Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1482

The instant noodles that have been stored for twelve years, even if they are soaked in olive oil layer by layer, have long gone bad and cannot be eaten.

Let alone these knights, even Xu Feng, a dragon slayer, would get acute gastroenteritis after eating.

"Don't worry, they don't have a big deal, just... ahem, they are not used to this high-end food." Xufeng took out a detoxification pill and handed it to the waiter beside him, "Go, make a big pot of water, and pill the pill. Put it inside to dissolve, and then give each of them a bowl to drink."


The waiter hurriedly left with the detoxification pills, and soon he brought up a bowl of detoxification soup.

After drinking the antidote soup, the knights' abdominal pain disappeared immediately.

"Lord Dragon Slayer! You saved our life again!"

"We have nothing to pay, we can only follow it to the death!"

"No retribution! Follow it to the death!" The knights shouted excitedly.

Xufeng smiled and waved his hands, "Nothing, nothing, come and come, continue to eat and drink!"


After the Fangwu incident, the knights generally didn't have a high appetite, but Xufeng, Iron Hammer, and Yang Gongzai all ate with relish.

While eating, Xu Feng asked Hill, the lord of the city, the reason for the war between the two cities.

The female city lord Hill then said: "In fact, we used to be in harmony with Carlyle City, but since my father's generation, the friction between the two cities has increased significantly."

"Carlyle belongs to the Kingdom of Jarno, and our city of Anduin belongs to the Kingdom of Tudor."

"Historically, Carlyle City came into existence first, and then hundreds of years passed before Anduin City was established. At least half of the residents of Anduin City came from Carlyle City."

"At that time, there were rumors that the Supreme Lord of the Rings of Demon Lord Sauron fell in the Anduin River. If anyone can find the Supreme Lord of the Rings, whoever can rule the entire Middle-earth world, therefore, a large number of outsiders flooded. After entering Carlyle City, when the number of people in Carlyle City was full, people built a new city on the opposite bank of Carlyle City, which is now Anduin City."

"In the beginning, everyone thought of looking for the Supreme Lord of the Rings, but gradually, everyone realized that things like the Supreme Lord of the Rings were not so easy to find, and even if they were found, they would not It is possible that ruling the world with a single ring will only arouse Sauron's alert, and then he will be chased by the Ring Spirit Kings."

"Therefore, gradually, the two cities have settled down, the people who should go are gone, and the rest are rooted here, using river transportation and fishing as their businesses."

"At that time, the two towns did not have a city lord. Because of the geographical relationship, Carlyle City belonged to the Kingdom of Jarno, and Anduin City was placed in the Kingdom of Tudor."

"The kingdom of Jarno and Tudor were originally one family, but the king of Jarno was ambushed and killed by a half-orc, and his only heir was also unknown. Therefore, the kingdom of Jarno is now in chaos, although there is a prime minister in power. , But each city is basically autonomous."

"And the Tudor Kingdom had no king as early as hundreds of years ago. The only one who can inherit the Tudor kingship is the King of Jarno. However, because of the distance between them and the Tudor Kingdom’s power has always been with the Prime Minister. Is holding it in his hands, so this situation continues to this day."

"We, Anduin City, we were looking at Carlyle City across the wide Anduin River. We didn’t aim at each other, but some time ago, a special envoy came from the Shire area. Capital, buy a piece of water, and build a car on this piece of water."

"Car?" Xu Feng was puzzled.

Hearing that now, Xufeng finally heard something related to the main storyline, but building a car on the water?What does it mean?

Citywoman Hill shrugged, "I don't know too much, you know, hobbits speak very fast, they should be talking about cars, I have simply read the drawings, it is a huge wheel."

While talking, the female city lord Hill made a gesture.

Xu Feng suddenly realized, "Oh, waterwheel!"

The female city lord immediately said: "Yes, yes! That's the word! You really deserve to be the Dragon Slayer! The knowledge is so profound!"

Xu Feng gave a wry smile.

The drawings of the waterwheel were all drawn by Lao Tzu for Bilbo 70 years ago. How could Lao Tzu not know!

