Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1494

Secondly, his identity as a dragon slayer is comparable to a king, so how can he stay in a small city?

However, given the geographical location of Carlyle City, the new Carlyle City Lord would naturally be his own.

What's more, Xu Feng analyzed that White-robed Mage Saruman would not send his students to Carlyle City for no reason. If he does not leave a person to protect Carlyle City, Nasaruman is likely to target it again. Carlyle City.

After discussing it with Xuedi, Xufeng decided to choose the owner of Carlyle City.

That is the hammer.

When Xufeng announced this decision, Hammer was stunned.

"Me?" The Hammer asked in astonishment: "Have you made any mistakes? How can I be the lord of the city? Except for iron and fights, I don't know anything about it! Besides, I have a little bit of Carlyle. If you are not familiar with it, everyone will be dissatisfied if you let me be the lord of the city!"

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "You are the woman of my dragon slayer, who dares not accept you?"

Hammer's face was flushed immediately.

Xufeng continued: "Furthermore, Carlyle City is building a waterwheel project. This is a very good opportunity. I plan to develop this into a new machine factory. And you are proficient in forging. You manage it, that's the best."

The Hammer thought for a while, "That's true, but if you are alone with me, I am afraid that many things will be difficult to handle."

Xufeng smiled and said, "I'll leave you a helper... Duke Yang!"

Gong Yang said bitterly, "Are you going to make me a donkey?"

Hammer smiled coldly: "If there is a waterwheel, who needs you? I just need a trustworthy person to help me pass orders and supervise the progress of the project."

Gong Yang hurriedly said: "Say early! I have no problem with this kind of work!"

Chapter 615

"In addition," Xu Feng continued, "I plan to hire Earl William and his knights to protect this place. I wonder what Earl William wants?"

Earl William said quickly: "Lord Dragon Slayer, your order is our honor! Don't talk about hired employees! Only...

"Infinite Movie World" Chapter 615 Top Luxury

Chapter 616 Damn Grema!

Earl William ignored the cigarette handed by the Hobbit, but turned his head and respectfully said to Xufeng: "Lord Dragon Slayer, this is the hobbit messenger from the Shire area, Perry Green Tu Grams."

Perry Green Tucker hiccuped and smiled happily: "Don't be so troublesome, just call me Pippin."

Xufeng smiled and said, "It turned out to be Piping, a member of the Tucker family."

Now, the main storyline can almost be connected.

First of all, the Tucker family is the surname of Bilbo Baggins’ mother family, so this Perry Green is naturally a relative of Bilbo Baggins.

Perhaps it is precisely because he is a relative of Bilbo that he was sent here to build the waterwheel project.

It's a pity that this relative is really a bit idle.

Piping blinked in surprise: "You know me? Wait, what did they call you just now?"

Earl William introduced loudly: "The man in front of you, this is Lord Dragon Slayer Didi!"

Piping called out in amazement, "This, this is impossible! Bilbo often tells me the story of the dragon slayer. He said that the dragon slayer is a great hero. However, after 70 years, the dragon slayer has survived. You should be at least 100 years old now! So are you still so young?"

Earl William said loudly: "Lord Dragon Slayer is certified by the White-robed Grand Mage of the Holy White Council, Lord Saruman!"

"But..." Pippin was still a little unbelievable.

Xu Feng said faintly: "You don’t have to doubt the issue of our age. To put it simply, in these 70 years, our time has been frozen by magic, and now the magic has been lifted, so we are naturally like As young as 70 years ago."

Pippin said excitedly: "I understand when you say that! Lord Dragon Slayer, I am so happy! Bilbo is about to celebrate his birthday. If he can see you return on his birthday, he must Will be crazy happy! Haha! Come! Let's have a glass of wine and celebrate! Oh, yes, Lord Dragon Slayer, please smoke another cigarette, this is Chinese Tobacco!"

"I know." Xu Feng smiled faintly: "I still gave this name."

Piping said excitedly: "In short, I was lucky enough to meet the Dragon Slayer whom Bilbo has always respected. I am really so happy. I want to drink three more glasses of wine!"

With that said, he was about to greet me and pour him wine.

Xufeng waved his hand, "Piping, don't drink it yet, take me to see the waterwheel project."

Piping vaguely said: "Okay...but, that...I actually don't know where the waterwheel project is, I just came here to build the waterwheel according to Bilbo's request."

Xufeng frowned and said, "You foolish bastard!"

Earl William said quickly: "I know where the waterwheel project is, I can take you there."

"Good." Xu Feng nodded.

Pippin quickly said, "Since there is Lord William, can I stay here to drink?"

Xufeng frowned and said, "No! You have to go with me, too."

Piping said helplessly: "Okay, okay."

The group then left the bar and walked upstream along the Anduin River.

The female city lord Hill and others also followed Xufeng, wanting to see what the legendary waterwheel was like.

After walking along the river for more than ten minutes, they saw a rough building erected on the water.

"This is the waterwheel?" Hill asked curiously.

She did not see any device similar to a wheel, nor did she see any changes in water flow.

Pippin said quickly, "No, this is not a waterwheel. This is called a waterwheel house. There are various gears and levers in the waterwheel house to transmit the power energy of the water flow and turn it into mechanical kinetic energy... But the strange thing is It’s been almost a week, the waterwheel should be erected."

Xufeng frowned and said, "You ask me? I want to ask you too! You, the supervisor, are too negligent."

Pippin's face flushed suddenly.

Xufeng and others walked to the waterwheel house and found a brass lock hung on the door of the waterwheel house.

And there was no worker beside the waterwheel house, let alone any trace of construction.

Piping murmured: "How could this be? How could this be? The Carlyle City Master sent someone to report to me on the progress of the project every day. He said that it would not take long before the waterwheel was officially put into operation!"

The Hammer smiled and said, "Is the person reporting to you a long, sharp-mouthed monkey cheek, a roe-headed rat?"

"Yes, yes!" Piping nodded quickly.

"Glima..." Xu Feng frowned slightly.

Obviously, as a student of the white-robed mage Saruman, Grema is definitely not as simple as earning hundreds of thousands of gold coins in Carlyle City. His goal must be to surpass the waterwheel machinery of the middle-earth plane technology!

He came for the waterwheel!

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