Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1461

Originally, this trick is bound to succeed.

After all, although Xiaobai was swift and agile, his combat experience was still not very rich. In addition, Xiaobai did not dare to give full play to his strength here, so Captain Case almost stabbed Xiaobai.

Captain Case saw that the credit of his hand was blocked by someone, and suddenly became angry, and shouted: "Which one would dare to die..."

Before he finished scolding, he saw the person in front of him clearly.

Captain Case was shocked immediately, and quickly put away his spear, and said, "Master Xu, Master Xufeng?! Master Xufeng, be careful! That beast is a wolf, very dangerous!"

Xufeng smiled coldly, raised his hand and patted Xiao Bai who was grinning, and Xiao Bai immediately put away his fangs obediently.

Xufeng smiled and said, "This beast you are talking about is my wolf."

Captain Case was startled, and then he bowed and apologized: "I'm sorry, Mr. Xufeng, the subordinates don't know this, this wolf brother is yours, how offensive and offensive you are."

Last time, because of the bun shop, Captain Case almost fell into Xufeng’s hands. Fortunately, Xufeng didn’t care about him. This time, Case almost hurt Xufeng’s wolf— —Oh, patrolling is really too risky.

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "You are not to blame for this. It is because I didn't restrain my wolves, so that others were scared. However, my wolves are very obedient, and he will not hurt people at will. ."

"That is, that is." Captain Case nodded in fear.

Xu Feng said: "Okay, there is nothing else to do. You can patrol elsewhere. I have to go to Zuixianju for a banquet."

Captain Case quickly said: "Yes! Master Xufeng please!"

After speaking, he quickly ran away with his own patrol...

Xiaobai screamed, meaning, what run?Come back and fight again!

Xufeng laughed and patted Xiaobai's head, "It doesn't make sense to fight with them, let's go, I'll take you to eat meat."

Chapter 580 Take It All With Meat

Soon, Xufeng brought Xiaobai to the door of Zui Xianju.

Ji Ming and Sui Long had arrived early, and had booked the private room of No.1 Tianzi, just waiting for Xufeng to open the table.

The waiters at Zui Xianju also knew that Xu Feng was coming, so they sent someone to wait outside the door early.

As soon as he saw Xu Feng's arrival, the waiter immediately greeted him with a spring breeze, "Welcome to you, Xu—ahhhh! What kind of monster is this!"

Rao is the waiter who is well-trained, and he suddenly saw a blood-red white wolf standing behind Xu Feng, who was as tall as a person, and was also frightened.

Xufeng laughed, "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, this is Xiaobai, it doesn't bite."

The waiter nodded in fright, his voice was deformed, "Master Xu, Xufeng, Tianzi, Tianzi Room No. 1... Already, already..."

Xufeng nodded, "You don't need to say it, I understand."

The waiter breathed a sigh of relief, carefully leading the way for Xu Feng.

There were originally a few tables of guests in Zuixianju, and the hall was full of enthusiasm and crowds. As soon as Xu Feng came in with a huge wolf, the whole hall instantly became silent.

A customer was trembling with a piece of meat on his chopsticks, and he didn't dare to move. Finally, he couldn't hold the meat and fell to the ground with a snap.

Xiaobai snarled in a low voice, and leaned forward to sniff the meat.

Xu Feng said faintly: "Xiao Bai, let's go."

Xiao Bai didn't eat meat, but gave the customer a fierce look, then turned and followed Xu Feng's back.

The proprietress Cheng Fang came up with a smile, "Master Xufeng, you are here this time because you don't want me to do business anymore."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Xiao Bai is a spiritual wolf. He can tell right from wrong."

Cheng Fang smiled and said: "Since there are so many Master Xufeng, then I understand. Oh, do you want to find a separate room for this little white brother?"

Xu Feng waved his hand, "He will go to the Tianzi No. 1 box with me."

Cheng Fang smiled and said, "Okay, please."

With that said, Cheng Fang personally led Xufeng to the door of Tianzi No.1 box.

She was very calm and didn't worry that Xiao Bai would bite her.

Such courage really made Xufeng a little admired.

Moreover, Cheng Fang has never shown her identity as the special envoy of the high-level plane's main god, and has not even said a private message to Xu Feng.

"Please, Master Xufeng, I wish you happiness." Cheng Fang bowed with a smile, and then exited the box.

"Oh! Feng brother! You finally came!"

"If you don't come again, our brothers will go to the alchemy laboratory to find Master Mi Xiu's important person!"

Ji Ming and Sui Long said so convincingly, as if they really dared to cut a knife for Xufeng.

Xufeng smiled, "The two brothers are kind to me, but the two brothers, I brought one more friend today, I hope you don't mind."

Ji Ming laughed, "Since you brought Brother Feng, it is naturally our brother! Please come in!"

Sui Long also smiled and said, "Yeah, yeah! We are very welcome!"

Anyway, the fee this time was also given by the special envoy Peris, which is enough for three thousand shadow energy points!Not to mention one more person, even if there are three more people, there will be surplus.

Xufeng smiled and said, "The two brothers are really great, Xiaobai, come on."

Before entering the door, Xu Feng first motioned to Xiaobai to sit at the door, and now that Ji Ming and Sui Long agreed, then Xiaobai could naturally enter.

"Xiao Bai? Ha ha, what a kind name..." Ji Ming complimented.

Sui Long also smiled and said, "It must be a young hero—"

With a whimper, Xiaobai walked proudly into the private room No.1 Tianzi.

Ji Ming and Sui Long screamed in fright.

Although they were the guards, their instinctual fear was immediately exposed when they suddenly saw a wolf that was as tall as a person.

Xufeng pressed his palm, smiled and said, "Don't be afraid of the two brothers, this is Xiaobai, my wolf, Xiaobai, these two are my eldest brothers, please say hello to them."

Xiaobai proudly glanced at Ji Ming and Sui Long with red eye pupils, and let out a casual howl as a greeting.

Ji Ming and Sui Long nodded quickly and responded to Xiao Bai's greeting.

"Come on, sit down." Xu Feng sat down at the table carelessly. "The two brothers haven't ordered food yet?"

Ji Ming said tremblingly: "No, no, you are a guest, waiting for you to order something."

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