Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1491

The Carlyle waiter said: "Sir City Lord, in this life, there are not many opportunities to change your destiny. Now the opportunity is right in front of you. You must grasp it."

City Lord Carlyle gritted his teeth, "Okay! Then do it! But, Hill must keep it for me!"

Carlyle waiter smiled sinisterly: "Don't worry, Miss Hill is like your bride tonight!

City Lord Carlyle smiled wretchedly, "Then you are not hurrying?"


The Carlyle waiter hurried to the kitchen.

At this time, the servants in the kitchen were coming and going. The Carlyle waiter stopped a maid serving the wine and said in a deep voice: "Leave it to me. I will deliver it myself."

"Yes." The maid was naturally happy to reduce her work, and readily handed the flask to Carlyle's messenger.

The Carlyle waiter walked to a place where no one was around, then gathered his mind and injected a dark magic into the flask.

He shook the jug to confirm that the magical effect had worked, and he carried the jug to the banquet hall triumphantly.

"Dear guests, my host specially ordered me to open a bottle of wine that has been kept for many years. Please also pay attention to the adults to taste."

As he said, he walked up to Xu Feng with a smile on his face and picked up the jug to pour the wine.

Xufeng glanced at him coldly, "Put down the jug first, I haven't finished the steamed wine myself."

The Carlyle waiter said quickly: "Don't be in a hurry, I'll just wait here."

Xu Feng said coldly: "What? Are you so anxious to let me drink this pot of wine? What's the tricky thing?"

The Carlyle waiter was startled, and said quickly: "Of course not! It's just that this wine is a little precious, and the villain is afraid of spilling it out and wasting it."

Xu Feng said coldly: "Since it is for us, then you don't need to worry about it. Just stand aside. After I finish drinking this glass, I will naturally pour the wine."

"Yes..." Carlyle's waiter's back was soaked, he quickly put down the flask, stood aside, and then secretly glanced at Xufeng with the light of his eyes.

Xuedi communicated with Xufeng with his heart: "This Carlyle waiter has a problem, and his wine has a problem."

Xufeng responded with thoughts: "Yes, I know."

Chapter 612 Wait!This is not right!

Seeing that Xufeng knew it well, Xuedi didn't say much.

The two of them had a very tacit understanding, and Emperor Xue was also 100% assured of Xu Feng, knowing that he would definitely have a way to deal with it.

Xu Feng remained silent and continued to eat meat and drink.

The reason why he didn't directly expose the Carlyle waiter was because he didn't want to scare the Carlyle waiter away.

He judged that this Carlyle waiter was definitely not an ordinary civilian figure, but a person hiding behind the scenes and controlling Carlyle City Lord.

If you stun the snake and get away by this guy using a special method, it would be more than worthwhile.

Moreover, Xu Feng judged that the pot of wine should not be ordinary poison, but magic.

If it is an ordinary poison, the antidote pill can solve it.

But if it is dark magic, then the antidote pills have no effect.

Xufeng said to Uncle Lin Hai with thought: "Uncle Lin Hai, there is magic in this pot of wine, are you sure to get rid of this magic?"

Lin Hai quickly replied with thoughts: "It should be possible."

"Well, leave it to you." Xufeng said with thought.

Lin Hai drank the wine in his glass immediately, then stepped to the table of Xufeng, smiled and picked up the flask, and said, "Lord Dragon Slayer, I think your wine will take a long time to finish. , Why don't you let me taste this fine wine first?"

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "Of course there is no problem, please."

The Carlyle waiter said quickly: "My lord, let me serve you?"

"No, I like to drink by myself." Lin Hai smiled coldly, and then walked to his seat holding the hip flask.

He first opened the lid of the hip flask, took a deep sniff, and said in admiration: "Yes, yes, it is good to smell the wine."

During this process, he held the other hand of the hip flask and secretly released the magic power to quickly get rid of the dark magic in the hip flask.

After the dark magic was removed, he poured himself a glass of joy, and then drank it all.

"How is it?" Xu Feng asked.

This is a pun. On the surface, it seems to be asking about the taste of wine, but in fact it is asking how dark magic is removed.

Lin Hai said with a smile: "Very good, very good!"

The hammer said immediately: "Uncle Lin Hai, don't patronize you to drink by yourself. Give us some."

"Hao Le! I'll pour the wine for you." Lin Hai held the jug and filled everyone's glass in turn.

"Come on, let's raise your glasses and do one!" Xu Feng said.

All the people present raised their glasses and drank all the wine in the glass.

Seeing such a scene, the Carlyle waiter smiled secretly, and then quietly exited the banquet hall.

"What's the situation over there?" Castel Carlyle was already waiting outside the banquet hall like ants on a hot pot.

The Carlyle waiter said triumphantly: "It's okay! They all drank the poisoned wine, and now they can let us kill them!"

Castel Carlyle asked uneasy: "Should we wait any longer, when will the effect of this medicine take off?"

The Carlyle waiter smiled and said: "They have no feeling at all now, but as long as they use force, the poisoned wine will have an effect, and they will be soft and unable to exert any effort!"

"Excellent!" Castel Carlyle rubbed his hands in excitement, "Go, summon my guards, remember to be quiet, and don't disturb other knights."

Carlyle waiter smiled and said: "Don't worry! Let me guarantee that there is no problem with this kind of thing!"

Soon, he hurried over with a pair of guards.

City Lord Carlyle immediately re-entered the banquet hall arrogantly.

Seeing that Carlyle Castle Master came in with a lot of guards, Hill couldn't help frowning: "Carlyle Castle Lord? What do you mean?"

City Lord Carlyle smiled coldly, "What do you mean? Someone is posing as a dragon slayer here. As the City Lord, I naturally cannot allow such a liar to exist!"

"Damn! Lord Dragon Slayer just killed Mares in seconds, can't it be proved!" Captain Minor patted the table heavily.

Earl William also stood up and said: "Lord City Lord, what you did this time is too much! Even if you don't recognize that adult is a dragon slayer, Miss Hill and others are our guests after all! They are here to seek peace. Yes, if you do this, it is clearly unrighteous!"

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