Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1486

Xuedi said coldly: "She does what she says."

Castel Carlyle couldn't help shrinking his neck.

Captain Minor said in a cold voice: "This is our city owner, Miss Hill."

Castel Carlyle quickly turned to Hill with a smile on his face, "Miss Hill, you are really so beautiful, you see, if you come to talk to me about cooperation soon, there will be no difference between our two cities. Has everything been resolved?"

Hill frowned and asked, "Are you willing to pay us 200,000 gold coins?"

City Lord Carlyle said quickly: "Of course I do! According to the contract, this was originally your Anduin City."

"But when my brother came to ask for it, you didn't give it to him. When I sent an envoy, you actually said that it was my brother who signed the contract with you. When my brother died, the contract was invalidated!" Said angrily.

"That's all a misunderstanding! Misunderstanding!" Castel Carlyle said pretentiously.

Chapter 606 I Can't Win

"Misunderstanding?" The female city lord Hill said angrily: "My brother died because of this, and our two cities were also caught in a war. Now you tell me that all this is a misunderstanding? Although I am a female class, that Not a fool!"

Carlyle City Master said with a smile on his face: "Oh, Miss Hill, this is really a misunderstanding! You also know that I am so big in Carlyle City, and I am so busy. Many things are done by subordinates, but If Miss Hill insists on holding on to this matter, then there is nothing I can do."

His rogue's face was not concealed at all, and he was right. If Hill came here personally, he would definitely make concessions.

Sure enough, Miss Hill still hasn't enough experience to fight this kind of old fox.

She hesitated for a while, and her tone softened a little, "Anyway, I have solved the problem with sincerity. If you can really fulfill your previous promise, give us 200,000 gold coins in Anduin City, and promise never again. If we don’t become an enemy of Anduin City, I can bear the things before that."

A smug expression appeared on the face of Castel Carlyle. He chuckled and said, "Miss Hill is here in person, so of course I have to show my sincerity, let alone 200,000 gold coins, 300,000 gold coins I will also give! Our two cities should be closer, and the two of us should be closer. This is the blessing of the two cities, don't you think Miss Hill?"

Faced with the face of Castel Carlyle, Hill only felt sick for a while.

"Don't be so kind, I only need the gold coins in the contract." Hill said coldly: "Now you fulfill your promise and sign the agreement to never fight, then I will leave now."

Castel Carlyle smiled and said: "Don't go away in such a hurry, Miss Hill is a distinguished guest, and finally came here once, how can I just leave like this? If I let others know, I thought I was inadequate. Yeah! Come, prepare a luncheon, the highest standard, the most solemn one!"

"Yes!" The attendant who was whispering to Carlyle before gave a weird smile, and then hurriedly left.

Hill said coldly: "No, I'm not here to eat your meal, we just need to solve the problem as soon as possible."

Castello Carlyle said with a smile: "Miss Hill, the problem between us is of course easy to solve. However, 200,000 gold coins are not a small amount. Even if my subordinates are more efficient, they must at least be prepared. Half a day, right? We can’t stare at you here during this half a day, right? Taking the two of me as the lord of each side and eating a lunch symbolizing friendship together is also a positive thing. Performance?"

Hill hesitated slightly, "Okay, then you go as soon as possible."

Castello Carlyle smiled and said: "Miss Hill really understands righteousness. I am sorry about your brother, but he really has nothing to do with me."

Hill said coldly: "I don't want to talk about it with you."

City Lord Carlyle said with a smile: "Well, let's talk about something else. I wonder what hobby Miss Hill has?"

Hill said coldly: "I have no interest in talking to you. We have been talking for so long, but I haven't introduced you to the adult next to me..."

City Lord Carlyle looked at Xu Feng next to Hill, a trace of jealousy flashed in his narrow eyes.

Hill is as beautiful as flowers, and Xufeng is handsome.

When two people stand together, they are a match made in heaven.

How can this not make Castel Carlyle jealous?

City Lord Carlyle covets Hill’s beauty on the one hand, and the status of Hill on the other. After all, Hill is the female city lord of Anduin. If he can get Hill, he can not only save 200,000 yuan. Expenses, and you can also put Anduin City in your sphere of influence. This is definitely a two-eyed business.