Chapter 602 The Landlord's Silly Son

Originally, Xu Feng still felt a little strange, why the fourth stage would send them to this irrelevant place, now it seems that they can be connected.

The drawing of the waterwheel was designed by Xufeng.

The purpose is to upgrade equipment and expand the scale of the China Tobacco Factory in Shire.

Since Hobbits from the Shire area came here to look for waters to build waterwheels, it shows that the Shire area is not too far from here, and his China Tobacco Factory is running very well.

Therefore, Xu Feng interrupted the female city lord's narration and asked: "How far is the Shire area from your place?"

"It's not too far. If you take a carriage, it will be there in two or three days." The City Lady Hill replied.

Xufeng nodded, which fully confirmed his guess.

"Okay, you continue to say that the Hobbit wants to build a waterwheel here, and then how did you cause the conflict between the two cities?" Xufeng asked.

The city girl Hill sighed, "Because we are on both sides of the same river as Carlyle City, we can also build the waterwheel project in Anduin City, and we can also build it in Carlyle City. City, they all want to win this project. After all, the Hobbits are very rich. They have made too much money from Chinese Tobacco over the years. If their money is thrown out, all the rivers of Middle-earth can be cut off. If we If we can win this project, we can naturally get a lot of money, which is much better than our fishing business and transportation business, and it can also create at least two hundred jobs for us. If the residents have Such work can naturally drive consumption, and our city will be more prosperous."

Xu Feng nodded and said, "This is true, this is a relatively popular way of attracting investment."

The female city lord Hill said admiringly: "Wow! Lord Dragon Slayer, your words are so reasonable! You can explain the matter clearly and plainly in four simple words! It is a pity that there are too many in our city. Many people who don’t know much about it are opposed to this project."

"At that time, my father had just passed away, and my brother took over as the new city lord. My brother is a very prestigious person. With his coordination, our city has finally unified the voice and is willing to accept this investment project."

"However, things are not that simple. Such a good project, the Carlyle City on the other side of us, is of course very desirable."

"So the Hobbit asked us to quote on our own."

"Originally we wanted the price of 500,000 gold coins, but because of Carlyle City's competition, we pressed the price to 300,000 gold coins. At this time, Carlyle City sent people to negotiate. They hoped that we could withdraw from the competition. ."

Hammer smiled and said, "City Lord Carlyle has a thick skin!"

The female city lord Hill sighed, "In fact, it is not. The city lord of Carlyle City was quite sincere at the beginning. He came to see my brother in person. He secretly discussed with my brother that the original sale of 500,000 gold coins, If this compression continues, I am afraid that the two cities will not earn much benefit. Instead, we should step back and let them bid for this project. Then, they will give us 200,000 gold coins as compensation, and also promised to at least recruit us. There are 50 residents of Duin City as employees."

Gong Yang smiled again: "The lord of Carlyle City is really smart!"

"That's right." Citywoman Hill continued: "His proposal made my brother tempted. If we continue to compete, we in Anduin City will probably only get 200,000 gold coins in the end, but that counts. The materials, labor and so on for the construction of the waterwheel are almost no profit. But now, you can get 200,000 gold coins without doing anything. This is indeed a good thing."

"So the two parties secretly signed an agreement. After the agreement was signed, Anduin City withdrew from this competition, and Carlyle City raised the price for Hobbits to 1 million."

"Damn!" Xufeng frowned suddenly.

"Me? Damn?" Citywoman Hill looked at Xu Feng in surprise, "What does this... mean?"

Xu Feng said quickly: "It's okay, it's okay, you keep talking."

While talking, Xu Feng thought bitterly, that the Hobbit, the 200,000 worth of trade, actually made him make 1 million!

What a silly son of the landlord's family!

That's Laozi China Tobacco's money!

When I see the hobbit, I must clean up this silly son!

The female city lord Hill continued: “So they signed an agreement with the Hobbits, and the Hobbits also paid the initial deposit of 500,000 gold coins. This is naturally a very happy thing for Carlyle City. They celebrated At the time, my brother personally congratulated him, and when there was no one, asked Carlyle City Lord for the reward he had promised."

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