Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1490

The hammer on the side smiled and said, "I know you are shameless, but I didn't expect you to be so shameless!"

Mares deliberately pretended not to hear, "Does what you say still count?"

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "Okay, you can take a weapon if you want, I'll let you do three tricks, lest others say that my dragon slayer is bullying you."

"Good!" Marais smiled triumphantly.

Fighting with Xufeng empty-handed is hard to win.

However, once you have a weapon, you have confidence after buying it once.

He showed his spear and said coldly: "Let's start again! Don't forget, you have to make me three tricks!"

Before he finished his words, he straightened up his spear and pierced it fiercely towards Xufeng's heart!

Mares was already tall and long in arms, coupled with the length of his spear weapon, his offense was even sharper and more dangerous.

But Xufeng still avoided dexterously. This time, Xufeng not only retained the walking position of the dragon-wandering gossip array, but also added the crane-shaped body technique and the effect of the spider lord suit.

He never activated the Wind Spirit Crystal because he didn't need it.

Marais kept stabbing, and the entire banquet hall was full of the sound of his spear weapon cutting through the air, but no matter how hard he tried, one couldn't touch the corner of Xufeng's clothes!

Mares began to panic, and the attack began to mess up the rules.

Xu Feng smiled coldly: "Three tricks have passed, I'm starting to fight back."

He still carried his hands on his back, and when Mares stabbed him, he kicked the spear shaft with a kick, and the tremendous power immediately caused Mares' spear weapon to get out of his hand!

Mares couldn't help exclaiming, his hands were completely unconscious under the influence of the power shock wave!

Just when he was at a loss, Xu Feng kicked him again and kicked him out!

Before he landed, the spear that had been kicked up fell from the air, impartially and directly inserted into his heart!


A stream of blood spewed out.

Marais struggled a few times, then looked desperately at his master, Castel Carlyle, and died completely.

Except for the Xuedi team, everyone held their breath.

They originally thought that this would be a very difficult battle for Xufeng. After all, Mares was very strong, and Xufeng could not use weapons and hands. No one thought that the battle would end so quickly.

When Jean's three moves were over, Marais died.


This kind of strength is really terrifying.

The wine glass in the hand of Castel Carlyle began to tremble, and the whole person was completely shocked...

Count William secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

From this battle, he was not wronged at all when he lost to Xufeng, and even had some honor.

Chapter 611

"I said it a long time ago," Hill raised his head proudly: "This is the Dragon Slayer! He has dragon teeth ornaments on his body, that is the real Smaug teeth!"

"Dragon tooth ornament..." Castel Carlyle suddenly panicked.

The death of Marais was too shocking, too visually impactful. Although Carlyle City Lord was cunning, she was even more timid and cowardly. Even if he was too ambitious, he would not dare to talk to the Dragon Slayer. As an enemy.

Although he didn't really believe that Xu Feng was a dragon slayer, but the strength that Xu Feng displayed made him shocked.

Xu Feng said lightly: "We haven't finished our meal yet, you guys, please carry the body down first."

Only then did City Master Carlyle wake up like a dream, and quickly said: "Yes, yes! First carry the corpse down."

Several waiters worked together to lift Mares' body down, and the blood on the floor was also cleaned up immediately.

After the banquet was held again, Castel Carlyle seemed to have changed himself, and he didn't dare to mention anything like marriage.

Hill and the others are proud and will feel a bit anti-going.

The Carlyle waiter of the steer's eye cast a wink at the Carlyle Lord, and the Carlyle Lord hurriedly said: "A few distinguished guests can eat and drink well. I'll go there for convenience."

With that, he took the Carlyle waiter and hurriedly left the banquet.

"It's over, this time is over! I actually offended the Dragon Slayer!" Carlyle City Lord shivered like a sifting chaff.

The Carlyle waiter coldly smiled, "Master, you don't have to be afraid, the situation is still in our hands! That little white face may not really be a dragon slayer, it may be that Hill and the others deliberately created such an identity to frighten our!"

"But..." Castel Carlyle said in a low voice, "You have seen the strength of that little white face. A man as strong as Mares was solved by one move!"

The Carlyle waiter smiled and said: "So what? Going alone, no one of us can win him, but this is our place!"

"Do you have a good way?" Castel Carlyle asked.

The Carlyle waiter grinned and said: "In my opinion, we might as well do nothing and kill them directly! As long as we kill them, we don't need to spend 200,000 gold coins, and we can get Anduin without any effort. city!"

"How to destroy?" Castel Carlyle asked eagerly.

The Carlyle waiter sneered coldly: "It's very simple. I have a recipe that is colorless and tasteless in wine. Although anyone will not die after drinking it, they can no longer concentrate their own energy. We are at the mercy of us! As long as the Lord City Lord agrees, I can put this in their next round of wine, and then send guards into the arena to kill them all."

"This..." City Lord Carlyle hesitated a little.

City Lord Anduin came to visit, but died at the banquet in Carlyle City. This is unjustifiable anyway.

The attendant Carlyle saw his thoughts, and then said: "Sir, don’t worry, Miss Hill does not need to kill, just kill others. In this way, Miss Hill has no resistance to you. You Treat her whatever you want!"

Castellan Carlyle's eyes rolled and his mind became active.

"But..." Castel Carlyle said hesitantly: "Earl William is there? Earl William is a more upright person. If we let him know that we use this method, he will definitely disagree."

The Carlyle waiter smiled: "It's simple, we just kill Earl William together. I have long seen this old thing not pleasing to the eye. I thought he would die after being seriously injured, but I didn't expect to be saved."

City Lord Carlyle said: "Earl William has a high reputation. If we kill him, his knights will definitely not let us go."

"He actually doesn't know how he died. When that happens, we will say that Hill's people want to assassinate you, then Earl William stepped forward, and finally died in a glorious battle, putting all the responsibility on that little white face. Isn't this all going well?"

The Carlyle waiter smiled sinisterly: "Those knights are all dumb, they are proud of their honor, but when they learn that Earl William died bravely, they will only be happy for Earl William. At that time, Lord Lord, you still You can take the opportunity to comfort and conquer this knight team as your private army! With this private army and two cities, even if you want to be king, there is no problem!"

Castel Carlyle couldn't help rubbing his hands.

This temptation was too great for him, and it seemed worth it to take the risk.

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