Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1467

Xu Feng took a sip, and the effect was even better.

Xu Feng asked in surprise, "You Xiaoxi, what new tea is this?"

You Xiaoxi smiled and said, "Brother Feng, do you like to drink? What do you think?"

Xufeng nodded and exclaimed, "Okay, great! Compared to the Xingyue tea before, it is more than twice as good!"

You Xiaoxi smiled. Just about to explain, Su Xiaoyue next to her proudly said: "This is the second generation Xingyue tea developed by You Xiaoxi! The effect is three times that of the first generation."

"No wonder it feels so delicious!" Xu Feng smiled joyfully.

He is about to enter the fourth stage of the plot, and the difficulty of the fourth stage is one step higher than that of the third stage. The ordinary Xingyue tea in the past may be difficult to satisfy, and the second generation newly developed by You Xiaoxi Xingyue Tea is just right.

After receiving Xufeng’s compliment, You Xiaoxi's face turned red, "Actually, I am not particularly satisfied with this second-generation Xingyue tea, because the second-generation Xingyue tea consumes more than twice the materials of the first generation. If the price is set at such a cost, the second generation may be several times more expensive than the first generation, and ordinary customers simply cannot afford it."

Xufeng smiled and said, "It doesn't matter that ordinary customers can't afford it. This was not originally made for them. If you sell it, it will only sell the first generation. The second generation is exclusively for our Xuedi team."

You Xiaoxi smiled and said: "Of course this is good. Since Feng Ge needs it, then I can let go of the hands and feet to mass produce the second generation."

Xufeng nodded and said, "Well, how much money is needed, just take it from the book of Xiaoyue Flower Shop tonight."

"Yes, Brother Feng, I won't be polite." You Xiaoxi smiled happily.

Su Xiaoyue said: "Xiaoxi, Feng Ge said just now that when he comes back next time, he can take us to Jurassic World!"

"Really?" You Xiaoxi was very excited at first, but soon calmed down: "Wait, if we both leave, what about Xiaoyue Flower Shop and Fengge's new grocery store? What should I do?"

Su Xiaoyue was startled, "Yes, I didn't expect this...or else, let's suspend the work of Xiaoyue flower shop and grocery store first?"

"No," You Xiaoxi shook his head, "We finally opened the situation, how can we stop and stop? Well, anyway, I don't have any other skills. I will stay here at Xiaoyue Flower Shop to help. Shop, Brother Xiaoyue, go with Brother Feng."

Su Xiaoyue said quickly: "How is this good? Or...I will stay too."

He likes You Xiaoxi in his heart, so he wants to be with You Xiaoxi everywhere, if there is no You Xiaoxi around him, he will feel that everything is dull.

Chapter 586

Xufeng was drinking tea while listening to the discussion between the two.

When Su Xiaoyue said to stay, Xu Feng smiled faintly, "Xiaoyue, you can't live without the creek like this."

"No!" Su Xiaoyue panicked, and quickly denied: "I am not! I don't! I'm just... I'm afraid that Xiaoxi will be too busy for her alone."

You Xiaoxi lowered her head shyly.

In this case, it is not good for her to admit, and it is not good not to admit, so she simply pretended to be deaf.

Xufeng laughed at the embarrassment of the two. "It doesn't matter, you two will go with me."

Su Xiaoyue said in surprise: "Brother Feng, what about Xiaoyue Flower Shop and the newly opened grocery store?"

Xufeng smiled and said, "What? Do you think I'm just your two friends?"

Su Xiaoyue scratched her head and smiled dryly: "I can't trust others."

Although Xiaoyue Flower Shop is Xufeng’s property, Su Xiaoyue treats Xiaoyue Flower Shop as his own child, so he will not easily hand over his child to someone who doesn’t trust.

Xu Feng smiled and said: "Don't worry, I can ask people from the Xuedi team to help. Uncle Lin Hai, Hammer, Xuedi, they all can."

