Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1445

After so many years, he finally got his father's approval.

"Next, do you have any plans?" King Thranduil asked like a small chat.

Prince Legolas shook his head and murmured: "I don't know..."

He is still in the pain of losing his relationship, it is difficult to get out of it for a while, he feels he needs to leave for a while."The King Thranduil said: "Stay and work with me on the wood elves. You can already be alone. You can replace me and form alliances with other political entities in Middle-earth. Slowly, you will Will become a qualified wood elves king, and the great wood elves clan."

Prince Legolas said quickly: "Father, I'm afraid...not ready yet."

King Thranduil frowned slightly.

Legolas sighed and said truthfully: "I like Tauriel."

"I know this, but you can't be with him." King Thranduil shook his head and said, "You are a prince, and she is just a commoner. As a prince, you can have love, but your blood cannot be with commoners. Combination of blood, this is your responsibility, is the responsibility of all wood elves, unless you are not a prince, otherwise you must fulfill this responsibility."

Prince Legolas smiled bitterly, "If it were before, I would definitely refute you, and then we would have a quarrel between father and son, but now, I have no power to refute anything. I like Taurier, but Tao Riel doesn't like me."

King Thranduil was taken aback, and then said faintly: "I'm sorry my child, but you have to understand that this world does not revolve around any of us, we are all just ants in this world."

"I understand, thank you for your comfort." Prince Legolas smiled.

King Thranduil asked, "Are you really not staying?"

"Yes, I want to relax, I think there are some things I want to understand, but I still haven't fully understood." Prince Legolas said.

King Thranduil thought for a while and said, "I have a suggestion."

Prince Legolas asked: "What advice?"

King Thranduil said: "You can join the Xuedi mercenary team and become a part of them. Of course, normally, an elf prince with noble blood cannot be a mercenary, but Xue The emperor mercenary team is extraordinary. There are dragon slayers. I believe he will teach you many useful things, and you can also get good experience."

Prince Legolas nodded heavily, "If it is possible, of course I want to join the mercenary team where the dragon slayer belongs, but I don't know if the dragon slayer will accept me."

King Thranduil said: "I should still have a bit of thin noodles. If you want, I can help you talk about it."

Prince Legolas shook his head, "I'll talk about it myself, I've grown up, father."

King Thranduil nodded with satisfaction, "Well, you go, remember, no matter what, no matter what the future is, the wood elves and I will always be your strong backing."

Prince Legolas covered his heart and bowed and saluted King Thranduil. After the ceremony, he turned and walked out of the narrow passage.

The sun is shining outside, the worst is over, everything is improving.

Chapter 563 I Don't Love Him

After Prince Legolas left, King Thranduil hesitated and passed through the narrow cave to the platform.

There, most of the people had already left, only Tauriel was sitting in the sunlight holding Kili's body.

...It's like a torture of self-torture.

King Thranduil sighed faintly in his heart.

The wood elves live in the dark dense forests all year round. The dark dense forests are full of tens of thousands of years of old trees. The branches and leaves between the old trees and the old trees are crossed together to cover the sky and the sun. Therefore, it can be said that the wood elves are perennial. Those who live in darkness and shadows, moonlight is their favorite light, and the sunlight is too harsh and intense for them.

Tao Ruier was sitting in the sun, her lips were dry, and blood was still flowing from the wound on her arm. This was not self-punishment, what was it.

King Thranduil deliberately increased his steps and walked behind Tauriel.

Tauriel heard the footsteps and recognized that the footsteps belonged to King Thranduil.

Originally, as a member of the Wood Elf, when she saw King Thranduil, she should immediately put down everything in her hands and respectfully salute King Thranduil.

However, Tao Ruier did not do that, she still sat on the spot blankly, holding Kili's body in her arms.

"Why are you?" King Thranduil said in a deep voice.

Tao Ruier said faintly: "Life is inherently bitter, and all happiness is false. I haven't discovered this truth until today."

King Thranduil said: "Tauriel, I know I am very unfair to you. You are an excellent captain. You can see from your past performance and your performance in this war, but I still You expelled the wood elves, you must resent me very much."

Taurier sneered, "Yes, I hate you, but it's not because of this."

King Thranduil frowned: "Are you still blaming me for breaking up you and Prince Legolas?"

Taurier shook his head: "No, to be honest, I have always regarded Prince Legolas as a comrade-in-arms, not a lover."

King Thranduil was startled: "So, you really don't love Legolas?"

Tao Ruier said: "I don't love him."

King Thranduil hesitated, "Could it be that you really like Kellett?"

In the past, elves like other races are not without examples, but these examples are almost without exception humans, there has never been a precedent for elves like dwarves.

The elves and the dwarves are two races with completely opposite habits. The elves like a quiet and elegant life, while the dwarves are lively and uncut.

Any real elves can't stand the dwarves. Therefore, Thranduil finds it hard to believe that Tauriel would actually like Kellett.

Taurier smiled bitterly and said: "Kili is an idealist and a brave person. He likes me, so he said it out loud, and used his life and blood to prove his love, and I …On the contrary, I don’t dare to say the people I like."

King Thranduil became even more confused, "Tauriel, I don't understand what you said. If you don't like Prince Legolas or Kellett, then who do you like?"

Tao Ruier said lightly: "What's the point of saying it? Me and him... It's always impossible."

King Thranduil said in a deep voice: "Tauriel, because of Prince Legolas, I caused you to carry a scapegoat, and also caused you to be expelled from the wood elves. I am very regretful about this, if I can make it up. For your words, I hope to do my best to compensate you. Let’s say, who is the person you like, I will promote you together as the lord of my wood elves."

King Thranduil thought this way. He did a little bit sorry for Taurier, so he wanted to take Tauriel as his goddaughter. In this way, although Tauriel’s blood is not high, Tauriel’s status can be improved. Little, even if Tauriel likes Lord Dragon Slayer, Thranduil can help.

Taurier smiled faintly, "Really? Can you help us be together as the lord of the wood elves?"

King Thranduil said: "Yes, I will do my best."

As long as Tauriel doesn't like Prince Legolas, King Thranduil feels that everything is fine.

Tauriel stood up slowly, looking at King Thranduil.

"The one I like is right here."

King Thranduil was startled, "But you just said clearly that you don't like Kellett."

"Yes, although Kili loves me so much, I really don't love him. I can't deceive myself on this point." Tao Ruier said with tears in his eyes: "The person I like...is you."

King Thranduil was shocked.

He never expected that Tao Ruier would...

At this moment, King Thranduil's mood was very complicated. He had some anger, some anxiousness, and some panic.

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