Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1459

Seeing that there was no danger of poisonous gas in the laboratory, Xufeng took off the mask and hugged Xiao Bai and kneaded.

"Xufeng? Are you back?" Mi Xiu was holding two test tubes of poison in his hand, and looked at Xufeng in surprise, "I remember you just left!"

Xufeng smiled and said: "Uncle Mi Xiu, you who never go out, how can you care about time? However, I did come back a few days earlier than usual."

Mi Xiu asked excitedly: "So, you have already got through the third stage?"

Xufeng nodded to confirm.

Mi Xiu smiled happily: "Hahaha! Great, wait a minute, I will synthesize this mortal smelling gas first, and then I will talk to you—"

With that, Mi Xiu poured the solution of the two test tubes into the same glassware.

Damn it!

Xu Feng's eyes were quick and quick, and he immediately put on a gas mask.

The smell must die?What about Xiaobai!

Xufeng hurriedly looked back, Xiaobai moved faster than him, and had already worn a special dog gas mask.

Xu Feng couldn't help smiling and said, "Uncle Mi Xiu is really interested."

At this time, the entire laboratory was enveloped in green mist. Uncle Mi Xiu scratched his head, "It's broken, I am happy to see you. I forgot to wear a gas mask.

After speaking, he fell to the ground.

"Damn! Uncle Mi Xiu! Don't do that! What about your gas mask! What about the gas mask!" There was green smoke all around, and Xu Feng couldn't see clearly.

At the critical moment, Xiaobai was still strong. He quickly found Mi Xiu's gas mask and gave it to Xu Feng, who quickly put the gas mask on Uncle Mi Xiu.

The peculiar purification device in the gas mask immediately started to operate. After a while, Uncle Mi Xiu woke up quietly...

"Thank God." Xu Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

The first sentence Mi Xiu woke up was: "...cough cough, failed again. If it succeeds, I should be dead. Wearing a gas mask will have no effect."

Chapter 578: For True Love, I Can Don’t Have Life

"Uncle Mi Xiu, shouldn't you feel lucky?" Xu Feng vomited.

Mi Xiu coughed weakly, "As a master alchemist, I can't even practice a small poison. I might as well die!"

Xufeng frowned and said, "Why did you die? Do you think your life is yours? Uncle Mi Xiu? No, your life is no longer yours. Your life belongs to my master Qiluo! If you spoil my master's things at will, aren't you afraid that my master and her old man will be angry?"

Michelle suddenly shook his spirits, "Yes, Keira... Keira must not want me to die! It must be!"

Xu Feng sneered, "No, my master says every day that I look forward to your death, but it didn't make you die like this. You have to die if she lets you die, understand?"

Mi Xiu nodded quickly, "I understand, I understand."

Xufeng took out a detoxification pill, "Come on, eat the pill, and detoxify quickly."

Mi Xiu took the antidote pill, put it into the anti-virus mask, and swallowed it in one bite.

After a while, his face became ruddy.

Xufeng smiled and said, "Look, although your poison is not a success, your all-purpose antidote pill is still very successful. You should be happy."

Mi Xiu grinned.

Xufeng opened the door and window of the room, expelling the poisonous gas from the house.

After a while, the space in the room became dry, and Xu Feng and Mi Xiu also took off their gas masks.

Mi Xiu said with a smile: "A Feng, you have got through the third stage of the Lord of the Rings so quickly this time, it is really amazing! By the way, the alchemy task I gave you...have you completed it?

Xu Feng immediately took the Tooth of the Earth Snake from the inventory of the spirit table and handed it to Mi Xiu.

Mi Xiu said in surprise: "Yes, it's this thing! Haha! With this thing, I can be promoted to a master alchemist! The effects of all my alchemy products will be greatly improved!"

Once Mi Xiu becomes a master-level alchemist, he can create special effects-level items.

This also means that Xufeng can sell all items such as powerful recovery pills, powerful gunpowders and so on.

However, Xu Feng was not as happy as Mi Xiu. He smiled faintly and said: "Uncle Mi Xiu, my master, she has not yet become a master-level enchanting master."

The smile on Mi Xiu's face suddenly stiffened, "What? Hasn't she become a master yet? Is it possible that you haven't completed her mentoring mission this time?"

Xufeng smiled and said: "Of course I am done, but the text on the Book of Dragon Skin is an ancient high elf text, she can't understand it, and she can only rely on me to give her a little translation, and the progress of the translation is now It’s only one-tenth, and it’s still early."

Mi Xiu sighed, "It's so troublesome, I don't know if I can help."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Just forget about helping, but I told my master that Uncle Mi Xiu will never take the first place. If you are now promoted to a master alchemy master, she will think You are deceiving her, and you know what it is like to deceive a woman."

Mi Xiu nodded quickly, "Fortunately you reminded me! A Feng, this Earth Snake Fang, you can take it back first, and when Keiro will be promoted to a master-level enchanting master, you can bring it to me. "

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "No, you take this thing yourself, I won't take it back."

Mi Xiu frowned and said, "You are not afraid that I can't help but use the Tooth of Earth Snake to be promoted to Master Alchemist?"

Xufeng smiled and said: "Why should I be afraid? The person who really needs to be afraid is yourself. You have to ask yourself, now, in your heart, is alchemy more important, or my master Qiluo is more important? important."

Michelle said quickly: "Naturally, Qi Luo is the most important."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Isn't it all right? Since my master is the most important in your heart, even if the tooth of the earth snake is placed in front of your eyes, you will not be moved by it. On the contrary, if you even this point If you can’t bear the temptation, then it means that although you say how you are sorry for my master, how you love my master, and how you will treat my master well in the future—these words are just bullshit."

Mi Xiu was startled, "You are testing me."

Xufeng smiled and said, "No, this is something you need to face. You can see through this matter what you really want in your heart."

Mi Xiu groaned slightly, "If, I mean, if, if I can't stand the test and become a grandmaster in advance, will Qi Luo never pay attention to me again?"

Xufeng sighed, "Not only will my master not care about you, I will also not care about you."

Xiaobai next to him let out a dry howl.

Xufeng nodded and said, "Xiaobai said, he won't pay attention to you either."

Mi Xiu smiled helplessly, "I have been studying alchemy all my life, and now I have a chance to promote me to a higher level immediately. To be honest, it is impossible for me to be unmoved... But after After so many years, I have realized that what I love more is not alchemy, but Qiluo! Xufeng, I have never been so determined, don’t worry, even if I desperately want to become a master-level alchemist, I won’t be ahead of Keira, alchemy is my life, but you also know that I am a person, for the sake of true love, I don’t need life! Yes, Keira is my true love!"

Xufeng smiled and said: "If you have this sentence, then I can rest assured. Uncle Mi Xiu, I will enter the fourth stage at this time tomorrow. Do you have any alchemy tasks that I need to do?"

Mi Xiu thought for a while, "It does exist. Originally, this kind of thing should be used after I become a grand master alchemist, but since you are about to enter the fourth stage, it is always good to prepare in advance. Yes. I need an herb."

"A herb?" Xu Feng asked in surprise: "So simple?"

Mi Xiu laughed and said: "This is not easy. The herb I want is called Asiras herb, also called King's Grass. It is as rare as a king, and only the real king can pick it. ."

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