Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1455

Xufeng smiled and said, "Is your apprentice the kind of cheap outsider? Anyway, you can rest assured."

Qi Luo smiled, "That's right, then you pay attention to safety, go and leave quickly, don't pester her for too long."

"Yeah, I see." Xu Feng leaned slightly towards Qiluo, then turned and walked out of the Arcane Manor.

At this time, there was no one outside the Arcane Manor. Everyone knew that today, don’t want to wait until Master Qiluo enchanted, so all ran back to rest, and prepared to go to Xufeng’s newly opened grocery store to wait in line early in the morning. Enchant.

Taking advantage of the darkness, Xu Feng pulled up the mask to cover half of his face, avoiding the crowded roads, and quickly headed towards the castle.

As soon as he approached the main entrance of the castle, a team of guards with live ammunition stopped him.

"Who! This is the forbidden area of ​​the castle! Don't you have eyes!" one of the captain-like guards shouted loudly.

Xu Feng was not angry either, but slowly pulled the mask off his face.

With the light of the torch, the captain saw Xu Feng's face clearly, and he was shocked!

"Master Xu, Xufeng!" The captain almost knelt down for Xufeng.

Xu Feng is the honorary captain of the entire trading city guards!

Moreover, if Xu Feng can stand here, it means that he has already got through the third stage of "The Lord of the Rings"!

He just scolded Xufeng for being blind?

He himself is blind!

Chapter 574 Desperate Gap!

But Xu Feng was not angry at all, but smiled faintly: "This captain is very responsible."

The captain said shiveringly: "The villain has eyes and no beads, and ran into Master Xufeng, the villain damn it! The villain damn it!"

Xufeng smiled and said: "Hey, don't say that, you and I are serving for your envoy. What can I do not collide? Also, I didn't take off my mask just now. You didn't recognize me, so naturally. normal."

The captain nodded tremblingly. Although Xu Feng was very gentle and tolerant, he still did not dare to look at him.

He heard that not long ago, a captain patrolling the streets almost fell into Xufeng's hands.

Xufeng looked around and asked with a smile: "I remember, there were not so many guards at the gate of the castle before, why are there so many today? Is something wrong?"

The captain said quickly: "This, the villain doesn't know. The villain just got the order. During this time, we must strengthen our defense and investigate any suspicious people."

"Well," Xu Feng nodded solemnly, "This is the right thing to do. Okay, you can continue to stand guard. I will go in and meet your special envoy."

"Yes!" The captain said quickly: "Let go, please come in, Master Xufeng!"


The guards quickly stepped aside, standing aside respectfully.

With a smile on his face, Xu Feng walked into the castle of Senyan with his head up.

The last time he entered the castle, he was only a level 45 survivor, but this time, he was already a level 50 survivor.

If coupled with his equipment and experience, his true combat effectiveness can even face off against survivors above level 60!

Although winning or losing is hard to say, but at the very least, it is not a problem to retreat from the whole body.

Therefore, this time, he felt more confident and his attitude became more calm.

Passing through the long castle corridor and entering the inner court, Xu Feng immediately perceives that there are many master guards hidden in the inner court.

They had hidden far away and held their breath as much as possible, but Xu Feng could still perceive it easily.

The personal level of these guards should be at level 40. Such a level is almost comparable to the top elites of the four major guilds, but in the castle, they are still only guards who guard the house.

This shows how deep the water in the castle is.

Of course, the target of these hidden guard masters is not him, they are just lurking in the dark for emergencies.

Before Xufeng's strength was not strong enough, and the distance they hide is also far, so Xufeng did not perceive their existence, but now, Xufeng's strength is enough to kill them in seconds, and it is naturally clear. Perceive their location.

Xu Feng remained silent and continued to go deep into the inner court.

"Master Xufeng!" A familiar voice came from the side.

Don't need to perceive, Xufeng already knew who came.

He deliberately pretended to be surprised and looked back, only to see Ji Ming and Sui Long running towards him with excitement.

These two "brothers" can always appear at the right time. This is really "fate".

Xu Feng said quickly: "Oh, brother Jiming! Second brother Sui Long!"

Ji Ming said with surprise on his face: "Brother Feng! You are back!"

Xu Feng smiled and nodded and said, "Yes, I just came back."

Sui Long said excitedly: "So, you have already got through "The Hobbit"?"

Xu Feng smiled and said: "Blessing of the sister of the Tow envoy!"

The words are still old, but they work.

Ji Ming said again and again: "Oh! Oops! This is really great! We have time in the evening, let's sit together again?"

Oh, this is funded!

It seems that Peris still wants to use Ji Ming and Sui Long to knock him side by side.

So I don’t hesitate to provide Ji Ming and Sui Long with "sitting" funding!

No wonder these two guys are so excited when they see him. They can connect with each other and eat for nothing. They don't want to spend their own shadow energy points and fools can't do it.

Xu Feng pretended to be embarrassed, "Oh, I don’t have much to do at night, but... the place like Zuixianju is too expensive. I want to invite two brothers, but I am afraid that the two brothers will save face. If you can't get through, you have to ask me this little brother, otherwise, let's wait until the two brothers have more money."

Ji Ming and Sui Longxin said that we are not afraid of face-saving!The elder brother and the younger brother do not have to be invited to eat!Besides, with such a strength gap, you Xufeng is the real brother!If we were not for this layer of skin, I am afraid that even the little brother would not be counted!

Although he thought so in his heart, Ji Ming said with a serious face: "Feng brother, what is this called? You let our two brothers shine, don't mention how high our position in the guards! When others hear that we are Xufeng’s brothers, who would dare to yell at us?"

Sui Long nodded firmly and said, "That's it!"

Ji Ming went on to say: "With a third brother like you, we are very honorable! Don't care if we are rich or not, the shadow energy point is a thing that brings life and death, and now has wine and now is drunk! That's for sure, tonight we are in Zuixianju Restaurant, Room No. 1 Tianzi! See you or leave, you don't get drunk or return!"

Xu Feng said quickly: "Don't don't, the Tianzi No. 1 room is too expensive, so let's go to Tianzi No. 2 if we can't."

Ji Ming frowned and said, "Brother Feng, don't worry about this kind of thing. Brother, I will treat you. You must be worthy of your identity in Room No. 1 Tianzi!"

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