Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1453

Dein Iron Foot quickly said: "Your Excellency Dragon Slayer, it is better to stay in our Lonely Mountain instead of running around. Our Lonely Mountain's wealth is your wealth!"

Xufeng smiled and said, "Thank you for your enthusiasm, but we have our own place to go. When we should return, we will naturally return."

Dein Tiezu couldn't help asking, "Then where do you want to live in seclusion? If something happens in the future, how shall we find you?"

Xufeng smiled and said, "It is natural that you cannot find a place to live in seclusion, but you don't have to worry. When the Middle-earth world is in trouble, we will come back without you having to find us."

Dine Tiefoot breathed a sigh of relief, "Well, if this is the case, then I can rest assured, Lord Dragon Slayer, wait a moment, and I will prepare some gifts for you to show our respect to you."

With that said, Dyne ran away in a hurry.

"This guy..." Xu Feng shook his head helplessly, and then said to Gandalf: "Old Gan, we are going now, you take care of yourself."

Gandalf was full of dismay, smiled and said, "Why? Don't you wait for Dyne's gift?"

Xu Feng waved his hand: "No longer."

With that said, he led the Xuedi team out of the restaurant.

Gandalf asked loudly behind him: "When can we meet again?"

"...Soon!" Xu Feng replied, his figure gradually disappearing at the door.

Chapter 572: A Peerless Apprentice

After leaving the Gushan Palace, the Xuedi team found a remote place with no one to stop.

Xuedi looked around and said lightly, "Are you all ready?"

"Okay." Everyone responded in unison.

Xuedi immediately said, "Well, let's gather our ideas together and send it back to the trading city."

The crowd gathered their minds immediately, and a faint blue teleportation door opened immediately. Then, they all entered the portal. The blue light of the portal flashed, and it was completely closed.

The plot of the entire third stage also ends immediately.

When Xufeng opened his eyes again, all of them returned to the teleportation circle in Education City.

The vertigo sent back was much weaker than the stun sent in, so Xuedi and the others just sat quietly for a while, and then completely recovered.

For Xu Feng, this kind of dizziness is nothing at all.

At this time, it was just in the afternoon in the trading city, and the sky was still bright.

Xuedi said faintly: "Give everyone a whole day to deal with the chores at hand. At this time tomorrow, we will continue to gather here to start the fourth stage of the Lord of the Rings reward mission."

Yang Gong mumbled again: "Don't ask if you want to..."

Xuedi said lightly: "If someone doesn't want to, they can withdraw now."

Gong Yang quickly closed his mouth again.

The Xuedi team has fat thighs, and even a survivor like Yang Gong who has almost no combat power can mix and look like this, he is not willing to withdraw like this.

The hammer said with a sneer: "Duke Yang, didn't you just murmur about to quit?"

"Who?" Gong Yang pretended to be surprised again: "Me? What a joke! I was born as a member of Snow Emperor Team, and a dead member of Snow Emperor Team. Even if you kill me, I will be tied to your pants. On the belt, I will never leave the Xuedi team!"

Emperor Xue said lightly: "Since no one has left, then this matter is settled. Let's go separately."


Xu Feng simply Chong Xue Di and the others nodded in greeting, and then hurried to the Arcane Manor.

In the past, when they came back, it was already dark, and Xufeng was not good to bother Qiluo when it was dark, but it was still early today, so the first stop after he came back was naturally to see you at the Arcane Manor Sister Qi Luo.

At this time, outside the door of the Arcane Manor, there were still a large number of people who came to ask for enchantment. These people looked anxious and helpless, but the door of the Arcane Manor was tightly closed.

Obviously, sister Qi Luo hadn't enchanted anyone all day.

Someone in the crowd sighed: "Why is Master Qi Luo appearing less and less time now? I used to see her at least once or twice a week, but now, I may not see her once a month!"

"Yeah, it's getting harder and harder to enchant! I'd rather give twice the amount of money than just keep it like this, but the problem is, even if I'm willing to give three times the amount of money, Master Qilu may not see it In my eyes!"

Someone beside him lamented: "Originally thought that after Master Qiluo accepted the apprentice, we would have one more enchanting master to choose from, but now we can't even see one! Master Xufeng is busy trying to get through the plot of the Lord of the Rings. As soon as Master Xufeng left, Master Qiluo didn't have the mind to enchant...If this goes on, how can he be tall!"

Others also sighed.

Xufeng heard the conversation between them far away, and felt funny in his heart.

He lowered his head, quickly passed through the crowd and walked directly to the gate.

A sharp-eyed person recognized his back and shouted loudly: "Yes! Yes! It's Master Xufeng!"

Everyone present exclaimed.what


"Master Xufeng is back?"

"I'm not dreaming! It's really Master Xufeng!"

They never expected that Xuedi team could get through the third stage of the plot of The Lord of the Rings in such a short time!

Seeing that Xufeng couldn't hide it, he turned around and smiled at the crowd and waved.

The survivors present all rushed towards Xufeng with excitement, and they wanted Xufeng to enchant them.

But how can Xufeng have time?

Even if he had time, Xu Feng didn't want to waste it on these people.

Xu Feng immediately waved his hand and said with a smile: "Everyone, I have limited time today, so I can't enchant everyone. If you want to enchant, you can go to the grocery store under my new disk tomorrow, and I will be there. Enchanted for everyone."

After speaking, Xu Feng ignored them, opened the door of the Arcane Manor, and walked in.

The puppet body dumb greeted him, and Xu Feng smiled and asked, "Where is Qi Luo sister?"

Dumb immediately pointed to the direction of the garden so that he could walk towards the garden immediately.

"Sister Qiluo!" The voice had already arrived before the Xufeng people arrived.

Master Qiluo who was trimming the pruning in the garden immediately raised his head in surprise when he heard the voice of his lover.

"Afeng?!" Qi Luo said with a full face of surprise: "You dead child, when will you come back!"

Xu Feng smiled, "I just came back, I came here the first time."

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