Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1477

In the blink of an eye, Xiao Bai touched all four claws on the ground and hissed loudly.

The horses around were all neighing in fright, and they backed away.

After all, Xiao Bai is a pure-blooded monster!

The enemy knight leader suddenly exclaimed, "This! What kind of magic is this! How can a wolf appear out of thin air here! You...Who are you!"

Xu Feng said coldly: "It's not necessarily a hero who rides a war horse, and it's not necessarily a bad guy who rides a wolf. Let's decide the victory by strength!"

The enemy knight leader shouted: "Okay, I will walk the path for the sky today, and Middle-earth will get rid of you who are associated with monsters!"

He raised his long sword, "I, son of the Duke of Will in the Kingdom of Arno, Earl William, accept your challenge, please report your name!"

Xufeng said faintly: "I, the friend of Arno King Arsson, the Spider Lord Conqueror, the Dragon Slayer, and Diedi, challenge you!"

Count William said angrily: "What nonsense are you talking about! How could you be a dragon slayer!"

Xufeng smiled and said, "Isn't it, you will know after a fight?"

"Good!" Earl William pulled down the steel mask and nodded to the referee on the side.

The knight referee immediately said: "Three countdowns, 3, 2, 1! The duel begins!"

Earl William roared and urged the horse under his hip to rush towards Xufeng.

The long sword in his hand is one and a half meters long and is specially made for a duel on the horse. With such a long sword, it is very advantageous in the duel.

However, this is only under normal conditions.

A duel with Xufeng, in a normal state, is also meaningless.

Xufeng and Xiaobai had the same heart. When Earl William's horse rushed over, Xiaobai carried Xufeng away flexibly!

Earl William's swordsmanship is also quite exquisite. As the two approached each other, he swung a few quickly, wanting to cut Xu Feng directly.

However, his sword is always the smallest difference from Xufeng!

Before he could turn his head to attack in the second round, the iron horse under his crotch suddenly became short!

Xiaobai turned his head suddenly and bit on the iron horse's leg!

The sharp wolf teeth directly penetrated the thick armor of the iron horse!

Although he didn't directly bite the iron horse's leg off, the blood flow from the iron horse's hind legs was not stopped and it was impossible to fight!

Earl William was horrified, and quickly jumped off the injured iron horse.

Xufeng laughed and jumped off Xiaobai's body.

On the battle horse, Earl William could still have a bit of advantage with the long sword, but under the horse, his long sword became a complete burden.

Chapter 597: Defeating Earl William

Earl William naturally knew this, and he immediately said to the knight next to him: "Give me a sword!"

The prompt next to him immediately threw his saber to Earl William, and Earl William took it and slashed directly at Xufeng!

Xiao Bai grinned and let out a creepy roar, Xu Feng waved his hand quickly, "Xiao Bai, this is a duel between the two of us, don't interfere."

Xiaobai immediately took two steps back.

The middle of Earl William slashed at Xufeng fiercely, and Xufeng staggered and avoided the first move lightly.

Earl William was slightly horrified in his heart, and quickly changed his moves, constantly slashing at Xufeng.

And Xufeng used his own light pace and the effect of the Spider Lord's suit to easily avoid the continuous heavy attacks of Earl William!

The whole scene seemed dangerous, but in fact it was completely under Xu Feng's control.

Speaking of which, the knighthood of Earl William was not bought, he really has this strength.

If Earl William and Captain Minor face off, Captain Minor may not be able to survive 20 moves, and he will be completely solved by Earl William.

Captain Minor's true combat effectiveness can reach level 58, while Earl William's combat effectiveness is indeed equivalent to level 60.

Such combat effectiveness is considered relatively strong for the humans in Middle-earth.

It's no wonder there are so many knights around him.

At this time, the female city lord Hill standing on the Anduin city wall was extremely nervous. Although she was still far away, she could still vaguely see Xu Feng being pressed and beaten by Earl William.

The Captain Minor next to him said coldly: "This guy is really crazy, he dared to go single against Earl William! Even I dare not single against Earl William! No way, I still have to put on my armor and prepare for battle. !"

The hammer said irritably: "You old man, don't worry about it too much, just watch the battle here honestly."

Captain Mino said: "That kid is dead! I must prepare early!"

The hammer said angrily: "If you dare to say that, I will be really rude to you!"

Captain Mino closed his mouth immediately.

On the enemy battlefield, Xufeng still dodges Earl William’s attack calmly. Earl William tried his best, but he could not touch the corner of Xufeng’s clothes.

Captain Minuo realized that Xufeng's strength was far stronger than him, but he didn't plan to give up just like that.

He poured all his power into the long sword in his hand, slashing in half a month, the sword energy recently turned into an arc-shaped shock wave, and smashed towards Xufeng!

This is his strongest strength!

Xu Feng knew that this trick was not easy to dodge, so he stopped dodge and pulled out the enemy's fencing, and moved up against Ban Yue Zhan.

I saw a silver light flashing, and Earl William's Ban Yue Zhan was smashed to pieces by Xu Feng!

Earl William himself was also stunned by the shock wave.

Before he landed, Xu Feng rushed up and slapped Earl William on the chest with the sword.

Earl William only felt a hot pain in his chest, and his armor was smashed into a deep gully!

He didn't know how he landed, and when he got up, a bloody arrow spit out from his mouth!

Xu Feng said lightly: "You lost."

Earl William gritted his teeth, "No! I don't... I can... continue to fight."

Xufeng nodded, "Okay, then I will fulfill you!"

With that, he rushed to Earl William quickly and conveniently. The Earl William Alliance held a sword to block, but Xufeng bypassed his sword and kicked Earl William on the knee.

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