Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1472

Uncle Lin Hai's eyes straightened immediately, "Here! What kind of gem is this?"

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "This is a spiritual vision gem of a higher level than the plane gem."

"This is the Lingshi Gem?" Uncle Lin Hai took a breath, and he stretched out his hand to touch it, but he drew back nervously.

After all, plane gems are already very rare gems, and their value is very expensive, so the value of spiritual vision gems must be even more expensive.

Xuedi and others also leaned over to watch the gems in Xufeng's hand.

Xuedi nodded and said, "That's right, this is indeed a gem of spiritual vision, Xufeng, where did you get it?"

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "From the envoy."

The hammer curled his lips: "It turned out to be that old woman's thing."

Xu Feng smiled and said: "Although Peris is our enemy, this gem is innocent. The blue spiritual vision gem is spirit and magic, and is more suitable for Uncle Lin Hai... So, Uncle Lin Hai, this gem is yours Do you want it?"

Uncle Lin Hai rubbed his palms uncomfortably: "Of course I want to, but...I'm afraid I can't get too many points."

Yang Gong asked again, "Uncle Lin Hai, you just got a bonus of 10,000 points and a reward of 3,000 points. Isn't that enough?"

Uncle Lin Hai blushed and said: "I want to upgrade my personal level to level 45, and it will cost about 10,000 points... Then I will come, I only have 3,000 points left, 3,000 points are definitely not enough. Right?"

Xufeng smiled and said: "Enough, I will sell you 2000 points."

Uncle Lin Hai asked in astonishment: "Xu Feng, what are you kidding me! A gem of a plane is sold at an auction house with a reserve price of 2000 points! The transaction price may be 3000 points to 5000 points! And Lingshi The effect and value of the gems are at least three times that of the plane gems! In other words, the base price of the spiritual vision gems should be above 5000 points!"

Xufeng smiled and said, "That's the price to sell to outsiders. I sell it to you. Naturally, it can't be so high...a price, 2000 points to win, do you want?"

Uncle Lin Hai said excitedly: "Yes, yes, of course!"

Don't be a fool!

This is a big deal for nothing!

A gem of the spiritual vision level can increase Uncle Lin's real combat power by at least three levels!

Xufeng threw the Lingsight gem directly to Uncle Lin Hai, who hurriedly connected it carefully, and then repeatedly said to Xufeng, "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you so much!"

Xu Feng waved his hand generously: "Nothing, you are welcome, we are all our own."

Gong Yang came over again, "Fengge Feng, is there any gem for me? I don't pick any gems!"

Xufeng smiled and said, "Do you want to slap me?"

Gong Yang immediately sneered and said, "Hey, don't do this."

Everyone prepared for a while, and Emperor Xue said indifferently, "Time is almost up, do you have any questions?"

The players all shook their heads.

Xuedi immediately said: "Well, since everyone has no problems, we will now open the teleportation gate of the fourth stage of the Lord of the Rings plot, and everyone will stand in their respective positions."


The 5 members of the Xuedi team immediately stood in their respective positions, and then gathered their ideas.

In a short while, the faint blue magical teleportation door appeared in front of them.

On the other side of the gate is Middle-earth in the plot of the Lord of the Rings.

Xuedi said: "The fourth stage of the Lord of the Rings is 70 years later. Our reputation in Middle-earth has probably faded. Except for those old friends, many people don’t know us, so we must do a good job. Prepare to start all over again, Xu Feng, you should go in first."

"Okay," Xu Feng said, "After entering, we will gather first, and then go to Bilbo."

"Okay." Xuedi and the others nodded.

Xufeng took a deep breath, and then stepped into the portal like a mirage.

Immediately afterwards, Duke Yang, Lin Hai, Iron Hammer, and finally Snow Emperor, entered the portal in turn.

Xufeng has an arcane crystal body, so when he entered the portal, he did not feel a strong sense of dizziness.

At this time, a floating gilded character appeared before his eyes.

System task: defeat the Angmar Witch King.

Task reward: 10,000 shadow energy points.

Failure penalty: lower (-8) level.

Whether to accept?

...... Damn, this is a bit too cruel!

This time the system mission turned out to be to defeat the Angmar Witch King. In the third stage, Xu Feng fought the Angmar Witch King. At that time, the Angmar Witch King had just recovered not long afterwards. With the help of Queen Galadriel, Xufeng defeated the Angmar Witch King without much effort. However, in the fourth stage, Xufeng faced a bloody resurrected Angmar Witch King, and , There are eight other ring spirit kings beside the Angmar Witch King!

On Xufeng’s side, without the help of Queen Galadriel, he can only fight with the Angmar Witch King independently. In addition, the difficulty of the fourth stage is much higher than that of the third stage. I am afraid that the level of the Angmar Witch King is To reach the level of 65.

This is equivalent to Smaug's strength in the third stage!

When dealing with Smaug at the beginning, Xufeng relied on the archer Bud to successfully kill Smaug, which shows how strong the Angmar Witch King will be.

Reason told Xufeng that he should not accept this task.

However, if he doesn't accept this system task, he will give the system 10,000 shadow energy points!

After Xufeng upgraded to level 50, his total shadow power points were 39,325 points. He just got the last reward and the proceeds from selling blue spiritual vision gems. His total shadow power points are now 44325 points.

It stands to reason that for such points, it is not a big deal to hand over 10,000 points to the main god Xueying, but...


Even if Xueying is her future eldest brother, can't he be so cheap?

"Accept it?" Lingshi system urged again.

Seeing that the passage through the portal is about to end, if he doesn't make a decision, the Lingvision system will judge him to give up automatically.


Xufeng's heart is horizontal, and his mind is concentrated on the word.

Suddenly, a golden light flashed before his eyes. When he opened his eyes again, he was already in a desolate pile of rocks.

Chapter 592 I'm Going To Kill Someone

"Damn, where is this?" Xu Feng stood up straight and looked around, only to see the surrounding rocks were all around, and no people could be seen.

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