Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1454

Qi Luo nodded in satisfaction, "You still have a conscience, have you eaten yet? What do you want to eat? I'll let Dumb do it now!"

Xu Feng hurriedly waved his hand: "I'm not hungry Sister Qiluo, I'm here this time, in addition to greeting you, I also brought you something special."

With that, Xu Feng gathered his mind and pulled out a thick book of dragon skin from the inventory of the spirit table.

As soon as Qi Luo saw the crystal on the cover, he immediately exclaimed: "This is the Book of Dragon Skin? Did you really get it?"

Xufeng smiled and said, "Yes, if I can't even get this book, how can I have the face to come back to see you?"

Qi Luo quickly wiped his hands, and excitedly accepted the Dragon Skin Book.

"That's right..." Qi Luo frowned slightly, "Is that old Mi Xiu also got Grandmaster-level items?"

Xu Feng smiled and said: "You don't have to worry about that. He hasn't got the Grandmaster-level item yet. Even if he gets it, he will let you become the first Grandmaster first."

Qi Luo's face blushed slightly, and his mouth said: "Huh, who is so rare that he let me? I rely on my true ability... I rely on the true ability of my apprentice!"

She opened the cover carefully, and then the smile on her face gradually stiffened and disappeared.

Xufeng asked, "What's wrong with sister Qiluo?"

Qi Luo sighed quietly, "The text on this is all ancient high elves, I can't understand a word. Alas, it seems that I have no hope of becoming a master enchanting master."

"Just because of this?" Xu Feng grinned, "It's simple, I can understand it."

Qi Luo asked in surprise, "Can you understand such a cursive text? Afeng, don't you please me?"

Xufeng smiled and said, "Sister Qiluo said, I have taken a smart pill before, and I can read any words on any plane, and I can even understand the words of animals."

Qi Luo was overjoyed at once, "That's great, Afeng! I have cultivated the blessing of several lifetimes to have such a wonderful apprentice like you!"

Chapter 573: Win without arrogance and defeat!

Xu Feng smiled, "Sister Qiluo, you are the good master I have cultivated for a few lifetimes."

Qi Luo smiled, "Okay, let's not talk about each other in business here, the master and apprentice, so, while it's still early, you go to the study to help me translate the contents of the Dragon Skin Book, and I , Go to the kitchen personally and cook a pot of ginseng soup for you."

Xu Feng smiled and said: "Okay!"

Qi Luo immediately handed the book of dragon skin to Xufeng, and then took Dumb to the kitchen, while Xufeng took the book of dragon skin to the study room and concentrated on translating.

"Understand" and "translate" are actually not for a while.

If you want to understand it, you only need to understand the general meaning. When translating, you have to consider whether others can understand it.

Moreover, some terms of arcane knowledge need to be unified with other arcane books. Otherwise, even if it is translated into a text that Keira can understand, Keira may not be able to understand the meaning, and may even be was misled.

Therefore, Xu Feng was very careful and cautious when translating the Book of Dragon Skin.

In order to determine one of the arcane terms, he read dozens of arcane classics, which was finally determined.

The accuracy of translation is improved, but the speed of translation is also reduced.

When the sky was getting dark, Xufeng only translated thirty pages.

With this accuracy, this is actually quite fast, but the problem is that the entire Dragon Skin Book has more than 300 pages. Xu Feng has been busy for most of the day, and only one-tenth of it has been translated.

Moreover, this kind of work is very energy consuming, and Xu Feng must stop and take a rest, drink some Xingyue tea, in order to maintain his spirit.

"Afeng, come, finish drinking the ginseng soup to replenish the body." Qi Luo smiled and walked in with a large bowl of ginseng soup.

Xu Feng quickly got up, "Sister Qiluo, you can just let Dumb do this kind of thing."

Qi Luo smiled and said, "You have worked so hard to help me translate the Book of Dragon Skin. Isn't it right for me to bring you a bowl of ginseng soup?"

Xufeng smiled and said: "No, I mean-dumb is much more stable than your hand. Look, you have spilled a few drops on this, distressed, distressed."

"You brat!"

Qi Luo Yang was about to punch, and Xu Feng didn't dodge. He just stood on the spot, lowered his head and laughed, Qi Luo's fist fell on Xu Feng's shoulder as if he was beating his back, not only did not hurt, but also quite comfortable.

Qi Luo is naturally reluctant to beat her precious apprentice.

Naturally, Xu Feng knew it too, and the two of them had a tacit understanding in their hearts.

"Okay, okay, let's put the ginseng soup alive first. After drinking this bowl of ginseng soup, I have already let Duan make dinner, and I will be ready soon." Qi Luo stuffed the ginseng soup into Xufeng's mouth in.

Xu Feng sighed helplessly, and had to bite the bullet and drank a full bowl of thick ginseng soup.

After drinking it, Xu Feng suddenly felt refreshed, and all the energy he had just consumed was replenished.

No wonder it took Keira so long to cook this ginseng soup.

It turns out that the ingredients and heat of this ginseng soup are the ultimate.

Thinking of Qiluo's extremely cold and arrogant, ten-finger disagreeable character, and now he is personally standing in front of the choking stove making ginseng soup for him, Xu Feng said to Qiluo gratefully: "Sister Qiluo, thank you very much. Up."

Sister Qiluo smiled and said, "Master, I don't work hard, but your translation is very hard."

Xufeng smiled bitterly and said, "I disappointed Sister Qi Luo. I have only finished one-tenth of the translation until now.

Qi Luo said with a smile, "Don't worry, I will translate it here today. You have a rest, and our masters and apprentices will also have a good chat. The rest of the content will be translated when you are free."

"...Alright!" Xu Feng said with a smile: "In short, I will translate the rest as soon as possible, and I will definitely make Qi Luo sister you become the first master of the trading city."

Qi Luo said with a smile: "Well, put the book down, drink the ginseng soup, let's go to the garden and sit for a while, you can tell me what happened in the third stage by the way."

"Good!" Xu Feng poured the ginseng soup with a big mouth, and then went to the Arcane Garden with Qi Luo, sat in the pavilion, and told Qi Luo what happened in the third stage.

Qi Luo widened his eyes and listened, as if he was listening to a thrilling legend.

When Xufeng talked about killing Smaug, Ah-Dai came up with a hearty meal, and Xufeng continued to tell Qiluo while eating.

After eating and drinking enough, the story of the third stage is over.

Qi Luo said emotionally: "This is you. If you change to any other person, it will be impossible to do it."

Xufeng smiled and said: "I'm also lucky. In addition, Xuedi Hammer and them are very powerful. Without them, it would be impossible to accomplish it by myself."

Qi Luo nodded and said, "You are not arrogant or discouraged, you are a person who can go a long way. Afeng, I am as optimistic about you as always."

The two chatted for a while, and Xu Feng stood up and said goodbye: "Sister Qiluo, I have finished dinner too, and the sky is getting dark. I should also leave. I have to go to the old lady of Peris. "

Qi Luo nodded solemnly, "Facing Peris, you have to be extra careful. That woman has a lot of charm on the surface, but in fact she is a snake-hearted, you deceive her with fake dragon scales. But don't let her see the horse's feet."

Xu Feng smiled, "Don't worry Sister Qiluo, I know it in my heart, and the dragon scales I want to give her this time are not fake, but real."

Qi Luo said in surprise: "Give her real dragon scales? Wouldn't it be cheaper for her and Xiao Hua?"

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