Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1479

"Yes..." Captain Mino said angrily, "Thanks to the Dragon Slayer, you are done!"

As he said, he respectfully accepted the powerful recovery pill with both hands.

City Lord Hill quickly said: "No! Uncle Mino! You can't die! Your Dragon Slayer, I know that Uncle Mino should not offend you, but he is also dedicated to Anduin City! Besides, I It is the city lord of Anduin. If my knights make mistakes, then the main culpability lies with me! If the Lord Dragon Slayer wants to grant death, then I should be granted death!"

With that, the female city lord Hill went to grab the powerful recovery pill in Captain Mino’s hand, but she is a female class after all, and Captain Mino has been preventing her from fighting, before Hill approached. Mino decisively swallowed the entire powerful recovery pill.

City Lord Hill shouted: "Uncle Mino! No! Don't!"

Captain Minor sighed faintly, "Miss Hill...you grew up when I watched. If you say something arrogant, I really treat you like a daughter. My biggest worry is Kai. Thunder City will be against you... But now that there is a Dragon Slayer, we and Duin City will not have any problems, and I can finally leave without worry."

"No! No! Uncle Mino!" Hill hugged Captain Mino painfully, "Uncle Mino, I don't want you to die! Lord Dragon Slayer! Lord Dragon Slayer! Please, take back the desperate Pills!"

Xu Feng sighed in embarrassment, "No, it's no help. If you take my desperate pill, you will definitely die."

The female city lord Hill cried with pear flowers and rain, but Captain Mino frowned slightly-he felt that his chest was relieved, his face began to turn red, and his arm that could not exert any strength was completely Restored strength!


Is this a reflection?

This light is too strong, right?

The hammer frowned and thumped Xufeng's shoulder, "It's all right, you see, you made Miss City Lord, you almost cried away."

The hammer stepped forward to lift up the female city lord Hill, and said comfortingly: "Don't cry, your Uncle Mino can't die. The dragon slayer gave him not a fatal pill, it is only our Snow Emperor. A powerful recovery pill that the team only has!"

"What?" The female city lord Hilton's eyes widened.

Captain Mino then stood up and moved his muscles and bones a bit, "...My injuries are all healed?! But... Your Excellency Dragon Slayer, didn't you just say that if you eat your desperate pill, you will definitely die? "

Xu Feng said with a serious face: "Yes, after taking my desperate pill, naturally you will definitely die-but there is a time limit, not much, within a hundred years.".

"One hundred years..." Captain Minor was taken aback, then reacted.

He plopped and knelt down to Xu Feng, "Lord Dragon Slayer! Your great kindness! My Mino will never be remembered!"

Chapter 599 The most exciting part is coming soon

"Okay, let's get up." Xu Feng smiled faintly: "I helped you fight off the knights of Carlyle City, so why don't you treat me well?"

"Yes, yes!" The female city lord Hill hurriedly bowed and said, "Lord Dragon Slayer, please!"

The knights lined up in two rows. When Xufeng passed by, he saw everyone bowing and saluting.

The female city lord Hill led the way and brought Xufeng and others to her castle.

The Hammer couldn't help but whispered Cao Xuefeng asked: "It's been so long, why haven't you seen Emperor Xue and the others?"

Xu Feng said faintly: "I have communicated with Xuedi by mind before. They are on the other side of the Anduin River. They should have arrived at Carlyle City by now."

The Hammer said in surprise: "They are in Carlyle City? We just defeated Carlyle City. They will have nothing to do over there, right?"

Xu Feng smiled and said: "Don't worry, there will be nothing wrong. It won't be long before we can meet."

"Well, okay." The hammer nodded, relieved.

Soon, the celebration banquet of the female city lord Hill began.

The restaurant in the castle is very lively, full of beaming, coveted scenes.

Naturally, Xufeng, Iron Hammer and others were sitting on the main seat, while the female city lord Hill and Captain Mino accompany each other.

The female city lord Hill smiled and raised a glass of wine and respectfully raised it to Xufeng, "I'm really sorry, the Dragon Slayer, we don't know you can come here, so the wine and dishes we prepared before are too mediocre. Please don't dislike it."

Xufeng watched the waiter put a huge grilled river fish in front of him, and said with a smile: "Fortunately, fortunately, I am not so particular."

Captain Mino on the side said angrily: "What's the matter in the kitchen? Let's eat fish every day. How come the Dragon Slayer comes, and let the Dragon Slayer follow us to eat the fish? Come! Bring the dish to the dog!"

"Eh, don't!" Xu Feng hurriedly stopped.

To be honest, the fish still looks very good, the fish is tender, and the cooking temperature is enough, just smell it.

However, for Anduin City, which is close to the Anduin River, they eat the fish in the river every day. Naturally, they think that the fish in the river are too ordinary and they shouldn’t use such ordinary things to entertain top VIPs. .

Captain Mino said with a serious face: "To entertain top VIPs, we naturally use top-notch things! Miss Hill, I remember, there should be that kind of thing in our treasury?"

The female city lord Hill was taken aback, and then reproached herself: "Oh! Look at me, it's really not the material of the city lord! How could I forget such precious things! Come, go and treasure my father Twelve years of things were taken out and made for Master Dragon Slayer to eat!"

The waiter beside him immediately widened his eyes, and said cautiously: "...Miss Hill, that thing... is left to you by the Old City Lord, and you can only enjoy it when you bid!"

The female city lord Hill flushed slightly, "Now I am the city lord! And at this moment, it is more grandiose than when I got married!"

Xu Feng said quickly: "Oh, that's such a precious thing, forget it, I just have to eat something, how can I eat your dowry."

Captain Mino said sternly: "Lord Dragon Slayer, you must not be polite, you saved our entire Anduin City, and we are willing to serve you with our best food! Please do not refuse, otherwise, we It will really be sad!"

The female city lord Hill said: "What makes me feel sorry is that the food my father treasured is only enough for one person. It was originally intended for my future husband to eat, but...for the dragon slayer, then It is even more of an honor for me. However, in this way, your two friends will have no good food."

Gong Yang could hear his saliva flow again, "Can't I take a bite? Just a bite?"

"This..." City Lord Hill smiled apologetically, "No matter how old you are, Master Yang, you should eat more fish with Master Hammer. The fish in the Anduin River were all caught that day. They are very fresh. ."

Duke Yang sighed helplessly again, "Okay, okay, I wish the Dragon Slayer a good taste."

The female city lord Hill turned around and said to the dazed waiter: "What are you doing here? Why don't you go!"


"Actually, it doesn't need to be so troublesome." Xufeng said with a smile.

Even though he said so, Xu Feng was still very happy.

People treat him alone with food that has been kept for many years, which is enough to show how grateful they are to him.

Let alone whether the food is good or not, the enthusiasm alone is enough to make Xufeng happy.

The hammer frowned and said, "I have treasured it for twelve years? Even if it is a fleshy bone, it should be smelly?"

Xu Feng frowned slightly, "Iron Hammer, how do you speak?"

The female city lord Hill said with a smile: "Ms. Hammer is right to worry, but this food we treasure is absolutely rare in the world, let alone ten years, even a hundred years, it will not deteriorate. ."

"So amazing?" Xu Feng was surprised.

The female city lord Hill laughed and said: "Yes! At the beginning, there was a nobleman in Baicheng who wanted to buy this food. They offered 50,000 gold coins, but my father didn't buy it. You should know that Baicheng? That is the capital of our Gondor Kingdom. It’s full of dignitaries, but few of them have ever tasted such top food!"

"Then I really want to taste it!" Xufeng's glutton was hooked.

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