Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1480

He is not a greedy person, but there are very special good things that he still wants to try.

The Hammer asked again: "After talking for a long time, what is this thing called? It won't even have a name, right?"

The female city lord Hill smiled and said: "This was originally a noble food from a long time ago, and only the Yarnuo royal family can enjoy it. They gave this food a very strange name-Fangwu."

"Fangwu?" Xu Feng's head was full of question marks, "This name... is very special."

"Yeah, I don't know if you have heard of a word, it's so beautiful." The female city lord Hill said proudly: "This kind of food is called Fangwu."

Xufeng took a deep breath, "After listening to your introduction, I can't wait."

At this time, the two waiters carried a small pot of boiling water and carefully came to Xu Feng's table.

They were afraid that boiling water would splash out and trigger the dragon slayer's fury.

In fact, Xufeng itself is not so terrible.

"This is?" Xu Feng looked at a pot of white water, with a question mark on his face...

"Don't worry, the most exciting part will be coming soon." Citywoman Hill said with a smile: "Fangwu dish is magical. It is not only delicious, but also beautiful."

At this time, a waiter was holding an exquisitely crafted food box in both hands, stopped step by step, and walked towards Xufeng steadily.

Chapter 600 So this is the Fangwu!

The whole banquet hall was silent, no one was eating at this time, and no one was drinking at this time.

Everyone's eyes moved with the exquisite food box in the hands of the waiter.

Xu Feng also hurriedly straightened his posture, unconsciously tidying up his appearance.


I didn't expect it to be so grand for a meal.

Xufeng looked forward to the food in the food box even more.

The waiter walked to the boiling pot and gently put down the food container in his hand. The gentle motion seemed to be touching a newborn baby.

There are four seals on each side of the food box, and a delicate golden lock is hung on the front.

Judging from the food box and these complicated procedures alone, the square objects in this food box are really not simple, and they can even be called treasures in the treasure.

Xu Feng couldn't help feeling a little bit of guilt in his heart... He actually wanted to eat the treasures of Anduin City.

However, this feeling of guilt soon disappeared without a trace. He grunted his stomach, licked his tongue subconsciously, and was ready for a big meal.

The waiter bowed to the city lord Hill and said, "Miss, the party has arrived. Please allow me to tear the seal and open the brass lock."

The female city lord Hill said with a smile: "It's ok-but you don't need to open it. Such a memorable thing should be opened by our great benefactor, the Dragon Slayer!"

"Yes." The waiter then offered a letter opener made of gold to Xufeng.

Xu Feng scratched his head, "Such a sense of ceremony."

Eating a meal is like tailoring, which is the first time for Xu Feng.

Iron Hammer urged impatiently: "Why is it so hard to eat a bad meal! You won't come and I will come!"

As he said, the hammer revealed the Silver Spring Warhammer in his hand, trying to smash it.

Xufeng hurriedly stopped her and said, "Iron Hammer, don't be like this. This is what people like Anduin City have for me!"

Duke Yang said in a weird manner: "Look, Sister Hammer must not be able to eat grapes and say grapes are sour."

The hammer turned his head angrily and glared at Duke Yang, "What did you say?"

Gong Yang hurriedly said: "I didn't say anything! I, I just fart!"

"It's all right, don't make any noise." Xu Feng reached out and took the letter opener made of gold.

As soon as he was about to open the seal, the Captain Mino next to him said cautiously: "Be careful...Lord Dragon Slayer, don't use too much force. The food is top-quality food. Don't worry about being stored for too long or being bumped."

"Oh, good." Xu Feng immediately held his breath and carefully cut the four seals with the letter opener.

The four seals were cut open, and a layer of fine sweat appeared on Xufeng's forehead.

Even when fighting Smaug, he had never been so nervous!

Xu Feng couldn't help being a little funny, but he was even more looking forward to the delicacy of Fangwu.

At this time, the female city lord Hill stood up, took out a golden key from his collar, with a human body temperature and feminine fragrance, and handed it affectionately to Xu Feng's hand.

Xufeng's brain was buzzing.

He didn't expect that eating a meal would make it so tall.

First, there were four seals, and then the keys worn by the female city lord Hill.

This Fangwu...how delicious is it!

It's almost maddening.

Xufeng inserted the key into the keyhole, and a worry suddenly appeared in his heart.

...... Such a good thing, but unfortunately there is only one. What if you want to eat it after you finish it?

"Or... forget it, I'll still eat fish and meat." Xu Feng said with a smile, and wanted to pull out the key.

The female city lord Hill held Xu Feng's hand, "My lord, it's all plugged in. It's too late to pull it out now."

Xu Feng said helplessly: "Can't you assume that nothing has happened?"

The female city lord Hill smiled and said: "So many people have seen you insert it, how could it be possible that nothing happened."

Xufeng sighed, "Okay, okay."

He carefully unscrewed the brass lock, and then gently opened the food container.

An stale smell came out, and just smelling it, it really had a smell for twelve years.

In the food box, a kraft paper soaked in olive oil was placed, and a square thing was held in the kraft paper.

Xufeng suddenly felt that this thing was familiar.


Xufeng reached out to grab the boxy thing.

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