Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1487

Xu Feng said coldly: "So what? If I really wanted to kill you, you would have fallen to the ground. But I came to help Hill solve the problem. Until the problem is solved, it doesn't matter. You think I am a dragon slayer and I am, you think I am not a dragon slayer, and I don’t argue. In short, let us resolve the agreement as soon as possible."

City Master Carlyle heaved a sigh of relief. He didn't regard Xufeng's remarks as a concession, but felt that Xufeng was guilty.

In this way, he even felt that Xu Feng was not a dragon slayer, but just a little white face who knew some special methods.

At this time, the Carlyle waiter who ran out before hurriedly walked in, "My Lord, everything has been arranged."

He did not say that the banquet was arranged properly, but that everything was arranged, and the hidden intention is self-evident.

Xufeng's heart was like Mingjing, but he didn't reveal it.

He wanted to see what the Carlyle City Master wanted to do.

City Lord Carlyle raised his brows and said with a smile: "Everyone, the banquet is ready, please come with me."

Hill said coldly, "I'm not here to eat."

Castel Carlyle smiled and said: "Miss Hill, you have come from afar. I am the caster, but I have to treat him well. Besides, it will take some time to prepare gold coins and contracts...you won't even give me the face ?"

Hill glanced at Xufeng hesitantly, and asked Xufeng's opinion with his eyes.

Although she is the lord of the city, she completely obeys Xu Feng's will.

Xufeng nodded slightly at her.

Hill immediately said: "Okay, but it doesn't mean anything. This is for the stability of the people of our two cities."

"Of course, of course." City Lord Carlyle smiled, but he became more jealous of Xufeng in his heart.

"My lords, please follow me." The Carlyle waiter of the Deer's Eye made a please gesture to Hill and the others.

Hill followed the Carlyle waiter to the castle restaurant.

It is obviously much larger and more luxurious than the restaurant in Anduin Castle.

There are only thirty or fifty servants in the restaurant. The tables are full of exquisite silverware, and almost all of the silverware is brand new.

Obviously, City Lord Carlyle used all the money he got from the Hobbit in his luxurious life.

Hill said in a low voice: "My brother died for 200,000 gold coins, but Castellan Carlyle spent all his money here..."

The Captain Minor next to her said in a deep voice, "Miss Hill, if you want this dog head, I am willing to offer it personally!"

Hill hurriedly said: "Uncle Mino, this is their place. We are here only for the 200,000 gold coins. That is what we deserve. We can bear other things. Besides, there are dragonslayers. Your lord is here, and everything is up to him."

Captain Mino sighed heavily, "Okay."

"Come on, everyone, please take a seat."

City Lord Carlyle sat on the main seat with a smile, and then said to Hill: "Miss Hill, you are a VIP, please sit next to me so that we can discuss the inviolable contract."

Hill frowned slightly, and could only be by the side of City Lord Carlyle.

Captain Mino sat next to Miss Hill.

Xu Feng didn't pay attention to it, found a seat casually and sat down, Hammer and Xuedi sat beside him.

Although City Lord Carlyle was sitting on the main seat, Xufeng's aura far exceeded that of City Lord Carlyle. On the contrary, it seemed that Xufeng was sitting on the main seat.

This made Carlyle City Master even more hate.

After everyone was seated, exquisite dishes were brought up one after another.

"Miss Hill, come and taste this honeyed pigeon. It is very tender and delicious. You will love it." Castel Carlyle showed great courtesy and tore off a pigeon leg with his own hands and placed it on Hill's plate. in.

Hill had no intention of eating. She said politely and indifferently, "Thank you, Carlyle Castle Master, but I think we should talk about non-aggression contract matters. Carlyle City and Anduin City were originally very good. Brother cities, I don’t think we should turn against each other because of a project. This is unfair to our two cities and the people in our two cities."

City Lord Carlyle nodded heavily, "Miss Hill, what you said is that I will definitely sign a non-aggression agreement with you, but..."

Hill frowned slightly. "But what?"

Castello Carlyle grinned and said: "You also know who can tear up this thing if it can be signed. Of course, I am a very reputable person. After I sign the agreement for you, I can naturally guarantee that I am still alive. At that time, our Carlyle City will never invade your Anduin City, but if I am gone, or you are gone, who will guarantee the friendship and peace between our two cities?"

Hill said coldly: "We can specify in the agreement that friendship and peace is a principle that subsequent city owners must abide by."

Castel Carlyle smiled and said: "The successor is not us, how can you expect them to abide by our principles?".

Hill frowned and asked, "What does Castel Carlyle mean? Don't you want to sign this agreement with me?"

Castel Carlyle said with a smile: "Of course not! In fact, I think it's better than signing the contract, but I don't know if Miss Hill will you."

Chapter 608: Peace Is Not Begging

Hill frowned and said: "If you can do it better than signing a contract, then it is naturally better, but, what do you plan to do, Lord Carlyle."

"No hurry," Castel Carlyle said with a smile, "Miss Hill, let me toast you first."

Hill shook his head: "I don't like drinking."

Castel Carlyle smiled and said: "You are really a pure lady, but you can drink this glass of wine. After all, we are all Santos. If you do not drink it, it means that you are not sincere enough. If you are not sincere enough If so, then I don’t need to talk about my plan anymore."

Hill hesitated slightly.

The hammer sitting in the distance quietly elbows Xu Feng who is watching the lychee chicken wings, "Hey, why are you still eating? Why don't you go and block a glass of wine for your little lover?"

Xu Feng frowned and said, "What little lover?"

The Snow Emperor next to him also asked faintly: "Yes, what little lover?"

The hammer lowered his voice and laughed: "Last night, I saw a woman sneaking into Xufeng's room..."

Xu Feng was shocked and almost bit his tongue. He quickly explained: "Hammer, things are not what you think..."

Hammer smiled and said, "Okay, you haven't done anything wrong, you panic? I know, nothing happened to you two, you drove her away."

Xu Feng breathed a sigh of relief, "That is, I am Bing Qing Yujie...Wait, hammer, how did you know? Could it be that you have been watching me all night?"

"Ah!" Hammer curled his lips: "Who is watching you? It's just that Hill's room is next to my room. Naturally, her every move can't escape my eyes."

"It turned out to be so." Xu Feng secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, last night he rightfully rejected Hill, otherwise...

Xuedi said faintly: "The performance is very good."

Xufeng smiled in a low voice: "I behaved so well, shouldn't those two wives, big and small, reward me?"

The hammer grabbed the chicken wings and stuffed it into Xufeng's mouth, "You can't stop your mouth with so many delicious foods!"

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