Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1475

At the same moment, the silver fist warhammer in the right hand of the hammer suddenly dropped out. The silver fist warhammer, with the power of the hammer, hit Captain Minor's chest heavily!

Captain Mino had no idea that the opponent would use such a trick. It was too late when he wanted to dodge. The armor on his chest was heavily dented and his ribs were abruptly broken!A mouthful of blood came out from the throat!

He retreated to the ground embarrassedly, but soon he supported his body, like an angry beast, and threw on the hammer!

He cannot accept such a failure!

Especially you can't lose in the hands of a woman in front of your own men!

The female city lord shouted loudly: "Captain Mino! Enough! Don't fight anymore!"

If the fight continues, Captain Mino's old life may not be saved.

However, at this time, Captain Mino couldn't hear any other voices in his ears. There was only one thought in his heart, and that was to recklessly guarantee his reputation and dignity!

For a knight, he would rather die than lose his dignity!

His epee began to become fierce, every sword is a killer move, and it is a killer move for life, it is the kind of killer move that either kills you or kills me!

The Hammer naturally did not intend to fight this old knight desperately. Moreover, in the fourth stage, even the most ordinary civilians had reached the level of level 50. Captain Minor’s strength was at least level 58. The hammer She had just recovered, her comprehensive combat effectiveness had not yet reached its peak state, and she was a little flustered by Captain Mino's continuous killing moves.

Captain Mino looked at the opportunity and slashed at the hammer's head with a fierce sword!


There was a piercing sound of metal, and then everyone saw that Captain Mino's epee had been broken in two.

And in front of Captain Mino, Xu Feng stood there holding a strangely shaped sword.

Just now, it was he who blocked Captain Mino's ultimate move!

Captain Mino was shocked to take three steps back, his blood surged, and another mouthful of old blood spurted out of his throat.

His body shook and lost the support of the heavy sword, and it was difficult for him to stand up for a while.

Xu Feng said faintly: "It's OK, just click and finish!"

Captain Mino gritted his teeth angrily, "Boy, you violated the principle of duel! You shouldn't rush in and interfere! If you don't rush in, then I'll win!"

Xufeng smiled coldly, "Really? Captain Mino, you are probably too optimistic. You don't know my friend at all. The reason she was a little panicked just now was not because she was afraid of being cut by your epee. Injury, but afraid of your fighting attitude, if she fights back, it will definitely kill you."

Captain Minor was startled slightly, and quickly recalled the details of the battle between him and the hammer...

Indeed, although the hammer showed some panic at the time, in fact, there was no trace of panic in the movements of her hands and feet, and the deadly spiked war hammer had been aimed at his throat...

If he rushed over so hastily, I'm afraid he would have really died.

So to speak... he did lose, to a female class...

A painful and sad expression appeared on Captain Mino's face. He sighed and said, "It seems that I am really old...I can't take on the responsibility of protecting Lord City Lord and Anduin City... I'm sorry!"

With that, Captain Mino grabbed the broken sword in his hand and pierced his throat fiercely.

The female city lord eagerly shouted: "No! Uncle Mino!"


There was another metal clamor, and then, the broken sword in Captain Mino's hand flew out, and the body you had moved back several steps, and under the protection of the other knights, you barely stood still. .

Of course, with the protection of other knights, Captain Minor can't stop himself.

The female city lord was relieved, and hurriedly ran down from the wall, came to Captain Mino, and said sadly: "Uncle Mino, why are you doing this?"

Captain Minor said with a sad face: "I'm sorry, Miss Hill, I am ashamed of you...As a knight, I lost to a woman. I am not worthy to be the captain of the knight, and I will not protect this city. It's..."

The Hammer put away his weapon, frowned and said, "I don't like to hear you say this. Why do you lose to a woman so you don't deserve to be the captain of the Cavaliers? Do you think Lao Tzu is weak? Lao Tzu is Xue Xue A member of the Emperor Team! The Xue Emperor Team is not weak...Of course, except for Duke Yang!"

Captain Minor frowned and said, "If you win, I won me. Why do you continue to insult me? How could you be a member of the Xuedi team? Make sure that the mercenary team retired 70 years ago. Even now Even if they are still alive, they should all be close to one hundred years old! And you are only twenty or thirty years old!"

The hammer sent a shrug: "Of course it's not easy to explain the reasons, but what I want to tell you is that losing to me is not a shame! What's more, the duel between us has not yet distinguished the winners or losers, at best. It can only be regarded as a tie."

The female city lord also said quickly: "Yes, the competition just now can only be regarded as a tie, there is no winner or loser."

Captain Mino's expression is slightly better, but his injury is already not optimistic.

He was first broken two ribs by the silver fist hammer of the iron hammer, and then he was shaken back several steps by Xufeng, and the blood in his whole body was surging.

This kind of injury is not serious. In a short period of time, if there is a war, he will not be able to fight.

At this moment, a stern horn sounded!

Chapter 595: Me!Challenge you!

The sound of the horn was faster than one, and one more stern, and the soldiers on the entire wall immediately took up their weapons and stood ready.

The female city lord Hill turned pale, "No! This is the horn of the battle, Carlyle City has attacked us!"

The wounded Captain Mino shouted angrily: "I have said that these people are spies! As soon as their front feet arrived, the army of Carlyle City came! What's more annoying is that they injured me, so I You can't bring soldiers into battle!"

The hammer frowned and said, "Uncle, don't spit people! We said, we are not spies, and besides, I am not going to fight you, you are going to fight me!"

Captain Mino wanted to say something more, and the female city lord Hill waved his hand, "Now is not the time to quarrel, let's get through this crisis first... Uncle Mino, let's not go to war, just talk to the city wall. They fight!"

"No!" Captain Mino shook his head and said, "Our walls are badly damaged, and we don’t have the money to repair them. The only way to fight the Carlyle City army is to face it! If you lean against this dilapidated city wall If we don’t hold on for long, we will be breached!"

Girl City Lord Hill sighed, "There is no way...I am ready to surrender..."

"What!" Captain Minor said angrily, "Miss Hill! You can't do this! The knights here are all knights who are willing to fight for you. How can you surrender!"

Hill smiled bitterly and said: "I'm just a mere feminine. I don't have much fighting ability, and I can't dominate soldiers and horses. I surrender alone. I am the only one who suffers. But I can let the people of the whole city. All survive... the price is worth it."

Captain Minor yanked away the damaged armor on his body and said loudly to the knights around him: "Quick! Bring me another armor! I want to continue fighting! Defend Miss Hill! Defend Anduin City!"

The knight next to him hurriedly said: "Master Minor, you are already injured! You can't fight anymore, let me rush ahead for you!"

"Less long-winded!" Captain Minor shouted loudly: "Go get me the armor!"

Xu Feng said faintly: "I didn't expect that there was a war first when I came up... Although I still don't understand why you are fighting, but since I came here, I can be considered to be destined to you. And Anyway, Captain Mino was also injured by us, so I will fight this battle."

"You?" Captain Minor smiled coldly: "What are you? I will not give you my knight! Even if I give it to you, mine will not listen to you!"

In Middle-earth, they actually have status and status. If a person without status or status is allowed to give orders to them, they will never obey.

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "I didn't say to use your knight."

Captain Minor laughed: "What are you talking about! Only the 400 knights under my command are the only ones who can fight here! The others are just civilians! Is it possible that you want to take the civilians to fight?"

Xufeng smiled and said: "It doesn't need to be, I mean, I can do it alone."

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