Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1484

The female city lord Hill said ashamed: "I'm sorry, Lord Dragon Slayer, I thought... you said sleeping, you are suggesting me."

"Damn, am I so dirty?" Xu Feng said angrily.

The female city lord Hill said quickly: "No, of course not. I was fascinated by ghosts. I thought that if I could be your woman, I would make Anduin City sit back and relax."

Xufeng sighed helplessly, "Okay, I know that you are also working hard, but you really misunderstood. I don't need you to do this. There will be nothing wrong with your Anduin City."

The female city lord Hill said with shame: "I'm sorry, Lord Dragon Slayer, this is all my fault."

Xufeng quickly said: "Okay, okay, you are crying like this. If someone sees me, I think I have done you something, so please put your heart in your stomach. Anduin won't If something happens, I will help you get back the justice you deserve. In addition, you can rest assured that I will not tell anyone about this matter today, and we shall assume that nothing happened."

"Yes... Thank you, Lord Dragon Slayer." City Lord Hill bit her lip, and hurriedly bowed towards Xufeng, then blushed and ran out of Xufeng's room.

Xu Feng sighed helplessly, "Oh, I'm really a good man with integrity. Sleep!"

Chapter 604 Carlyle City

Early the next morning, the sound of the waiters preparing breakfast awakened Xufeng from his sleep.

Of course, the waiters' movements were very light, and they were prepared in the kitchen on the first floor of the castle, but Xufeng's auditory senses were very keen, and when there was a movement, he would wake up.

After getting up and getting dressed, Xu Feng went out for a stroll.

The market and the pier outside the castle are already working, and the streets are full of breakfast.

Xu Feng randomly found a stall, sat down carelessly, ordered a bowl of milk, and ordered two croissants and a plate of beef.

The civilians on the street didn't know him, and the people around didn't pay much attention to him, but were talking about the dragon slayer enthusiastically.

A few people boasted that they had met the dragon slayer, and also helped the dragon slayer defeat the incredible Earl William, but a few people did not believe in such a thing as a dragon slayer.

The two waves of people were talking and arguing.

Just when they were close to fighting, Captain Mino hurriedly arrived on a quick horse.

The fighting people thought that Captain Mino was here to maintain order, and immediately leaned against the wall honestly, waiting for it to fall.

As a result, Captain Mino ignored them at all. Instead, he walked straight to Xu Feng who was eating beef, snapped on one knee, and said in a deep voice, "Lord Dragon Slayer, I can find you! So you Eat breakfast here by yourself! A rich breakfast is prepared for you in the castle! Please come back with me!"

The people present were all dumbfounded.

Xufeng clapped his hands and said with a smile: "I'm full, let alone, although the milk here is not very tasty, but the beef is still very tasty. Oh, by the way, Captain Mino, you just came here. I didn't bring any money, please help me settle the meal."

Captain Mino said quickly: "Yes!"

Xufeng stood up leisurely and walked towards the castle.

Captain Mino turned to the shop owner and asked, "How much?"

"...He, is he really the Dragon Slayer?" the shop owner asked tremblingly.

Captain Mino sneered: "Nonsense! Of course it is!"

The shop owner said excitedly: "Lord Dragon Slayer actually eats in my little shop! This is simply my glory!"

"How much?" Minor asked.

The shop owner said excitedly: "No money! No money! I'm rich! I'm rich!"

Captain Minor frowned and said, "...I'm crazy! Okay, if you don't need money, I won't give it."

After speaking, Captain Mino turned to chase Xufeng.

The shop owner said excitedly: "Come here, go and change the sign! From now on, the name of our shop will be called [the restaurant where the dragon slayer once visited]. In addition, the dishes that the dragon slayer ate just now must be changed change name!"

The waiter in the hotel quickly asked: "What should it be?"

"For example, the milk that the dragon slayer drank is called, the milk that the dragon slayer thinks is not good."

"Isn't it because nobody drank it?"

"Stupid! This name makes everyone very curious, what does the dragon slayer taste like? The milk that he thinks is not good, is it also the milk that I think is not good!"

"This... seems to make sense!" The waiter said quickly: "Whether the price is cheaper?"

The shop owner sneered, "Cheap? Give me three times—no, five times!"

"In addition, that plate of beef was also renamed as the beef that Mrs. Dragon Slayer thought was delicious. The portion was reduced by half and the price increased by five times!

"Yes! So, what should I do if there are some Dragon Slayers that have not been eaten before?"

"You are hopelessly stupid to say that you are stupid!" The shop owner said helplessly: "You won't change it to a delicacy that even the Dragon Slayer has never eaten?"

"Boss! You are so clever!" the waiter said admiringly.

On the other side, Xufeng returned to the castle.

The female city lord Hill greeted him with a blushing face, and curtly said: "Lord Dragon Slayer, where have you been, I thought you... left."

She was worried that it was because of her affairs last night that Master Dragon Slayer was upset.

Xufeng smiled and said, "My two friends are still there, why would I leave?"

The female city lord Hill said quickly: "Then please come for breakfast."

Xufeng waved his hand, "I just went out for a stroll. I have already eaten it. You can eat it. After eating, we will go to Carlyle City."


The female city lord Hill simply ate a few bites of breakfast and went to arrange the boat.

This time, she went to Carlyle City with the Dragon Slayer, so she must personally check the safety of the ship, and there should be no mistakes.

When everything was ready, Xufeng and the others came to the pier together and boarded the long-prepared boat crossing the river.

"This ship can only accommodate up to twelve people. In addition to the three boatmen and two waiters, we can only have up to seven people on board." Citywoman Hill said.

"Well, I, Hammer, Duke Yang, plus you and Captain Minuo, we are enough." Xu Feng said lightly.

"There are still two vacancies," Captain Mino said, "Or, I will find two powerful knight assistants?"

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "Why, am I not as comfortable as your two knight assistants?"

Captain Mino flushed, and said quickly: "No, no!"

"Since it's not, so be it." Xufeng jumped on the boat and said, "Go on."


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