Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1488

"Let me drink for her!"

At this moment, Captain Mino stood up, grabbed the glass in front of Hill, and drank it.

City Lord Carlyle put down the wine glass contemptuously, and said coldly: "I am drinking with Miss Hill. This is a sincere exchange between the two City Lords. What are you?"

Hill said coldly: "Uncle Mino, like my father, if you insult him, you are insulting me."

Castel Carlyle hurriedly sneered and said: "Of course I didn't mean to insult Captain Mino, but this wine is a wine of sincerity and cannot be done by others."

Hill hesitated slightly, "Well, since I want to show my sincerity, I will drink this glass of wine, but I hope that after I drink this glass of wine, City Lord Carlyle can really show my sincerity. "

City Lord Carlyle said with a smile, "This is natural!"

Hill picked up and refilled the glass, took a light breath, wrinkled his nose, and drank the wine in the glass.

Then, especially because of the strong alcohol stimulation, he coughed heavily.

Captain Minor hurriedly helped Hill beat his back, "Miss, do you want it?"

Hill flushed and said, "I'm fine...City Lord Carlyle, I have already drunk this glass of sincerity. You should fulfill your promise, right?"

Castello Carlyle said with a smile: "Of course, of course, you can rest assured Miss Hill, I am very sincere. You see, our two cities were originally one city, which was blocked by an Anduin River. . If we want our two cities to be peaceful for generations, the only way is to merge the two cities into one city, so that we can achieve true peace."

Hilton frowned, "How can two cities merge into one city?"

Castel Carlyle said with a smile: "As far as I know, Miss Hill, you should not be married, and I, although there was a wife before, but died of illness a few years ago, we are both single, then , If our two city masters can unite, and the offspring that we give birth to, won’t they be able to rule the two cities? In this way, won’t the two cities achieve true peace?"

Hill trembled with anger and turned pale, "City Lord Carlyle! You asked me such a request!"

City Lord Carlyle said with a smile: "Miss Hill, I ask you to consider it carefully. This is a very good choice for you and Anduin. Of course, you may not like it. Me, but I am willing to make sacrifices for my city, why can't you make a little sacrifice for your city?"

"Damn it!" Captain Minor wanted to draw out his sword and directly chopped the thick-skinned Castel Carlyle into pieces.

Hill said coldly: "No matter what you say, I will never agree to it. As long as you fulfill the agreement you made with my brother, give me 200,000 gold coins, and then I will leave immediately."

Castello Carlyle smiled, "What? Miss Hill doesn't want us to have a real and permanent peace?"

Hill said coldly: "It doesn't matter, peace is not a beg, but if you don't want to fulfill peace, then you have 10,000 excuses to overturn the agreement between us, so I don't care about things that are not agreements. , I just want to get the money quickly and leave from here."

Castello Carlyle sighed disappointedly, "Anyway, I still hope that Miss Hill will give you some thought, and I will not be anxious for your reply, come and eat."

After he finished speaking, he winked at the Carlyle waiter who was next to the steed.

The Carlyle waiter quietly left without being noticed and arranged things.

City Lord Carlyle felt that the reason Hill rejected him was mainly because of the little white face who claimed to be a dragon slayer.

That's right, that little white face is handsome and young, and, with such a little strength, any woman will be tempted to see such a man.

City Lord Carlyle believes that only by removing this little white face will Hill lose support and fall into his embrace.

Therefore, he asked the Carlyle waiter to arrange something and deliberately targeted Xufeng.

When Xu Feng was eating happily, he saw a tall, heavily armed soldier rushing in.

The soldier stopped in the center of the banquet hall and halted the spear in his hand. The whole banquet hall trembled...

The original lively banquet hall suddenly became silent, and all eyes were on the soldier.

The soldier said gruffly, "My Lord City Lord! Marais refused to accept it!"

Chapter 609

"Oh, Captain Mares, what are you doing?"

City Master Carlyle reproached.

There is blame on his mouth, but there is no blame on his face. A discerning person can see it all at once, just singing a double song.

The brawny man, known as Captain Marais, said gruffly: "Why do you eat here, but I can't?"

Castello Carlyle frowned slightly, "Naughty, here are all distinguished guests, you are just my little captain of the castle guard, where is your part? Don't be embarrassed here, hurry up and leave! "

"No!" Marais said loudly: "Lord of the City, in terms of loyalty, I have followed you for many years. In terms of strength, I am not weaker than Earl William! Why can all cats and dogs be your guests? I can only stand guard for you? I am very dissatisfied!"

Castello Carlyle sighed and said, "Oh, how can this be good? Captain Marais, the location of the banquet has been fixed, and the dishes and drinks are served for one person. What do you think should be done?"

Marais said coldly: "This is easy! I choose one from the present to challenge. If he loses, he must obediently give up my seat!"

"Well..." Castel Carlyle glanced at Hill, "Miss Hill and the others are my distinguished guests, you can't be rude."

Marais said: "My lord, don't worry, I'm Marais, but I'm a well-known man. I won't challenge the female class."

Upon hearing this, the hammer's petty temper became a little unbearable, and she suddenly stood up, and before she could scold her, she was pushed back to the seat by Xufeng.

Castel Carlyle said with a smile: "Since this is the case, then you can choose a personal challenge. If you can successfully challenge, his seat will be yours."

"Thank you, Lord City Lord!" Barres said triumphantly.

Hill said in a deep voice: "I object! We are here at Carlyle City! You are actually going to challenge us at this time! This is really rude!"

Castel Carlyle hurriedly smiled and said: "Miss Hill, please don't be angry. This is not something I can control. This Captain Marais also makes sense. He has followed me diligently for so many years, and the result is now Isn't it unfair to him that he can't even get a seat?"

Hill said coldly: "Fairness and unfairness. That is also a problem of your arrangement, not our problem. If you arrange more rationally, there will be no more things. You can't just because your arrangements are unreasonable , Let us pay for your mistakes."

Castel Carlyle was speechless for a while.

Captain Mino stood up and said: "It doesn't matter, they are just looking for something, they can always find an excuse for this! Isn't it Captain Mares? Let me meet you Mino!"

With that said, Mino is about to come out to fight Mares.

Marez shook his head, "Captain Minor, you are Miss Hill’s favorite general. I know this. If I hurt you, I will have trouble myself, so I won’t Challenge you."

Captain Mino frowned and said, "Captain Mares, are you afraid to fight me?"

Mares laughed, "You are not my opponent, Captain Mino, and your aggressive approach is useless to me."

He pretended to look around, then raised his finger to Xu Feng who was chewing chicken wings, "I want to challenge him!"

Mino said angrily: "What kind of thing do you dare to challenge Lord Dragon Slayer?"

Marais smiled coldly: "It is because he claims to be a dragon slayer, so I have to challenge him. If he is defeated by me, then he must be a fake dragon slayer!"

Xufeng grabbed a napkin and wiped his greasy mouth and hands, and then said faintly: "If I win you, can I prove that I am the real dragon slayer?"

Marais smiled and said, "You can't win!"

Xufeng sighed helplessly: "Why do there always have some idiots in this world who need me to clean up?"

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