Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1457

This is really a turning point!

After so much torment and forbearance, now I have finally seen hope.

As long as you stabilize this situation and give Xufeng a little more time, then Xufeng will be sure to destroy Xiao Hua and Peris at the least cost and take over the entire trading city!

Xu Feng grinned immediately, "Sister, why don't you talk anymore? Do you want to sleep with me too! Don't worry, I am young and have good physical strength, nine times a night no problem!"

He continued to talk to Peris in this tone deliberately, but Peris's face was uncertain.

"Ahem, you brat, dare to make fun of my sister?" Peris hurriedly diverted the topic. "Let's get the business first. Have you got the things I want?"

Xu Feng smiled and said: "Sister, what do you want? Just say if you want, don't tell me, how do I know you want it."

Xiao Hua hiding in the dark was going crazy.

This is simply the woman who teases him in front of him!

It took Peris a lot of effort to suppress Xiao Hua's anger.

Peris said annoyedly to Xufeng, "Brother, stop joking, tell me quickly, have you got the dragon scale?"

Xufeng grinned and said, "My sister explained my business. If I can't handle it well, how can I have the face to see my sister."

Peris was surprised, "So, you really have the dragon scales?"

Xu Feng smiled, then gathered his mind and took a piece of dragon scale shining with colorful light from his spiritual table inventory.

"Am I good?"

Peris suddenly said in surprise: "Brother! You are so amazing!"

"A lot of girls say that." Xu Feng said with a smile on his face.

The reason why he teased Peris in this way was to irritate Xiao Hua, make Xiao Hua feel insulted, and helplessly treat him.

Peris was quite annoyed and said: "Give me the dragon scales, and I will give you two red plane gems!"

Xufeng shook his head, "I don't want plane gems."

Peris asked: "Then what do you want?"

Xu Feng smiled, "I want a red spiritual vision gem."

"What!" Peris almost jumped up from the recliner.

Spiritual vision gems are rare gems that are higher than plane gems. Only ten plane gems can be synthesized into a spiritual vision gem!

A plane gem can increase 40 attribute points, and a spiritual vision gem can increase 100 attribute points and a special effect!

Although in terms of attribute points, the attribute bonus of 10 plane gems is better than that of a spiritual vision gem, but the equipment of the whole body can be equipped with 9 gems at most!Every gem location is very important!!

Therefore, to be able to use more advanced gems, it is natural to use more advanced gems!

What's more, Lingshi Gems can also enhance a rare special effect!

Chapter 576: Spirit Vision Gem!

Special envoy Peris said angrily: "Xufeng, you didn't say that at the beginning! You said, for me, you can do nothing!"

Xu Feng shrugged, "Yes, for the special envoy sister, I can do nothing, but, the special envoy sister, we have known each other for so long, you let me taste your sweetness somehow."

The more Xu Feng said that, the more frightened Peris was.

In fact, according to Peris’s style and personality, she can deal with Xufeng with ease. She can treat Xufeng as a delicious and fresh dish, and eat Xufeng thoroughly, but the problem is , Xiao Hua was hiding in this room, staring at her and Xu Feng angrily.

If Peris did something "out of the ordinary", Xiao Hua's anger would erupt and the whole situation would fall into chaos and uncontrollable.

They still need Xufeng to continue to obtain the necessary rare materials in the "Lord of the Rings" plot!

Therefore, in the face of Xu Feng's teasing, Peris can only endure it!

Not only did she have to endure it, she had to let Xiao Hua also endure it.

In order to prevent things from getting worse, she hurriedly frowned and shouted: "Enough, Xufeng! You are really getting too much!"

Xu Feng sighed helplessly, "Sister, I'm so sad that you say that to me. Forget it, since sister you don't want to see me so much, then I'll leave."

With that said, Xu Feng put away the colorful dragon scales and prepared to leave.

"Stop!" Peris sighed long, "I really... I can't do anything with you."

She needs Xufeng, so even though the roots of her teeth are itchy, she must follow Xufeng's meaning.

Xufeng's meaning, on the surface, is to get close to her, but in fact, Xufeng's goal is very clear, that is, to have a spiritual vision gem.

Before, it was a joke to ask for Lingshi gems, but Peris refused to "get close", then Peris could only satisfy Xufeng's request for Lingshi gems.

Peris had countless yin people in her life, and now she was clearly and completely yin Xufeng.

What's even more annoying is that, knowing that she is yin, Peris hasn't the slightest way!

Peris pursed her lips, "Spirit vision gems are fine, but I don't have a red vision gem, I only have a blue vision gem."

The blue gem is a bonus to the spiritual attributes, and for Xu Feng, it is completely useless.

In the entire Xuedi team, Lin Hai is also useful.

Xu Feng smiled coldly in his heart. He knew that Peris wouldn’t be without the red spiritual vision gems. This was just her bargaining method. She took a step back and said that she could give Xufeng a spiritual vision gem, but At the same time, Xu Feng must take a step back.

She didn't want to increase Xu Feng's strength.

She had already regarded Xu Feng as her most important enemy in the future.

Xufeng naturally knew this, so he was not afraid of Peris hating him now.

Because, regardless of whether Peris hates him or not, Peris will eventually get rid of him, even if he "behaves" well, Peris will not change her mind.

Of course, it is naturally impossible to get the red spiritual vision gem from Peris's hands this time. Peris has taken a step back, and Xufeng will accept it as soon as she sees it.

He sighed helplessly, "Sister, would you rather give me a useless gem than be close to me? Well, although I can slaughter the dragon, I still can't get into your heart. Ah! I’m really in pain, okay, okay, whether it’s red, yellow, or blue, as long as it’s a spiritual vision gem, so be it."

Don't do it for nothing!

Even a blue spiritual vision gem is worth at least 3000 shadow energy points!

After all, adding 100 mental attributes can also strengthen a special effect, which is definitely not rubbish!

Peris resisted the anger in her heart, and said in a deep voice: "Okay, but you have to let me verify if your dragon scales are real."

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