Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1495

Xufeng said to the hammer in a deep voice: "Open the door."

"Good Le!"

The hammer immediately showed the silver fist warhammer, and a light hammer blasted the door of the waterwheel house directly.

The waterwheel house was empty, and only the Anduin River made the sound of the water flowing from the bottom of the waterwheel house.

Pippin was dumbfounded, "Wait, how could this be? This shouldn't be! What about the waterwheel's parts? Why are there no more?"

Xufeng sighed, "Grema must have been taken away secretly. This Grema not only lied to Piping, but also lied to Carlyle."

Hill couldn't help asking: "But, he is a student of Lord Saruman, the white-robed mage, what does he want the waterwheel for?"

Xu Feng said faintly, "I have to ask Saruman himself."

The hammer said immediately: "I'll go and chase the Grema back!"

Xufeng shook his head, "It's unnecessary. Grema has stayed here for so long. It must not have emptied the waterwheel house today. Besides, if Grema is really killed, Saruman will have an excuse to deal with it. Carlyle City is here. Carlyle City is blessed with river resources and can be used as an arsenal in our rear. Therefore, we cannot bring the war here."

"Then what should I do now?" The Hammer asked, "Without the waterwheel, I can only start the work manually."

Duke Yang shivered again, "No! That damn Grema!"

Piping said desperately: "What should I do now? How can I explain to Bilbo?"

Xufeng sighed helplessly, "It's OK, I designed the drawing of the waterwheel. In addition, you are also a senior forge. Let's take the materials from the spot and rebuild an upgraded version of the waterwheel. "

The Hammer smiled and said, "Well, that's okay. It may take a little time, and in the process of building a new waterwheel, it is inevitable that some manpower will be needed.

Xufeng said: "If you need a worker, hire from Carlyle City. Just give more gold coins-Piping, are all the gold coins in your hands?"

Piping was startled, and said uncertainly: "Should, should it be?"

Chapter 617-Carlyle's Vault

Upon hearing this, Xufeng frowned, "Don't tell me, you have given Grema a million gold coins."

Pippin said quickly, "No no!"

"That is not bad."

"I also kept a few thousand gold coins for consumption in the bar. Ah, the beer of Human Race may seem crude, but in fact it is quite delicious."

"You..." Xu Feng wanted to slap Pi Ping on the back of his head.

However, he did not do so in the end.

If he really made a move, even if Pippin had ten lives, he wouldn't be enough to slap in an angry slap.

However, when he thought that Hobbits were so loose by nature, Xu Feng didn't have much anger.

However, if there is no such money, let alone build a new waterwheel, even the money promised to Anduin City and the money for hiring the Knights of William Earl could not be obtained by Xu Feng.

Xufeng then said in a deep voice to Earl William: "William, do you know where Carlyle’s vault is?"

Earl William quickly said: "The guy in Carlyle City Master is very guarded, never let outsiders know where his vault is, especially against me. However, I think if you can torture his former castle attendants, then There should be clues."

Xufeng nodded and said, "Well, this matter is left to you. If we don't have money, we will be very passive."

Earl William straightened his waist and said: "Please rest assured, Lord Dragon Slayer, I will do this right away!"

With that, he turned around and left in a hurry.

Xu Feng carefully checked in the waterwheel house again, and then a brand new waterwheel design scheme emerged in his mind.

The previous waterwheel design scheme was made 70 years ago in Middle-earth. Such schemes were not adapted to local conditions. Now that Xufeng sees the Anduin River, he naturally has a more suitable design scheme.

Xufeng estimates that such a brand-new solution can at least double the kinetic energy efficiency and greatly increase the efficiency of hammer manufacturing.

From this perspective, it can be considered a blessing in disguise.

Of course, the premise is that they can find the treasury of Carlyle City Lord.

When Xufeng and others returned to Carlyle Castle, Earl William walked out excitedly while wiping the blood from his fist.

"Lord Dragon Slayer, I have already asked the location of the treasure house."

"Oh? So fast?" Xu Feng asked in surprise.

Earl William laughed: "Well, with a little penalty, those servants couldn't stand it and all confessed. It turned out that Castle Lord Carlyle set up the treasure house in the cave behind the castle, and I heard from the servants, this Lord Carlyle Basically, he is a master who can only enter and cannot leave. There should be more than one million gold coins in the cave."

Xufeng smiled and said: "Okay, you can take someone to count it. I am going back to the room to draw new drawings."

Count William was startled, "Lord Dragon Slayer, that's a lot of money! Don't you supervise it? If I stole some of it, wouldn't you be at a loss?"

Xufeng smiled faintly: "I believe that Earl William, you are not such a person. Okay, I'll go busy first. If you have anything, you can discuss with the Lord Hammer."

After speaking, Xu Feng hurriedly entered the castle, found a room, closed the door and began to design new waterwheel drawings.

Count William turned to the hammer and said, "Miss City Lord, why don't you go to the treasure house with me."

The hammer shrugged, "I'm not interested. You can handle this kind of trivial matter yourself. I'm going to discuss with Hill about water transportation. Many high-quality iron ore must be transported from the iron hills by water transportation. , Hill."

"Yes!" Hill immediately followed the hammer.

"Ms. Xuedi?" Earl William asked to the Xuedi.

Xuedi said lightly: "I want to take a break, Earl William, you can do this kind of trifle by yourself."

After speaking, Xuedi walked away leisurely.

Lin Hai and Yang Gong naturally have no interest in the treasure house.

Although they are mercenaries on the surface, in fact, they all have no interest in the gold coins in the plot. No matter how many gold coins they have, they can't take them away, and they can't be converted into shadow power points.

"I'll go with you." Pippin volunteered.

Earl William breathed a sigh of relief, "Excellent, Master Pippin. With you, I feel more at ease in my heart. Alas, Lord Dragon Slayer is really no ordinary person. If you change to an ordinary person, you will have long been in the treasure house. His gold and silver treasures are getting nervous, but Master Dragon Slayer and his friends don’t care at all! This is really an extremely noble chivalry! I must learn from Master Dragon Slayer!"

Piping smiled and said, "Yeah, yeah! I'm very nervous now! If I don't have money, how can I explain to Lord Dragon Slayer? How can I explain to Bilbo? If I can't explain to them, how will I drink in the future? ?"

"It turns out you are just drinking..." Earl William grinned irritably.

Piping smiled and said: "Drinking is a very happy thing. I can hardly imagine the days without alcohol."

Earl William sighed and said, "You, you can never become a knight. But, you are a hobbit, so of course it's another matter."

Piping smiled, "Don't you like to drink, Lord William?"

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