Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1496

"Yes, I am a knight, I want to control drinking, drinking will delay a lot of business." Earl William said.

"Then I recommend you order a Chinese cigarette. I believe you must have heard of this kind of tobacco?" Piping took out a cigarette and handed it to Earl William.

Earl William hesitated, "This thing is very expensive, I'm afraid I can't afford it."

Piping smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, we are friends. If you want to smoke, you can always find me."

Earl William said with a smile: "Thank you for your kindness, but I think it's better to forget it."

Pippin directly stuffed Earl William a pack of cigarettes, "You are welcome, you can try it whenever you want to, to ensure that you are full of energy, and your energy and energy will recover quickly."

"Then... well, thank you." Earl William naturally knew the magic of Chinese cigarettes. In Middle-earth, this kind of tobacco is comparable to Xingyue tea, and it is easier to carry than Xingyue tea. .

However, the biggest disadvantage is that it is too expensive and easily addictive.

Therefore, Earl William did not want to try this kind of tobacco easily when it was not necessary.

The two of them took a group of knights and quickly reached the back mountain and found the cave that was Carlyle's treasure house.

After spending a lot of effort to open the door of the treasure house, everyone was shocked.

The treasury was filled with golden coins, most of which were obtained from Piping, and a small part was obtained by the owner of Carlyle by searching for the people.

Count William sent someone to count it, and it turned out to be as much as 1.6 million gold coins!

The people of Carlyle City were undressed. For the 200,000 gold coins, the former Lord Anduin was buried in Dahe!

While the Carlyle City Lord obviously has 1.6 million gold coins, but he would rather hide them in the cave to get moldy than to give them to anyone!

This vampire!

It's so deadly!

Chapter 618

After counting the gold coins, Earl William recruited all the knights, packed all the gold coins in the treasury, and transported them back to the castle.

On the way back to the castle, the residents all pointed to the mighty convoy.

Earl William was under a lot of pressure and kept his hand on the hilt.

He was afraid that this group of residents, who had been dazzled by money, would swarm up and do violent things.

If such a situation were really encountered, then he could only calm the knights.

These gold coins are not his, but they are full of the trust of the dragon slayer, and he must bring the gold coins to the dragon slayer without fail!

If even this matter can't be handled well, then why would he have the face to mess with Lord Dragon Slayer in the future?

Fortunately, the battle with all eight hundred knights made the residents who were eager to restrain themselves and did not dare to mess around.

Earl William escorted the gold coins and entered the castle without risk.

The residents outside the castle were full of disappointment, but they could only shake their heads and sigh.

"Lord Dragon Slayer."

Earl William hurriedly came to Xufeng's door and knocked on the door lightly.

Sitting at the desk, Xu Feng put down the quill in his hand, stretched his waist, "Come in."

He had just completed the design drawings of the new waterwheel, and Earl William was here.

Earl William opened the door and bowed respectfully to Xufeng.

Xufeng waved his hand, "William, don't be so polite, how is the situation on the vault?"

Count William immediately said beamingly: "Lord Dragon Slayer, you must have never thought of it!"

Xufeng smiled and said, "Look at your expression, the Carlyle Vault should have a lot of money? More than one million gold coins?"

Earl William nodded in excitement, "Yes! That damn City Lord Carlyle actually raided 1.6 million gold coins!"

"So many?" Xufeng couldn't help frowning and said, "I see the living conditions of the residents of Carlyle City. It is not rich at all, and the industry is withered. Compared to Anduin City on the other side, it is really worse. It's so far away! City Lord Carlyle has so many gold coins! They don't need to be on his own residents! What a shame!"

Count William said: "In the beginning, he should have been stabbed a few more times! Let him suffer for a while before he die!"

Xufeng smiled faintly: "It's not good. Fortunately, the Carlyle Lord is so wealthy, he didn't let Grema collect the gold coins... Well, let's leave one million for the expenses related to the waterwheel project. Yes, the remaining 600,000 are all used by the Carlyle City Lord to search for the residents of Carlyle City. You use this part of the money, of which 300,000 will be used to distribute to the residents of Carlyle City, and the other 300,000 will be used to recruit workers to build the city. For the infrastructure of Leicheng, I want Carlyle City to have asphalt roads, skill schools, clinics and hospitals in a short time."

Earl William said in surprise: "Send the money directly to the residents?"

"Yes, this was originally their money. Now, it is right to spend all this money on them." Xu Feng said lightly.

Earl William stood in front of Xufeng with trembling lips and tears, unable to speak for a long time.

Xu Feng asked strangely: "William, what's the matter with you? Could it be that you are not willing to accept the six hundred thousand? Don't worry, I promise you that the knights' money will come out of the one million gold coins.

"No, no!" Earl William said quickly: "Lord Dragon Slayer, I didn't mean that! I just think that you are truly a man of unparalleled virtue! People like you should be the king of our human race! Only you are worthy to rule our entire human race!"

Xu Feng smiled and waved his hand, "I'm not that interested. Our Xuedi team's return this time is just to deal with the upcoming Dark Legion. As for the human emperor... he will appear."

"...Yes." William sighed inwardly. He felt that the dragon slayer's words were merely comforting and perfunctory.

Jarno, Gondor, Rohan, these three human kingdoms, there are no kings anymore, and the entire China-Turkey Alliance exists in name only. Everyone is working independently, even plundering and attacking each other.

Originally, King Arsson had the opportunity to unify the entire human race, but... King Arsson died young.

William really didn't see any hope.

As Xufeng sorted out the drawings at hand, he said: "Okay, go and distribute the gold coins. Oh, by the way, call Piping for me.

"Yes." Earl William saluted Xufeng a standard military salute, then turned and walked out of the room.

After a while, Pippin crouched, like a schoolboy who made a mistake, bowed his head and walked in.

"Lord Dragon Slayer, are you looking for me?"

Xufeng nodded, "Sit down."

Pippin said quickly: "Don't dare."

Xufeng smiled and said: "What's not to dare? Your kid dared to hand over one million so much money directly to City Lord Carlyle. Why don't you even have the courage to sit down now?"

Piping smiled bitterly and said: "I thought that since City Lord Carlyle is the City Lord, he can't run away. Besides, we also signed a contract."

Xufeng sneered and said, "Yes, you signed the contract, but when he breaks the contract, what can you use to counter him?"

"This..." Pippin didn't know how to respond for a while.

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