Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1473

Although he has gone through the three stages of Middle-earth, he has never been to a similar place.

He recognized the direction a bit, looked for the direction with a slight sound of water, and walked.

After walking for a while, he saw a long river, and he continued to walk in the direction of the river. After a while, he saw a town with stone walls.

This town reminded him of the valley town that was damaged in the third stage, but it was obviously not a valley town.

In the current era, it is the third stage 70 years later. With the help of Gushan Wealth, Hegu Town has already become a rich kingdom, and here is not rich at all, but rather desolate.

Xufeng decided not to enter the town for the time being, but waited for the signal from Emperor Xuedi and the others.

After all, meeting Xuedi and the others is the most important thing.

While Xufeng was waiting outside the town, suddenly the steel gate of the town opened, and a group of heavily armed armored knights rushed out from inside.

Their horses raised up the dust and soon surrounded Xufeng.

Xu Feng frowned slightly. He didn't want to cause trouble, but as soon as it entered stage 4, things came to provoke him first.

However, he did not blindly shoot, but coldly watched the changes in the situation.

A knight in the lead said in a ferocious voice: "Who are you! Tell me your name and purpose!"

Xu Feng smiled faintly, "I'm just passing by."

"Passing by?" The leading knight smiled coldly: "Do you think this trick can fool me? The road between Anduin City and Carlyle City is all blocked, how could anyone pass by here! You! It must be a spy sent by Carlyle City!"

Xufeng scratched his head: "Anduin City? Carlyle City? Why haven't I heard of it? Where and where is this? Hey, what age is it now? Is Arsson still alive?"

The leading knight furiously said: "What are you talking about? Isn't Arsson the former king of the Arno dynasty? He has been dead for almost 30 years!"

Xu Feng gave a quick mental calculation, "Oh, then, the time is right... The fourth stage is after the 70s..."

The knight leader said loudly: "Spirit, what are you whispering? I knew that you were a spy sent by the Kingdom of Arno!"

Xufeng waved his hand, "I am not a spy, but I am afraid that if I tell my true identity, I will scare you to death."

The knight leader said coldly: "Don't come with me and tell me who you are! What is the purpose of coming here!"

Xu Feng said helplessly: "Well, I don't have to hide my identity anymore. Actually I am...Diedi the Dragon Slayer."

The knights present were all stunned. Several knights were whispering to each other.

Obviously, they didn't seem to have heard of the name of the dragon slayer.

The knight leader said coldly: "Middle-earth has no dragons anymore, where is the dragon slayer? Don't talk nonsense here, we won't be fooled by you! Come! Take him down. Bring it back to the Lord City Lord for interrogation!"

"Yes!" Two knights rolled over and got off their horses, and they were about to tie Xufeng with ropes.

As soon as Xufeng was about to do it, he saw a spiritual vision fireworks ignited in the town ahead.

This shows that the members of Xuedi Team are in that city.

In this case, Xu Feng no longer resisted, anyway, they are all entering the city, so the process is easier.

His hands were tied together with twine, and counted on the saddle of one of the knights.

Xu Feng smiled and said: "I am a prisoner, you have to treat the prisoners preferentially."

The knight leader sneered and said, "Anyone who is related to the Kingdom of Yarnuo deserves to be treated kindly!"

After speaking, the knight leader turned around and said loudly: "Back to the city!"

"Yes!" The knights immediately shook their reins, at least rushing towards the city gate quickly.

Their horses are all good at sprinting war horses, so they are very fast. After being dragged behind the war horse, most people can't keep up with the speed of the war horse. They can easily be dragged to the ground and then dragged all the way to the gate.

This is undoubtedly a kind of torture. The purpose of the knight leader is also very simple, that is, to kill Xufeng's power first, so that Xufeng knows that he is afraid to ask for mercy, so that when the city lord is interrogating Xufeng, Xufeng will not Dare to speak.

However, he overestimated himself too much, and even underestimated Xufeng.

Xu Feng's footsteps were light, and he actually maintained the same speed as the war horse.

Moreover, when the war horse rushed to the city gate panting, Xu Feng didn't change his face and didn't grow up.

The steel gate opened again to welcome the knights to enter.

The guards guarding the city looked at Xufeng in astonishment. They couldn't imagine that a human like them could run faster than a horse.

The knight leader looked back and was shocked.

However, before he could speak, a soldier hurried over, "Master Mino, we caught two spies in the city!"

Xu Feng frowned slightly: "Are you only two?"

The knight leader Mino said annoyedly: "It seems that there should be more than two spies! Order to go down! Search the city, and you can't let any suspicious person go!"

"Yes!" The soldier hurried away.

Minor said loudly to Xufeng: "Those two spies must be with you, right?"

Xufeng smiled and said, "If you don't let me see them first, how do I know if they are with me?"

Captain Mino laughed coldly: "Okay, then I'll let you recognize each other! Bring the two spies here!"

After a while, a group of soldiers escorted Hammer and Duke Yang over again.

Both of them have some scars on their bodies, and of course the soldiers are not much better.

Obviously, the soldiers captured by his man fought a battle. According to the real strength of Hammer and Duke Yang, it is impossible for this group of soldiers to capture them, but they have just teleported to the fourth stage of the plot. In the world, the dizziness attached to his body has not disappeared, so he was caught by a team of soldiers.

As soon as Iron Hammer saw Xu Feng, he immediately said in surprise: "Haha, I knew that you will come to us!"

Gong Yang again said with a pessimistic expression: "Sister Hammer, you can see clearly, he is also tied up! It's over, we're done this time!"

The hammer turned white and looked at it again, "You're fucking big-headed ghost, you're going to be fucked, you go play it yourself, and when I recover, I will make it all down!"

Cavaliers Captain Minor said coldly: "It seems that the three of you are really in the same group. Then this is easy to handle. Let me explain what kind of accomplices you have and what is the purpose of coming here. I will give you one minute. Time, if you don’t explain it within a minute, then I will start killing."

Chapter 593 I'm Just Passing By

Xu Feng smiled faintly, "I am quite afraid of death, but the guy named Yang Gongzai is not afraid of death at all."

Duke Yang suddenly shook his head, "Brother Feng, you..."

Captain Mino grabbed Yang Gongzai by the collar, "Boy, I heard you are not afraid of death?"

Gong Yang hurriedly said: "Don't listen to that guy's nonsense, how could I not be afraid of death, I am so afraid!"

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