Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1468

At the door of the grocery store, the two flower baskets used to celebrate, one was sent by Qi Luo, and the other was more backed, sent by the special envoy Peris.

Although the quantity is small, the weight is extremely heavy.

Originally, the four guild leaders of the Dark Alliance wanted to celebrate, but Xu Feng did not agree.

After all, he didn't want to expose the relationship between the dark alliances just because of a small grocery store.

Not only did he not let the four big guilds of the Dark Alliance send flower baskets and gifts, but also did not let them send people to celebrate, so as not to be caught by Peris's eyeliner in the crowd.

After walking into the grocery store, Xu Feng smiled faintly: "Thank you for your support. I hope you will support my grocery store in the future. Then the significance of this grocery store, to put it bluntly, is to allow me to earn some extra money, of course Well, I won’t cheat everyone. The things I sell in the grocery store are all good things in the plot of the Lord of the Rings, and everyone can accept the price."

"In addition, because today is a new opening, every friend who comes to buy my goods can get me a free enchantment, the number is limited, I hope everyone hurry up."

With that said, Xu Feng took out all the merchandise available for sale in the plot of the Lord of the Rings from his inventory of the spirit table, and placed them in the exquisite counter.

Only half orcs’ weapons and equipment, as well as some elves’ bows and arrows, dwarven warhammers, etc., are filled with more than half of the shop.

Chapter 587 Senior Enchanter

Xu Feng put them on the table and introduced: "Although these equipment are not particularly good things, their item level is around 50, and they all have such a little bit of extraordinary special effects, which can barely be regarded as extraordinary items. That’s why I can bring them back to the world of our survivors, the price is not high, each...1000 shadow power points."

As soon as these words came out, the survivors underneath suddenly exploded.

"Isn't it?"

"Only 1,000 shadow power points?!"

"It's just like Bai Ge!"

Generally speaking, level 50 equipment is absolutely rare in the trading city, because few people can go to the level 50 plot plane, even if they can, they will not easily sell the equipment to others. .

Xufeng had such a taboo at the beginning, but with the establishment of the dark alliance, such worries gradually diminished.

After all, the most important thing that Xufeng deals with is the guards of the special envoy Peris, and the guards are equipped with uniform equipment, so these 50-level parts will fall into the hands of the civilians who are survivors. It is a very good choice.

One of the survivors raised his hand and asked with a trembling voice, "Master Xufeng, is what you said is true? Really only need 1,000 shadow energy points?"

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "Do you think I am like someone who has time to joke with you?"

The people present did not feel insulted, but all felt very happy.

1000 shadow energy points!

If you change it to an auction house, level 50 equipment, even if the attributes are not good, the starting price should be at least 2000 shadow power points!

It would be even more miserable if you encounter the shilling again, at least 5,000 points away!

What's more, as long as you buy one, Xufeng can also enchant it for free!

This is so profitable!

Sure enough, it is a very wise choice to line up here early in the morning!

"Master Xufeng! Give me one!"

"I also want Master Xufeng!"

"First come first served, first come first served, don't be crowded at the back!" Su Xiaoyue frowned and shouted: "If anyone dares to mess up the order, they will be blacklisted by our grocery store and will not be allowed to buy from our grocery store in the future. s things!"

All the survivors present were quiet, and no one dared to push or make noise.

"Which one do you want?" Su Xiaoyue asked the first survivor.

"I want a half-orc helmet, the one with 20 strength and 20 mental resistance, and the bloodthirsty effect."

In terms of attributes alone, the 20 mental resistance of this piece of equipment is completely rubbish, but the bloodthirsty effect attached to it can ignore damage in a short period of time and play crazy attack speed.

More importantly, the basic armor value of high-level equipment is much higher than that of low-level equipment!

Therefore, spending 1000 shadow energy points to buy this piece of equipment is definitely a very good value.

"Pay the money!" Su Xiaoyue said unceremoniously.

"Okay, okay!" The man quickly transferred 1,000 Shadow Energy Points to Su Xiaoyue's account. After Su Xiaoyue briefly checked it, he threw the Orc's helmet directly to that person.

The man was holding the huge horn-shaped helmet excitedly, and he was very happy.

Someone next to him asked, "Pharaoh, I remember you are only level 35, you are rushing to buy level 50 equipment, I am afraid it is a bit early."

The survivor, known as the Pharaoh, said disdainfully: "I didn’t upgrade before because I didn’t have particularly good equipment. Now that I have particularly good equipment, I can naturally upgrade to level 40 and upgrade to level 40. I can wear the Orc helmet too! My strength will be improved a lot in our guild. This time the team leader competition, I have the chance to win!"

The people around raised their thumbs to Pharaoh.

Lao Wang smiled triumphantly, and walked up to Xufeng respectfully, "Master Xufeng, thank you for selling me such good equipment for such a cheap price. Please help me enchant it."

Xu Feng said lightly: "What do you want to enchant?"

Lao Wang quickly said: "This is the helmet, please enchant me with a 50 power."

Xufeng asked, "Do you have the materials yourself?"

Lao Wang nodded eagerly and said, "I'm ready for it."

With that said, Lao Wang took out more than a dozen pieces of equipment with power attributes. Most of these power attributes are around 20 or 30. It is impossible to get 50 power by decomposing any of them. However, if you If the attributes of these a dozen pieces are added up, it is still possible to condense 50 strength.

Of course, this requires advanced enchanters to do it.

Xufeng took a general look at these discarded equipment and put half of them in the grocery store, leaving only the other half as decomposing materials.

Old Wang was quite surprised and said, "Master Xufeng, half of it is not enough, in case you fail..."

If it fails, all this part of the material will be wasted.

Knowing what he was worried about, Xufeng smiled faintly: "If I fail, I will pay you."

Lao Wang quickly laughed and said, "No, no, no, I didn't mean that! Master Xufeng will definitely succeed."

Xufeng didn't care about his compliments either, but concentrated on breaking down the equipment in front of him into stardust, and fusing these stars together, and then enchanting the fused ball of light onto the half-orc helmet.

The blue light of the Orc helmet bloomed, and then it was calm.

Everyone saw it, and sure enough, there was an extra 50 power bonus on the Orc helmet!

Lao Wang cheered in surprise: "Master Xufeng! You are so amazing! What a master teacher! I didn't expect you to become an advanced enchanter so soon! Thank you! Thank you so much!"

Xu Feng waved his hand, "Okay, next one, don't waste everyone's time."

Immediately afterwards, people in the back lined up to buy them. In a short while, more than 20 pieces of Orc equipment and Elf equipment were sold!

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