrandil.

Does everyone pursue longevity and immortality?

Maybe, but if these 10,000 years are all missed and painful, then what is the point of living 10,000 years?

The mother of Prince Legolas was killed by a half-orc in the second era, which means that King Thranduil has lived in painful thoughts for nearly 1,000 years.

Such a long period of pain and longing can make people's hearts collapse.

However, King Thranduil persisted.

Prince Legolas wanted to ask what the trick was. If there was a trick, then he wouldn't need to be sad about Tauriel.

However, he did not have the courage to ask.

When King Thranduil saw that Prince Legolas was just staring at him blankly, he smiled dumbly, "Is my appearance very embarrassed?"

Prince Legolas nodded first, then felt rude, and shook his head quickly.

King Thranduil didn't mind, he smiled and said, "Actually, you don't know, I will be more embarrassed than this... That year, your mother just died... I actually wanted to follow her. To go..."

Prince Legolas's heart sank.

He had never heard King Thrandil talk about his mother. His impression of his mother was so pale that he could hardly remember what his mother looked like.

But he knew that his mother should love him very much.

King Thranduil sighed and said, "Unfortunately, you were still young at that time, and the wood elves are still facing a lot of dangers and troubles. As their king, even if I feel pain in my heart, I must stick to it. , I will at least wait until you grow up before I can follow your mother..."

Prince Legolas quickly said: "Father! You must not have such thoughts! You are the leader of the wood elves, and the pillars of the wood elves. If you are gone, the wood elves will be finished!"

King Thranduil smiled, "I'm glad you think so, but what I look forward to is your growth. Judging from the performance of today's war, you did a very good job."

Prince Legolas said sincerely: "No, father, I can't compare with you!"

King Thranduil smiled and said: "When I was your age, I was far worse than you. I didn't dare to face an enemy as powerful as Polger, let alone fight with Thorin. , Kill the Berserker together. In fact, you did a really good job. You have done a good job all the time. I will only tell you until today."

Prince Legolas felt that his eyes suddenly became wet.

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