Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1476

The hammer said: "I'll be with you. And Duke Yang!"

Gong Yang hurriedly said, "I'm still dizzy now! I'm afraid to drag you back!"

Xufeng smiled and said, "No, I'll do it alone. You can stay here to rest here too."

"Okay, then." The hammer immediately put away the weapon and stood leisurely on the wall.

The female city lord Hill looked at Xu Feng with surprise, "My lord, this is war! You alone can't deal with the thousands of troops in Carlyle City!"

Xu Feng looked around for a while, and smiled faintly: "Are you a thousand troops? In my opinion, it is only seven or eight hundred people."

Captain Mino said with a sneer: "I really know how to live and die! Even if it is me, I can only deal with seven or eight people at the same time. Then you kid, you look more than half younger than me. You dare to say that you can deal with seven or eight people. A hundred people? I'm afraid you don't know how you died!"

Xu Feng smiled faintly, without refuting.

The hostess Hill sighed and said, "Forget it, let me surrender."

"No! Miss Hill, let me fight them! Even if I die, I can't let them take down Anduin City so cheaply!"

When the two were arguing, Xu Feng jumped directly from the wall.

Although the walls of Anduin have been damaged and disrepaired for a long time, they are 10 meters high!If a normal person jumps from such a high height, even if he doesn't fall to death, he will be injured.

The female city lord Hill exclaimed and rushed to the city wall to check.

But there is nothing under the wall!

Just when the female city lord Hill was wondering, she saw a silver light rushing up against the enemy army, and then, the enemy army that was originally aggressive was rushed up!

The female city lord Hill asked in horror: "What's the matter! His speed is so fast?"

The hammer smiled faintly: "Is this fast? So normal, he can still be faster."

City Lord Hill took a breath, and Captain Mino beside her was also surprised.

He has never seen such a fast speed.

Only then did he realize that he had caught this "spy", it was very likely that he was really not a spy.

Is it Didi the Dragon Slayer?

This is even more impossible!

The dragon slaying happened 70 years ago, and even if the dragon slayer lives now, he should be close to 100 years old!How could it be so young?

Just as they were all surprised, Xufeng had already killed more than 30 enemy knights!

The enemy camp was suddenly panicked. They thought that this war was inevitable. Who knew that a guy who was not afraid of death was suddenly killed, and this guy who was not afraid of death was too strong!

With his own strength, Xufeng tore a long hole in the enemy's front line, and the enemy's advancement stopped immediately, and all the enemy knights did not dare to approach Xufeng.

Xu Feng said loudly: "You are also humans, and you are also attacking humans. In Middle-earth, shouldn't humans and humans be an alliance? Why do you want to fight a civil war! Don't you feel ashamed! You are worthy of hundreds of years ago, Thousands of years ago, tens of thousands of years ago, did heroes of life appear for peace in Middle-earth?"

As soon as this was said, the enemy knights were ashamed and speechless.

At this time, an enemy knight leader wearing a golden cloak rushed over and shouted loudly: "What are you still doing in a daze! There is only one person! But we have seven or eight hundred people! Let's go together! Killed!" he!"

As soon as the enemy knights heard it, they immediately cheered up, holding the weapon in their hands and rushing towards Xufeng.

Xu Feng sighed helplessly, "Do you have to die?"

He kicked his whole body with a full kick and directly kicked the knights ahead of him. Just as the other knights were about to swarm up, Xufeng pointed at the leader of the enemy knight and shouted: "I! Challenge you." !"

Chapter 596

The enemy knights stopped immediately, but the leader of the enemy knights was slightly panicked.

A person who dared to fight directly into their camp must be very powerful.

Although the enemy knight is strong, but strategically speaking, he now has a winning ticket. Seven or eight hundred people fight one, and he will win no matter what. There is no need for him to risk his life to accept Xufeng’s challenge. .

He stabilized his mind, sat on the iron horse, looked at Xu Feng with cold eyes, and said in a cold voice: "What are you? Don't you know that, like a noble knight captain, you need to challenge yourself. Do you have status? You don't even have an armor on your body. I'm afraid you are a poor civilian! Why are you challenging me!"

Xufeng smiled coldly, "Do you think I want to challenge you, because of your identity, losing in my hands can only be regarded as your glory! Don't think I can't win your team of seven or eight hundred people, really fight If you get up, none of them will survive. I just don't want to see the blood on the alliance land because of the civil war, so I will fight you alone."

"Hmph! Don't be ashamed!" The enemy knight leader said coldly: "No matter how you brag, I only accept people with status to fight me!"

Xufeng smiled and said, "Do you want an identity? Okay..."

Xu Feng immediately raised his hand and showed the Orchid Elf Ring in his hand to the enemy knight leader.

The enemy knight leader was shocked, "This! This is the royal ring of the Kingdom of Jarno! How can you have such a ring! Are you the royal family of the Kingdom of Jarno?"

Xufeng smiled coldly and said: "Just leave it alone. In short, this ring can prove that my identity is definitely not worse than you. You must also accept the duel I initiated against you, otherwise, you are not worthy of this knight title. !"

The enemy knight leader gritted his teeth angrily, "If you are the royal clan of the Kingdom of Arno, then you should know that I am not your enemy, and Anduin is your enemy! The Carlyle City we represent, But it is one of the cities in the Kingdom of Arno, and Anduin is a city in the Kingdom of Gondor!"

Xufeng said coldly: "Whether I am a city in the Arno Kingdom or a city in the Gondor Kingdom, in short, I don't want to kill each other between the human kingdom and the human kingdom on this land. A duel is the most direct way to resolve this dispute! If I lose to you, not only I will let you handle it, but the entire Anduin City will also surrender, but if you lose to me, you must retreat. And promised not to attack Anduin City again!"

The enemy knight leader hesitated.

To be honest, this is a very good condition. As long as he can win Xufeng, then he will be the biggest hero in this war, and his reputation will naturally be further improved.

Xu Feng smiled coldly: "What's the matter, you, the knight leader who has been famous for a long time, are you still afraid of me as a little-known little person?"

The enemy knight leader proudly said: "Okay! Since you challenged me, I will accept it! However, under the conditions of our victory or defeat, we must add one more thing, that is, life or death, you die. After you finish, all the spoils of your body belong to me!"

Xufeng smiled, "Do you want this ring? No problem, as long as you can kill me, this ring will belong to you."

"Okay!" The enemy knight leader drew his saber from his waist and said loudly: "The others stepped back 10 meters and come to be the referee. After three counts, our duel officially begins.

Immediately, the surrounding knights gave way to a 10-meter circle.

Xufeng stood in the center of the circle, and in front of him was the enemy knight leader riding a tall war horse.

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "Are you still riding a horse?"

The enemy knight leader sneered and said: "I am a knight! Of course I want to ride a horse. You don't have a horse. That's your own problem."

Xufeng smiled and said, "So, if I have a mount, I can also ride it?"

The enemy knight leader laughed: "Of course, if you can find a mount, of course you can ride it!"

He calculated that Xu Feng could not find any mounts here, so he said so.

Xufeng smiled, "Well, then I'm not welcome."

Xu Feng gathered his mind and grabbed the White Wolf mount from the crystal cage.

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