Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1492

Castel Carlyle said nonchalantly: "So what? I care if he is a real dragon slayer? I care that this matter is unjust? As long as it benefits me, that's fine!"

Earl William said angrily: "You! I really didn't expect you to be such a person! I knew this was the case, I shouldn't help you!"

Castel Carlyle sneered coldly, "Do you think I still need your help? I can handle everything by myself! Tonight, I want to talk to Miss Hill in the bridal chamber, and tomorrow I can announce Anduin City Merge into Carlyle City!"

Hill said angrily: "You dream!"

Castello Carlyle laughed: "I'm not dreaming! Every one of you just drank the beautiful bar? Haha, I have poisoned the wine, although you don't feel it now, but as long as you use your strength, you The power of you will disappear immediately!"

Everyone present was taken aback, and Earl William hurriedly secretly tried hard.

"Strange? I don't feel anything unusual." Earl William muttered quietly.

Captain Minor next to him also nodded, "I don't feel anything unusual."

At this time, Xu Feng was the top of the drama, and I exclaimed again and again: "No, I'm poisoned, I don't have any energy, I'm all over!"

"Hahahaha!" Carlyle City Master laughed triumphantly: "Now you know how good I am? Come on! Kill them all, leaving only Miss Hill!"

Earl William roared in annoyance: "City Lord Carlyle! What do you mean! Is it possible that you want to kill me too!"

Castel Carlyle said with a sneer: "Don't think that you are an earl and I dare not kill you. Kill you, and all your knights will submit to me! Do it!"


Dozens of guards immediately rushed forward, preparing to kill.

Earl William knocked out the first one with a punch, and Captain Mino also drew his long sword that he carried and chopped melons and vegetables among the enemy group.

"Finally, I can shoot!" The hammer also jumped out excitedly, and the war hammer in his hand swung vigorously.

City Lord Carlyle was dumbfounded, "Wait this is not right! This is not right! You should all have no strength!"

He grabbed the same dumbfounded Carlyle waiter behind him: "What's going on! Didn't you say that they are all poisoned?"

"This?" Carlyle waiter said helplessly: "I don't know what's going on, my magic shouldn't be a problem...unless..."

Uncle Lin Hai smiled coldly: "Unless, there is a magician stronger than you."

Chapter 613

In less than three minutes, the guards in the banquet hall were cleaned up.

Earl William and Captain Mino, holding long swords, walked towards the Carlyle Lord and Carlyle Envoy with a murderous spirit.

Carlyle waiter turned around and wanted to run, but Xufeng blocked the exit.

Castello Carlyle said with a shiver: "I just made a joke with you just now. Actually, I don't want to do this. This is what my waiter encouraged me to do! Yes! He did it! Kill him! Kill him!"

Seeing no response from the crowd, City Lord Carlyle hurriedly knelt down to Hill, "Miss Hill, help me beg for mercy. We are all City Lords. You can't die without saving! As long as you promise to save me, I am willing Divide the 1 million gold coins with you equally! No, I can give you all the gold coins and give you the entire waterwheel project!"

Hill said coldly: "City Lord Carlyle, if you have poisoned us with poison, I'll beg you to prevent them from death, can you do it?"

City Lord Carlyle nodded repeatedly and said: "I can! I can definitely!"

Hill said coldly: "No, you definitely can't, because you are by nature cunning and cruel, don't want to use my kindness to escape sanctions!"

Seeing that the begging for mercy was invalid, Castel Carlyle gritted his teeth and said: "So what! This is my place after all. If you dare to move me here, the people of Kaidi City will never let you go!"

Earl William said: "Hmph, do you think the people of Caddy City love you? You squeezed them for so long, they would have long waited for you to die! Miss Hill, Master Minor, you don't need to make a move, lest you get a commotion Let me, the earl, come!"

Speaking of Earl William, he walked in front of City Lord Carlyle. In a panic, City Lord Carlyle drew a long sword and prepared to confront Earl William.

Earl William waved his hand, and Carlyle’s arm was cut off!

City Lord Carlyle clutched his broken arm and screamed heartbreakingly.

Earl William grabbed Carlyle by the neck and said coldly: "Farewell, Carlyle, take your sins and go to hell!"

With that, Earl William picked up the knife and cut off the head of City Lord Carlyle directly.

The blood splashed on the Carlyle waiter, and the Carlyle waiter shivered suddenly.

"What about this guy?" Captain Mino tilted his head and looked at the Carlyle waiter.

Earl William said: "This man is not a good bird, let me kill him together!"

As soon as Earl William raised his sword, the Carlyle waiter quickly said, "You can't kill me!"

"Why?" Earl William asked coldly, "Give me a reason?"

Carlyle waiter took a deep breath, "Because, I am not an ordinary waiter, in fact, I am a member of the Holy White Council."

"Holy White Council!" Earl William suddenly widened his eyes in astonishment.

The Saint White Council, but the highest authority in Middle-earth!

No one can afford to offend!

Earl William said angrily: "With a sinister villain like you, how can you be a member of the White Council!"

Carlyle waiter proudly said: "I can prove it to you!"

As he said, he took out a crystal bead the size of a pigeon egg from his arms.

This crystal bead burst with dazzling white light, and the entire banquet hall was illuminated.

Count Carlyle said in astonishment: "Wait! This is! Is this the Crystal Bead of True Knowledge?"

The Carlyle waiter smiled triumphantly: "Yes, this is Zhenzhu! Now you should understand my identity? I am a student of the white robe mage Saruman of the Holy White Council! My name is Greima!"

Earl William frowned. "The Holy White Council should be a just organization. As a student of the White-robed Mage, why do you want to help the evildoer?"

Grema said coldly: "Just leave it alone, this is part of my teacher's plan! Now that you have broken my teacher's plan, what should you blame?"

The people present looked at each other, and no one knew what to do with this scene.

Xu Feng smiled faintly, "Glima, right?"

Grema sneered and said: "Yes! If you dare to touch me, you will be disrespectful to my teacher Saruman!"


Xufeng raised his hand and slapped Greima hard.

Grema was knocked directly to the ground, and it took a long time to finally get up.

"You! How dare you hit me!"

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