Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1458

Xu Feng sighed, "Sister still doubts my sincerity, that's fine, let her examine it."

With that, Xu Feng handed the colorful dragon scales to Peris.

Peris didn't reach out to pick it up. There was a ghost in her heart, so she naturally guarded against being overcast by others, especially a master like Xu Feng.

She said lightly: "Just put it on the table in front of you."

"Good." Xu Feng shrugged and put the colorful dragon scales on the table.

Peris did not go forward to take it, but volleyed a finger, and a strange force was transmitted from her lush white fingertips, wrapped around the colorful dragon scale, and then, on the dragon scale. A holographic image appeared, which was blurred at first, but soon the image formed the appearance of a giant dragon.

Then, the dragon roared, and the whole hall was rumbling and shaking!

This kind of dragon roar is absolutely impossible to disguise.

Xu Feng secretly rejoiced, but fortunately, this time it was a real dragon scale that Peris was given. Otherwise, she would definitely be able to see through it. If she did, it would be really troublesome.

Peris smiled in satisfaction, "Very well, Brother Feng, I will accept this dragon scale."

After speaking, Peris's bare hand volleyed with a claw, and the colorful dragon scales were immediately caught by her into her spirit table inventory.

Then, Peris threw another gem with a halo of blue light.

Xu Feng stretched out his hand to catch it, and said with a smile, "So this is the gem of Lingshi."

Peris smiled and said, "Is your Snow Emperor team going to the fourth stage next?"

Xufeng nodded and said, "Yes, it will start tomorrow."

Peris raised her brows, "Should it start tomorrow? You guys won't take a break?"

Xu Feng said helplessly: "I want to rest, but Xuedi won't let us rest, alas. The fourth stage is so difficult, I don't want to mix with the Xuedi team."

Peris hurriedly said: "Your Xuedi team, but our hope of Trade City, your progress is also the fastest. If you give up, it will be a disappointment for the entire Trade City, of course. , I will also be disappointed."

Xufeng smiled and said, "My sister wants me to help you get rare items, right?"

Peris smiled and said: "Yes, brother, if you can help me get the elven spring of the Golden Forest this time, after you complete the task, I can give you another spiritual vision gem."

Xu Feng sighed, "However, I would rather ask my sister to stay close to you for a night than any spiritual vision gems."

Peris hurriedly said: "You are talking nonsense again! Alright, alright, the big deal this time, I will give you a red spiritual vision gem."

Xu Feng said helplessly: "Well, since it's my sister you want, even if it's the stars in the sky, I have to pick it off for you, right?".

Peris said: "Then we are settled?"

Xufeng nodded and said, "Well, it's a deal."

Chapter 577

After Xu Feng left with Le Dian, the jewel of vision, Peris faintly breathed a sigh of relief.

In the past, when meeting with Xufeng, Peris could use a strong pressure to make Xufeng uncomfortable, but now, when Xufeng just a few words, she feels the strong pressure.

This kid... grows up so fast!

If this continues...

Peris also began to worry that Xufeng would not be able to control it when he grew bigger, but for now, the only person who can get through the plot of "The Lord of the Rings" and get the rare items that can cure Xiao Hua is Xufeng.

Peris could only suppress the killing intent in her heart.

She told herself that now is not the time to do it.

Xiao Hua walked out of the shadows. His gloomy face was almost the same as the shadows. It could be seen that he was in a very bad mood.

Before Xiao Hua could speak, Peris said in a deep voice, "We got the dragon scales."

Xiao Hua said angrily: "Did you hear how that kid teased you?"

"So what?" Peris said angrily: "Do you think I am happy? In fact, at our level and level, you don't need to care about being happy or unhappy at all! We only need the result! The result is that we Once you get the dragon scales, you have taken a big step forward before you completely recover your body!"

Xiao Hua pursed his lips for a moment, "I understand what you are saying, but...that kid, I really can't control my anger."

Peris said softly, "Xiao Hua, hold on! He is just our tool. Don't look at him now, but when you recover your physical body, how bright he smiles now, then crying How miserable it will be."

Xiao Hua said fiercely: "Yes! I will let him understand and provoke me to the end! I will not let him die, I will make him unhappy, and I will make him regret coming to this world!"

Peris also said coldly: "Yes! It will definitely! Let us hold on for a while..."

When Xiao Hua and Peris were bitter, Xu Feng happily left the castle and went to Mi Xiu's alchemy laboratory.

His happiness is by no means disguised.

After all, he got a blue spiritual vision gem from Peris.

Even if he can't use it himself, he can also give it to Uncle Lin Hai to increase his magical attack power. This is a big improvement for the entire Xuedi team.

As for the dragon scale... yes, the dragon scale is indeed real, but it is a contaminated dragon scale.

At the beginning, when Xufeng and Azog confronted, he was trapped by Azog's blood pool magic. Xu Feng covered himself with a whole piece of dragon scale skin, blocking the blood pool magic.

Smaug's dragon scales are immune to all damage, not only physical damage, but also magical damage.

Dark blood pool magic is a kind of magical damage. If the blood pool is used by the demon Lord Sauron, it is naturally difficult to stop it by relying on a layer of dead dragon scales. However, the use of blood pool magic is Azog, his strength was far inferior to that of the true dark archmage Sauron, so Xu Feng relied on that piece of dragon scale skin to block the pollution of the blood pool, thus killing Azog.

Of course, the dragon scales on that piece of dragon skin were also completely contaminated. The contaminated dragon scales naturally did not have any immune attack effects, but from a visual point of view, they were no different from normal dragon scales.

Xufeng pulled out one of the dragon scales and gave it to Peris as a rare task item.

Peris only verified the authenticity, but did not expect that this dragon scale had lost its effect unless it was purified by light magic.

And more importantly, the dragon scales are contaminated with dark magic. Once used, the dark magic on it will have a backlash effect.

In other words, Xufeng not only pitted Peris, but also got a blue spiritual vision gem from Peris, Xufeng was naturally very happy.

Peris’s collection of rare materials is naturally aimed at restoring Xiao Hua’s body and strengthening his strength, but when they really start to use these rare materials, they will find that they have been tricked by Xufeng very early. Up.

Xufeng happily came to the alchemy laboratory in the barren area, and then he did not forget to take out the gas mask and put it on.

After wearing it, he knocked on the door of the laboratory.

Soon, the door of the laboratory was opened, and a sturdy white wolf appeared in front of him with grinning teeth.

Xufeng said in surprise, "Xiaobai? You are all this old? What did Uncle Mi Xiu feed you!"

When Xiao Bai heard Xu Feng's voice, he immediately screamed affectionately, and rushed to the side of Xu Feng's legs, all kinds of coquetry, all kinds of petting.

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