Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1456

Xu Feng pretended to be helpless and said: "Then... I'll be more respectful than my fate, but I have to go to see the envoy sister first, and after I'm done, I have to go to Master Mixiu's alchemy laboratory, or two. Brother go with me?"

Ji Ming shuddered involuntarily, "Even if we go to the alchemy laboratory, we have to be on duty. When we finish our duty, we will wait for you in Room No. 1 Tianzi in Zuixianju."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Okay, then let's make it so."

"Okay, it's a deal, it's a deal!"

The three smirked for a while, and then separated.

When Xu Feng walked to the side hall, the fake smile on his face became even brighter.

He perceives Xiao Hua's existence from a long distance, and clearly perceives Xiao Hua's strength-level 63.

This is of course only Xiao Hua's relative level. If you add in his experience as a city lord for so many years and the equipment he has, his true combat effectiveness may reach level 70!

If it really fought, Xu Feng could not be Xiao Hua's opponent.

However, Xu Feng could also sense that Xiao Hua's strength fluctuated greatly. Most of the time Xu Feng could sense Xiao Hua's existence, but occasionally for a few seconds, Xiao Hua's strength was reduced to level 0.

At first, Xu Feng thought it was because he was not capable enough to sense Xiao Hua's existence, but as he got closer and closer, Xu Feng understood that it was not that he did not sense Xiao Hua, but Xiao Hua's. There is a physical problem, and he can't maintain a relative level of 63!!

At a certain moment, Xiao Hua's strength will be reduced to level 0!

This also means that as long as Xu Feng can pinpoint this gap in strength fluctuations, Xu Feng can kill Xiao Hua with a single sword!

Chapter 575

This is a great opportunity!

Xu Feng was murderous in an instant!

However, he was still smiling on the surface, and he couldn't see anything unusual.

The murderous heart was moved, but the more at this time, the more calm Xu Feng's brain was.

The opportunity is fleeting, if you seize it, you can drop the biggest BOSS in the trading city in seconds to avoid future troubles!

However, Xu Feng asked himself quickly: Is this really an opportunity?

What if it is a trap?

Can you bear the consequences of failure?

Xiaoyue can they afford it?

Can the four major guilds of the Dark Alliance bear it?

Will the tactics that I have worked so hard to deploy?

This series of questions quickly calmed Xu Feng.

Coupled with the additional troops in the castle today, Xu Feng has reason to suspect that this is not an opportunity, but a trap!


A small leak will sink a great ship!

Although it seems that now is the best chance to kill Xiao Hua, even if this is really a chance and not a trap, Xu Feng can't do it so hastily!

Because although Xiao Hua is the nominal city lord, the actual rights are in the hands of the special envoy Peris!

Killing a Xiao Hua will not solve the problem, but will make the situation even more troublesome!

The enemy and us in the Trade City will have a life and death duel. Xu Feng is not afraid of a dangerous duel, but the situation in the Trade City is complicated. In addition to Peris and Xiao Hua, there is also the former lord Xiang Rong hidden in the dark , That guy hasn't moved for a long time, but it doesn't mean he doesn't exist anymore.

In addition, there are the forces of the New God Killing Guild, and the forces of the second dimension Lord God!

Move your whole body with one move!

Therefore, at this time, you really cannot act recklessly!

Xu Feng's killing intent quickly faded, and continued to ignore Xiao Hua who was hiding in the dark corner, and said loudly, "Sister Special Envoy! I'm here!"

"Oh, Brother Feng is back." Peris's lazy and intoxicated laughter came from the side hall, "Come on, let sister have a look!"

Xufeng walked into the back room with a smile, and saw Peris lying on the bench in a cool dress. The complete curve of the body can make every man burst into blood.

"Hey, sister, you are really getting more and more beautiful." Xu Feng said with a idiotic smile.

Peris smiled with blurred eyes: "You, this little mouth is getting sweeter and sweeter. I really want to take another bite."

Xu Feng said quickly: "Just bite sister!"

Perisy smiled, "My sister is joking with you. I heard that you have already come back, but you didn't come to my sister first, but went to Qi Luo's place?"

Xu Feng smiled and said, "Yes, sister."

Peris sighed, "So, my status in your heart is not as good as your sister Qi Luo after all."

Xufeng smiled, "Sister Qiluo, that is my master. My master asked me to do a mentoring mission. As an apprentice, I naturally have to go back for business. But elder sister, you are different. I am my sister. Doing things is a matter of division, and it is naturally treated with the feeling of division. Besides, I counted on the sky, now it is so late, in case my sister is happy, leave me here to sleep, Didn't I make a lot of money?"

Xufeng felt a force gathering behind him.

His Spider Lord suit also sent out a dangerous signal immediately.

This shows that Xiao Hua in the hidden dark place is about to do it.

Xu Feng continued to remain as calm as ever.

If - if Xiao Hua really did it directly, then Xufeng can completely avoid this fatal blow by virtue of the acceleration effect of the Spider Lord suit, the special effects of the Wind Spirit Crystal, and his own body style. .

When he came last time, Xufeng was not sure to avoid it, but now Xufeng is already a level 50 survivor, and he is absolutely sure to avoid this blow.

What's more, Xu Feng was right, Xiao Hua didn't dare to do it.

He saw a trace of panic flashing in the eyes of Special Envoy Peris, and her body movements were obviously stiff, as if she was communicating with Xiao Hua through her mind.

Then, in the blink of an eye, Peris's eyes relaxed, and the cohesive power behind Xufeng disappeared.

Xu Feng couldn't help but smile secretly.

He has already tested the reality of Peris and Xiao Hua.

They dare not touch him directly!

Of course, the current Xu Feng can't directly touch Xiao Hua!

The forces on both sides seem to be the Peris side overwhelming Xufeng's side, but in fact, it is Xufeng who has overwhelmed Perlis' side!

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