When Su Xiaoyue heard this, she blinked in surprise: "Why, they won't go with us?"

Xufeng smiled and said, "If we can get through stage 4, I want them to take a break for a while, and I will take the opportunity to take you to Jurassic World for a walk."

Su Xiaoyue hurriedly nodded: "This arrangement is quite reasonable. If Xiao Huadian is handed over to Captain Xuedi, I will put 10,000 hearts...Of course, don't hand it over to Duke Yang."

Xufeng smiled and said: "Don't worry, I am more cautious than you at this point."

Su Xiaoyue smiled embarrassedly, and glanced at the blushing secluded stream from time to time.

In this way, both of them can enter the story world with Xufeng. This is the first time they have entered the same story world.

"Okay, that's it." Xufeng drank the Xingyue tea in the cup, then stood up and said: "You guys get ready, at most three or five days, we can finally return from the fourth stage of the plot. At that time, we will go to Jurassic World for a walk."

"Yes!" Su Xiaoyue said excitedly: "We are now starting to prepare."

Xufeng nodded: "By the way, my grocery store is about to open soon, Xiaoyue, you can manage it for me temporarily."

"Okay, no problem." Su Xiaoyue said excitedly and proudly.

It is his pride to be reused by big people like Xufeng.

"It's getting late, let's go." Xu Feng walked out of the Xiaoyue Flower Shop, and Su Xiaoyue immediately followed.

After turning two street corners, they came to the street where the grocery store was.

At this time, the whole street was blocked and there were survivors everywhere.

"Why are there so many people?" Xu Feng asked quite puzzled.

The survivor in front of him sneered without turning his head: "The one who said this must be a newcomer? Don't you know that today is the day when Mr. Xufeng's grocery store opened? We are all here in line! If you want to go there, go around from other streets!"

Xu Feng smiled and said, "It's just a grocery store opening, what's the big deal."

"Huh!" The man sneered without turning his head back: "It seems that you are really a newcomer. You don't understand how powerful Mr. Xufeng is. The grocery store he runs is definitely not an ordinary grocery store. , Even if the things sold in it are rubbish in his opinion, they are also precious to us! If you can pick up a leak, it will be a big deal! And, one more thing, Master Xufeng is a master of Master Qiluo, now Master Qiluo basically no longer enchants, if we want to enchant, then we can only rely on Master Xufeng."

Su Xiaoyue cleared her throat, "Since you admire Master Xufeng so much, don't you give us way!"

The survivor finally turned his head in annoyance, "Why should I give you...ah!"

He saw Xu Feng's faint smile, and his whole person was stunned in place as if struck by lightning. He stammered: "Xu, Xu Feng, Xu Feng!?"

Xu Feng said faintly: "Yes, I am Xu Feng, the owner of the grocery store, like a fake replacement."

The man shivered, and quickly bowed respectfully to Xufeng, "I'm sorry! Master Xufeng! The villain didn't know that Master Xufeng was behind him. Just now he talked a lot of nonsense. I ask Master Xufeng to forgive me. !"

Xufeng waved his hand, "You didn’t talk any gibberish, I won’t blame you, please, let them make way for me. After all, I am the owner of a grocery store. If I don’t get past, I will Don't even think about opening."

The man gave a silly smile, and quickly turned around and shouted: "You guys, get out of the way! Did you hear that! Master Xufeng is here, and make way for Master Xufeng!"

Before, he was still cautious and conscientious, but now with the tiger skin of Xufeng, he is also full of momentum.

After hearing his call, the people around made way for them.

And this survivor who was in charge of shouting also benefited from this, and the fox in front led Xu Feng to the grocery store.

The surrounding survivors bowed and saluted Xufeng, who looked proud and walked towards his grocery store without paying attention.

The grocery store has been refurbished. The style of the past bun shop has been completely changed to the grocery store style. It is very clean and tidy, with a low-key expression of luxury.

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