Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1469

In such a short time, Xufeng had a net income of more than 20,000 shadow power points.

Of course, these points do not belong to Xu Feng, but to the entire Xuedi team.

After busy working all morning, most of the garbage equipment was almost sold. Seeing that the enthusiasm of the survivors gradually cooled down, Xu Feng cleared his throat and stood up and said loudly, "Except for the equipment of half-orcs and elves. Besides, there are some products I don’t know if you are interested."

With that said, Xu Feng took out a piece of white meat the size of a palm from his inventory.

Everyone underneath, look at me and let me see, I don’t know what Xufeng means.

It stands to reason that they have all eaten meat and have seen meat. Although the meat outside of the survivalist is much more expensive than the meat in the story world, everyone can basically go to the world to eat meat, so rarely Some people buy high-priced meat on the plane of Survivor.

Xu Feng said lightly: "This is the flesh of a piece of ground snake. The ground snake is an ancient thing in the Lord of the Rings. Its meat is very tender and juicy. If you know how to cook, you can make this piece of meat have good special effects. Come, does anyone want to buy?"

Chapter 588

Everyone, look at me and I look at you, but no one responded for a long time.

Another survivor with cooking skills raised his hand and asked, "Master Xufeng, I'm really interested in trying it, but if there is only one piece of meat, it seems a bit not enough."

Xu Feng smiled faintly, "I just took out a piece of meat like this, I can provide you at least 100 yuan!"

The man was taken aback, "Master Xufeng, how much is this piece of meat? If you buy 100 yuan, can there be a discount?"

Xu Feng shook his head coldly, "You don't know what is such a good thing? Instead, you give me a discount? A piece of meat is 100, not only sold, 100 pieces of meat, 10,000 points!"

This is actually very cheap.

However, among the survivors present, there are few who can come up with 10,000 points at once.

When everyone was whispering and whispering, a voice outside the crowd said loudly: "10,000 points are very cheap! We want it!"

Everyone looked back in surprise, only to see a person wearing the costume of a drunk fairy house waiter separated the crowd and walked forward.

The man walked up to Xufeng and respectfully bowed to Xufeng, "Master Xufeng, please sell all of your ground snake meat to us, we can even add more price, as you say! "

The survivor next to him whispered: "It really is Drunk Xianju, it's not bad for money!"

"Yes, you can get 10,000 points as soon as you make a shot, and you can even add it!"

"I think, the first thing I want to do is to please Master Xufeng..."

"I think so too……"

"Huh." The waiter of Zui Xianju turned his head coldly and said: "You idiots, don't know the beauty of the meat of the earth snake. This meat is not only tender and juicy, but also delicious, and more importantly, As long as it is properly blended, Earth Snake Meatballs can be made. One Earth Snake Meatball can add 50 strength attributes and 50 endurance attributes within 10 minutes!"

Everyone present exclaimed.

This kind of cooking effect can definitely play a very powerful role, even in the face of enemies stronger than yourself, you can solve it with ease!

Someone asked weakly: "Earth snake meatball...how many points are there probably?"

The waiter at Zui Xianju proudly said: "One of 600 points!"


"So expensive!"

"You are profiteers, you can sell 600 for a cost of 100!"

"Master Xufeng, absolutely can't sell it to them!"

Everyone said indignantly.

Xu Feng smiled coldly, "If you don't sell it to him, who of you has the ability to make ground snake meatballs with 50 strength and 50 endurance?"

In a word, everyone was speechless.

Xufeng turned his head and said to the waiter in Zui Xianju: "I don't need to increase the price. After you make the meatballs, you can sell 600 if you want to sell 600, or 6000 if you want to sell 6000. That's not my business, but I do. Conditional."

The waiter at Zui Xianju quickly said, "Master Xu Feng, please tell me."

Xufeng immediately said: "In addition to the meat of the earth snake that I sold to you, I still have two to three hundred pieces. I can give you one piece of this meat, but I don’t sell these extra meat. I need you. Can I process them into local snake meatballs for free?"

The waiter of Zui Xianju smiled and said: "It is an honor for us to serve Master Xufeng. Please rest assured, Master Xufeng. We will make the batch of Master Xufeng first."

Xufeng said: "I will enter the fourth stage of the plot this afternoon, can you make it out?"

"This..." the messenger of Zui Xianju said embarrassingly: "I'm afraid I can't make two or three hundred. You can make thirty or fifty at most."

Xufeng nodded and said, "Thirty to fifty are enough. You can do it as soon as possible."

The waiter at Zui Xianju hurriedly bowed and said, "It's Master Xufeng, the villain will do it now."

Xufeng immediately took out the remaining ground snake meat, and gave them all to the waiter of Zui Xianju.

After the handover was completed, Xu Feng got up and said, "Well, Su Xiaoyue will sell the rest of the goods for me, and the free enchantment will end here. Thank you for your support."

"Master Xufeng, help me pay again!"

"Master Xufeng! I can give money!"

"Master Xufeng! Master Xufeng..."

In the voice of everyone's desire, Xu Feng left without mercy.

Everyone was immediately disappointed, but they didn't blame Xufeng. After all, it was impossible for a big man like Xufeng to waste all his time on enchanting them for free.

They only blamed themselves for being too late this morning. They knew that they should have queued here last night.

Fortunately, even though Xufeng is gone, the high-level products are still sold at low prices, so the store's popularity is still very strong.

After Xu Feng left the grocery store, he went to Qiluo's Arcane Manor.

At this time, Qiluo was looking at part of the manuscript translated by Xufeng in the garden. Seeing Xufeng's arrival, she put down the manuscript with a smile, and said to Xufeng: "Afeng, you are really amazing. , So all the survivors in front of the master were taken away."

Xufeng smiled: "It's obviously sister Qiluo that you didn't enchant them. They couldn't find any way to find me, but that's okay. I won't enchant them anymore. I believe they will come over and continue after a while. Squatting guarding the gate of the Arcane Manor."

"Don't," Qi Luo said with a smile: "I finally managed to be quiet, but I don't want the messy people to come back and add to the chaos. By the way, it's time for lunch, what you want to eat, I will prepare it for you."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Sister Qi Luo, do you have any problems with the book of Dragon Skin I translated?"

Qi Luo said with a smile: "Very good. Although I only watched the tithe, the tithe alone is very helpful to me."

Xufeng smiled and said: "That's good. I was worried that my translation was not accurate. Now it seems that I can speed up a bit. Sister Qiluo, take a break. I'll go to the study to help you translate some."

Keiro quickly said, "There is no need to worry like this, right?"

Xufeng shook his head: "I have to hurry up. After dinner in the afternoon, I'm going to the teleportation circle. I take advantage of this time and I have to translate some more. Let you be the first in the trading city earlier. Grand Master."

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