Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1462

Xufeng smiled and said, "I still have a grocery store to open tomorrow, so I can’t drink too much tonight, so as not to delay things tomorrow. As for the dishes, let’s just eat a little too. See you, let's chat more."

Ji Ming nodded like garlic, "Good, good! Let's mainly chat! Good chat!"

In this way, there will be a lot of money left for three thousand shadow energy points!Naturally, this money doesn't have to be returned to the special envoy Peris, it will become the benefit of Ji Ming and Sui Long!

Of course Ji Ming and Sui Long are very happy!

The more they save on this meal, the more they make.

Xufeng picked up the menu and ordered four small dishes.

He had already eaten a sumptuous dinner in the Arcane Manor, and he was naturally not hungry at this time.

When Ji Ming and Sui Long looked at them, they were happy.

Although Zui Xianju's dishes are generally expensive, the four small dishes ordered by Xu Feng add up to only five hundred shadow points.

Ji Ming said quickly: "Feng brother, you can order more!"

Xu Feng waved his hand, "No, no, these are enough. Our brothers mainly chat."

"Oh, take a look. It's rare that we can treat you to a meal, but you always pick these cheaper ones. You are so polite." Ji Ming said with a smile, "Yes, there can be less food, but I can't live without wine."

"Yes, we must have the best wine in a jar!" Sui Long said.

Xufeng smiled and said, "Well, let's just drink one bottle today."

"Good!" Ji Ming and Sui Long agreed.

Xufeng immediately called the waiter in and confessed to the waiter.

When the waiter was about to leave, Xiaobai who was lying at Xufeng's feet let out a howl of dissatisfaction.

Xufeng smiled and said: "Oh, look, I patronized a few of us, but forgot there is another one."

Ji Ming immediately said jokingly: "Brother Xiaobai wants to eat, order it yourself."

He said in his heart, what can a wolf eat?Wouldn't it be enough to just rub some meat and bones?

Xufeng put the menu in front of Xiaobai with a serious face, "My elder brother has spoken, let you order yourself, which one do you want to eat?"

Xiaobai pulled the menu aside with a paw, and whimpered at Xufeng a few times.

Ji Ming smiled and said, "It seems that Brother Xiaobai can't order food."

Xu Feng smiled and said: "No, he just said, what menu to look at, all dishes with meat are served."

Ji Ming and Sui Long immediately petrified!!

Zui Xianju’s select menu has a total of 88 dishes, of which 56 are meat dishes. If all were served, it would be really terrifying!

Xiaobai wailed again, and Xu Feng nodded seriously, and said to the dazed waiter: "He urges you to hurry up."

Chapter 581: Sorry, I Didn't Ask You

The waiter hurried away holding the menu. After a while, the whole pig, beef and mutton was delivered to Xiaobai.

Xiao Bai was not polite, and uttered a grunt before eating.

If it is an ordinary cat or dog, I am afraid that even a lamb cannot be eaten, but Xiaobai is a monster of pure blood, and these meats are just appetizers for him.

Ji Ming and Sui Long on the side turned pale when they saw such a scene, and they were sweating.

They thought they would be able to pick up a big deal this time, but they didn't expect... 3000 Shadow Energy Points would be insufficient.

Maybe, the two of them still have to get three thousand shadow energy points!

"Two elder brothers, don't be stunned, let's eat too." Xufeng said, pointing to the plate of exquisite canola.

"Hey, eat."

Ji Ming and Sui Long groaned in their hearts, but they still wanted to show happiness on their faces.

Xufeng asked them while pouring wine, "Recently, the envoy sister seems unhappy."

Jiana blinked, "No? I mean, she is the same as usual, nothing special."

"Oh? Really?" Xu Feng sighed, "Why, I can't get out of her heart."

Sui Long quickly persuaded: "Your Excellency Special Envoy is a Special Envoy after all. It is certainly not easy to get her sincerity. However, Brother Feng, we are very optimistic about you. If you can take the Special Envoy, hehe, our brother will It's really soaring."

The three laughed at each other, toasting and drinking together.

Ji Ming and Sui Long originally planned to spy on Xufeng’s information. For example, what is his plan for the next stage, he has no contact with several other guilds, what is the relationship with the Xuedi team members, how strong he is now, and what is his How many treasures and so on.

These are all things that special envoy Peris wants to know.

However, without waiting for Ji Ming and Sui Long to speak, Xu Feng uttered bitterness at them, saying how and how he liked the special envoy Peris, and then how and how to work hard for Peris, and in the end, how and how Peris was left out. He waited.

It made me feel like I was broken in love.

The whole jar of fine wine almost drank Xu Feng, and Ji Ming and Sui Long were only a part of it.

After Ji Ming and Sui Long finally persuaded Xu Feng not to be too sad, Xu Feng fell drunk and passed out.

Ji Ming and Sui Long, look at me, and I look at you, for a moment not knowing what to do.

They were ordered to spy on the fictitiousness and reality, and now they have not spied on the fictitiousness and reality. What is even more damning is that they have not even eaten enough to eat, nor have they enjoyed drinking!

Sui Long shook Xufeng vigorously, "Fengdi, Fengdi, first wake up——"

Xufeng snored heavily.

When Sui Long wanted to work harder, Xiao Bai, who was chewing on his bones, raised his head and grinned at Sui Long.

Sui Long was so scared that he hurriedly retracted his hand.

Ji Ming sighed helplessly, "No way, let's check out and leave."

"Okay." Sui Long quickly cleared his throat and shouted loudly: "Come on, check out!"

The waiter who was waiting at the door immediately walked in and said respectfully: "Hello, you spent a total of 7875 points this time."

Ji Ming's eyes widened in horror, "What! How come there are so many! We obviously only ate four dishes and drank a jar of wine!"

Sui Long also said annoyedly: "Yes! Don't try to corrupt people!"

The waiter smiled plainly: "Two distinguished guests, you also ordered the whole meat dish."

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