Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1483

"As a result, Castel Carlyle refused to say that he had to wait until the waterwheel was built and the Hobbit paid the balance before giving my brother the money. My brother was very angry and scolded Castel Carlyle for not talking about credibility. As a result, Castel Carlyle appeared He didn't say anything on board, but he sent someone to secretly hack my brother's boat."

Said that the female city lord Hill's face became very excited and angry.

"My brother's boat sailed to the most turbulent part of the Anduin River, and the hull fell apart. The six guards on the boat and my brother were all buried in the Anduin River!"

Xu Feng frowned slightly, "This Carlyle City Master is really hateful!"

The hammer said immediately: "Isn't it the Earl William? Let me hammer him to death!"

City Lord Hill quickly said: “No, it’s not Lord William. Count William is an upright person. He doesn’t know the evil things done by City Lord Carlyle. In fact, he was only caught after my brother died. The lord of Carlyle City was hired to protect Carlyle City with a reward of 50,000 gold coins. Needless to say, this is Carlyle City’s guilty conscience."

"After my brother's death, with the help of Uncle Mino, I became the new lord of Anduin. Although I don't like it at all, I know that when people are in panic, one must come forward. "

"Uncle Mino suggested that I avenge my brother's hatred. Of course, I think too, but our army in Anduin City is not strong. For my own hatred, so many lives of innocent people are taken, so I am in my heart. I can’t bear it, I want to tell the king about this matter and ask the king to judge, but neither Jarno nor Gondor have a king... And, even if there is, I have no evidence. I said my brother was killed by the Lord Carlyle. Yes, but Castel Carlyle will definitely not admit it."

City Lord Hill smiled miserably, "In desperation, I can only send someone to Carlyle City Lord, so that he will not forget the agreement with us Anduin City. My brother died for this. If he is If you are a little conscientious, you will hand over 200,000 gold coins."

"But..." City Lord Hill sighed, "He sent someone to tell me that it was my brother who signed the contract with him. Now that my brother is dead, the contract doesn't count."

Chapter 603

The hammer screamed and stood up, "City Lord Carlyle is really bad! No way! I will kill him now!"

Xufeng frowned, "What are you in a hurry? Sit down first!"

The hammer said angrily: "This kind of person, living in this world for one more minute is a waste of resources!"

Xufeng continued to ask the female city lord Hill: "So, you declared war on them?"

"In fact, they declared war on us." Citywoman Hill said with a wry smile: "We just want to see the Hobbit and ask the Hobbit to withdraw the investment in Carlyle. This is also our revenge. , After all, Carlyle’s soldiers are strong and we can’t take the initiative to declare war. However, our behavior in turn made Carlyle’s lord slander us for destroying their waterwheel construction plan. He invited the Knights of Earl William, right We declared war—today, it was the day of the siege of the Knights of Earl William. Unexpectedly, fortunately, we met you, the Dragon Slayer, and this saved our Anduin City."

"Well, I understand the situation roughly." Xu Feng nodded slightly, "Then, what are you going to do next?"

The female city lord Hill shook his head, "I'm just a female generation, and I don't know what to do. I thought this battle would be lost, so we didn't even prepare for a decent celebration banquet."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Yes, I can see it."

The female city lord Hill said: "Everything depends on the Lord Dragon Slayer."

Captain Minor also said: "Yes, since Lord Dragon Slayer has returned, then we will all listen to Lord Dragon Slayer."

Xufeng nodded, "Okay, listen to me, then-go back to sleep."

Captain Minor was taken aback, "Sleep? Lord Dragon Slayer! Now Carlyle City is defeated, it is a good time for us to fight back against them!"

Xu Feng said lightly: "I also said when I was fighting Earl William. The humans in Middle-earth should be united and should not fight internally. Your real enemy is not the people on the other side of you, but will soon come back. The Dark Lord Sauron."

Captain Mino said in surprise: "Isn't the Dark Lord dead?"

Xu Feng said coldly: "No."

When the female city lord Hilton took a breath.

Captain Minor asked in a low voice: "Then... just let the Carlyle Castel let go?"

Xu Feng said lightly: "Of course not. It's too late today. Let's take a rest. Tomorrow morning, I will take Miss Hill to Carlyle City and seek justice for you in Anduin City."

Captain Minor was overjoyed and said: "Okay! I understand, I will let the knights take a good rest. Tomorrow morning, we will come to Carlyle."

Xufeng sighed, "You don't need a knight, just stay in Anduin City."

"You mean, only take Miss Hill?" Captain Minor asked in surprise.

Xufeng smiled and said, "Of course, if you want to go, you can also go together."

Captain Minor said hesitantly: "But, Castel Carlyle is very sinister. If we just go there, I'm afraid..."

Xufeng smiled and said, "I am a dragon slayer. With me, do you still need to be afraid?"

"Yes! Subordinates understand!" Captain Mino said quickly.

After the banquet was over, under the leadership of the waiter, Xufeng and others returned to their rooms to rest.

Hammer and Yang Gongzai's rooms are on the third floor of the castle, while Xufeng's room is arranged on the fourth floor with a large floor-to-ceiling balcony.

This is obviously the most luxurious room in the entire castle, and also the most prestigious room.

After all, Xu Feng is a dragon slayer, and everything he uses is different from others.

Of course, Xu Feng didn't care about it at all.

After all, in Xufeng's view, this is just a plot plane. Except for extraordinary items, everything in it is meaningless.

After dark, Xu Feng slept on the soft goose feather bed.

Suddenly, he heard a light footstep coming from outside the door. From the sound of the footsteps, he could tell that the person should be a woman, and she was walking barefoot, the pace was tense, but there was nothing malicious.

The woman didn't knock on the door, but gently opened the door, and then gently walked to Xufeng's bed.

Immediately afterwards, she stretched out her hand to open Xufeng's quilt, got into Xufeng's quilt, and hugged Xufeng's sturdy back tightly with her hot body.

Xufeng frowned slightly, and then turned the woman under her back, pressing her elbow against the woman's neck.

The woman suddenly panicked, struggling desperately with her hands.

Xufeng immediately realized that this woman did not have any fighting power, so he relaxed his elbows and said in a deep voice, "Who are you?"

He had already judged in advance that this woman was definitely not a hammer.

The hammer would not walk in so lightly, and the room was so dark, even if the hammer wanted to come in, it would be difficult to avoid obstacles in the room so easily.

If it were a hammer, Xufeng would naturally accept it.

However, since it is not a hammer, be vigilant.

"...Lord Dragon Slayer, yes, it's me..." the woman said only nonsense.

Xu Feng was startled, "Miss Hill?"


Xufeng quickly released his hand and jumped off the bed.

Hill eagerly picked up his nightgown from the ground, put it on his body, and then sat on the edge of the bed, sobbing quietly.

"...I'm really useless."

"Miss Hill, what are you doing?" Xu Feng frowned and asked.

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