Therefore, since the first sight of Hill, the Lord Carlyle had evil thoughts in his heart.

The more he wanted to get Hill, the more he was jealous of those around him.

Xu Feng is so handsome, so naturally it arouses his great hatred.

Xufeng felt the hatred of Carlyle City Lord, but just smiled coldly without making any response.

City Lord Carlyle looked at the clothes on Xufeng's body, and then sneered: "Miss Hill, I have to talk about you. You are also the City Lord of Anduin, how can you stand by your side? What about civilians?"

Hill said coldly: "This lord is not a commoner! He is lord Dragon Slayer!"

City Lord Carlyle was slightly startled, "Dragon Slayer? Hahahaha! Miss Hill, you are still too young, too easy to be fooled by such a little white face! Dragon Slayer, that is a legend 70 years ago, even if he If he can really live to this day, he should be a centenarian! How can he be such a weak, white face?"

Hill's complexion became very ugly, "This is Lord Dragon Slayer, Lord Carlyle, I ask you to respect it."

City Lord Carlyle still didn't care, he hehe smiled and said: "Miss Hill, how else do you need an experienced City Lord like me to help you? I can prove that this little white face is definitely not a dragon slayer!"

Xu Feng asked faintly: "Oh? I really want to know, how do you prove it?"

Carlyle City Lord smiled contemptuously, "It's very simple, the strength of the dragon slayer is very strong, I will find a hand to come down, if you can beat him, then it may be the dragon slayer, if you even beat my men If you don't win, then you can't be a dragon slayer at all."

Xu Feng smiled coldly, "Do you want me to fight with your men? No, this doesn't match my identity."

City Lord Carlyle sneered: "You liar, what kind of status do you want! If you have to call you by someone who has the status, it's also simple, Earl William is here, he has enough status, right? You dare to follow Did he fight?"

Xufeng laughed: "I'm afraid he wouldn't dare to fight me."

Earl William frowned. After hesitating for a long time, he sighed and said: "Yes, I dare not fight. I have already lost once, and I can't win."

City Lord Carlyle was taken aback: "My Lord Earl, why would you say this? Is it possible that you have been bought by them?"

Earl William said angrily: "City Lord Carlyle, what do you mean by this! Can I, Earl William, be bought by money?".

Seeing that Earl William was angry, City Lord Carlyle hurriedly said with a smile: "Lord Earl, don’t be angry, I just think it’s a bit strange. You are a famous figure in Middle-earth, why don’t you dare to beat a little liar? ?"

Earl William frowned and said: "It's very simple. When I went to attack Anduin City, I was singled out and defeated by a young man. This young man is not someone else, but the adult in front of me."

Chapter 607: The Cunning City Lord Carlyle

Upon hearing this, City Lord Carlyle was shocked suddenly, and the eyes that had been squinted together opened slightly.

He originally thought that Xufeng was just a commoner who ate and drank, but he did not expect that Xufeng was the one who defeated Earl William in the army.

Blame, blame, Xu Feng's dress is too ordinary, ordinary like a commoner on the street!

City Master Carlyle felt that the person who could defeat Earl William should at least be a very tall and muscular person, but what he didn't expect was that this person turned out to be the little white face in front of him.

"...It turns out that you defeated Earl William..." Castel Carlyle said in a jealous voice: "You are so young and have no status. On the contrary, you can defeat our powerful Earl William. I think it must be a very special one. Means?"

Before Xufeng could refute, the Captain Minor next to him said angrily: "City Lord Carlyle, what do you mean! Don't think of everyone as you!"

The Carlyle Castel was very thick-skinned. Facing the anger of Captain Minor, he just smiled, "What I said is possible. Maybe this kid will use dark magic to defeat Earl William by unclean methods. , And then coax you to say that he is a dragon slayer, so that you believe it is true, so that when you relax your vigilance against him, he can get endless benefits from you."

Xufeng smiled faintly: "City Lord Carlyle, you are really smart. But you said that if I know black magic, then should I be the first to kill a smart person like you?"

The Carlyle City Lord shivered suddenly: "This is my Carlyle City..."

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