Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1498

Piping quickly put the wine on the table, and then swallowed a mouthful of water involuntarily, "That...Lord Dragon Slayer..."

Xu Feng waved his hand. "The dragon slayer calls every day, and my ears are called cocoons. You are different from them. You should call me Diedi."

Piping smiled, "Yes! Lord Dragon Slayer... Yeah, I didn't change my mouth for a while."

Xufeng smiled, took a glass of wine and said, "Slowly change it."

Seeing Xufeng drinking, Piping swallowed his saliva involuntarily.

Xufeng took a sip, then smiled and said, "Well, yes, this wine is still very good, have you ever had it?"

"I..." Piping licked his lips, "I drank it once before, but I forgot what it tastes like, should I try it again? Anyway, there are three cups here, Lord Diego, you can drink it by yourself. ..."

Xufeng laughed, "I'm having a good drink! Would you like to drink it?"

Piping smiled bitterly and said, "I think..."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Yes, you can drink anytime you want."

"Really!" Pippin's eyes widened suddenly, his face was full of joy, and he reached out to grab the glass.

Xufeng continued, "But as long as you drink, you can't stay here."

Piping's hand immediately shrank back as if it had been electrocuted, and he smiled sullily: "Don't drink, don't drink, I must stay by the dragon slayer."

Xu Feng nodded slightly, very satisfied.

After drinking, Xufeng asked Piping to clean up, and then walked out of the castle with Piping.

At this moment, Earl William was still distributing gold coins to the residents of Carlyle City. Every Carlyle city resident who was allocated gold coins was grateful to Dade, and kept bowing to Earl William, and some even knelt down to Earl William.

Whenever encountering such a situation, Earl William hurriedly helped them up, and then told them: "This is not the money I gave you. This is the money the Dragon Slayer gave you, and it is also the new City Lord Miss Iron Hammer. Money for you!"

"... Long live the Dragon Slayer! Long live Miss Iron Hammer!"

Although the residents have not seen the real dragon slayer, they don't know who Miss Hammer is, but they can distribute gold coins to them without any request, and will give them the opportunity to work in the future, that is their benefactor !

It was almost evening when Earl William finally allocated all the gold coins.

There were only 800,000 gold coins left in the castle.

Of course, for ordinary civilians, this number is still astronomical, but for Xufeng, who wants to rebuild waterwheels and expand water transport trade, 800,000 gold coins are still a bit stretched.

After a simple dinner, the hammer pulled Xufeng to discuss the construction of waterwheel parts.

The Hammer had already checked the warehouse in Carlyle City. The warehouse was almost empty, with no iron ore at all.

This also shows that at the beginning, Castel Carlyle used Pippin as an idiot, and he didn't really want to build a waterwheel project.

In this way, everything can only start again.

But it will take a lot of time to rebuild.

Xufeng and Iron Hammer had a long discussion about the drawing, and finally finalized the final plan.

Of course, this plan only involves how to build a waterwheel factory, but as for the drawings for manufacturing tanks later, Xufeng has not planned yet.

Tanks are a heavy weapon of modern warfare. It shouldn’t be a big problem to build a heavy tank with the level of hammer forging, but the problem is that tanks need power to drive, how to drive in places like Middle-earth A modern tank is a more complicated problem.

Of course, this is not difficult for Xufeng.

When he first entered Middle-earth, Xufeng had actually observed it. Although there was coal in Middle-earth, there was no such resource as oil. Therefore, Xufeng’s first tank was a steam tank. Make the tank bigger and more awkward, and then add a coal-fired power engine inside to drive the heavy tank with the heat of coal.

Such an assumption would make the tank extremely clumsy and unable to form mobile combat power, but after all, the tank is an iron shell. As long as it can run and the tactics are used properly, then the power is naturally not to be underestimated.

However, the idea of ​​designing a steam tank was completely changed after Xufeng saw Zhenzhi Jingzhu.

Zhenzhi Jingzhu was the first to be discovered by the white-robed mage Saruman. This kind of thing possesses a peculiar energy that can transform its own ability into energy similar to power.

To put it simply, when Xufeng pours his abilities into the True Knowledge Bead, then the True Knowledge Bead will act like an energy block, driving the machine.

Xufeng did several simple experiments to verify his ideas.

This also means that in Middle-earth, there is no need for such things as oil, let alone refining oil. As long as you can find more true knowledge beads and place them in the power chamber of the tank, You can drive the tank with your own combat power.

In this way, the tank can be made very small to ensure its maneuverability, and there is no need to train tank drivers and gunners. It only needs a powerful person to bind the true knowledge crystal beads, so that the tank can be operated remotely. Up.

Therefore, the steam tank drawings that Xufeng previously envisioned can be completely invalidated, thus designing a new unmanned real-knowing tank.

Of course, in this way, they need a lot of true knowledge beads.

The true knowledge crystal beads are the energy crystals left over from the fall of the strong during the War of the Ancients. Most of these crystals fall in the dark and dense forests, some are combined with the soil, some with the trees, and some with the The monsters are combined, so if you want to get the true knowledge crystal beads, you must go deep into the dark and dense forest to explore and search.

Xufeng discussed with Xuedi, and Xuedi felt that if he could build a true tank, it would definitely play a decisive role in the sixth stage of the decisive battle. Therefore, after the two discussed, Xuedi carried it overnight. Lin Hai left Carlyle City and headed directly to the depths of the dark dense forest.

In this way, the Xuedi team was divided into three parts. Xuedi took Lin Hai to find more true knowledge crystal beads. Hammer and Gong Yang stayed in Carlyle City to build the waterwheel and went to the Shire area. , The task of forming the ring squad fell on Xu Feng alone.

Seeing that Bilbo’s 110th birthday is coming soon, and when Bilbo’s birthday arrives, that is the day when the Supreme Lord of the Rings appears...Time is tight, and the task is heavy!The Xuedi team must go all out.

Chapter 621 I Just Want To Help Him

After Xuedi and Lin Haishu left, Xufeng stayed in Carlyle City for another three days to continue to perfect the design drawings of the Zhenzhi Tank.

In these three days, Pippin insisted on not drinking, so Xufeng was quite satisfied with his performance.

On the fourth day, the iron ore from the iron hills was finally transported by the big ship in Anduin City.

The purchase of iron ore this time was worth 100,000 gold coins, and a total of 10 ships were filled.

This is not only an unprecedented big deal for Anduin City, but also a big deal for the Iron Hills controlled by the dwarves.

Of course, the dwarves have always been very shrewd in trading. They wanted to sell only 8 ships, but then Hill personally came forward and signed a long-term supply contract with the person in charge of the iron ore to keep the price down. After getting down, it was filled with 10 big ships.

According to Xufeng's plan, Hill left three of the big ships, one side was used to build a new shipyard and new ships, while the remaining seven big ships were all delivered to the port of Carlyle City.

The Hammer immediately organized people to load and unload, which added a lot of jobs to Carlyle City. After the iron ore was loaded and unloaded, the Hammer arranged for people to smash the iron ore into powder for preliminary processing.

At this point, ordinary civilians can hardly be competent, and can only rely on a powerful knight army.

When the iron ore becomes powder, the hammer starts the newly constructed smelting plant to cast all the iron ore powder into the parts required by the waterwheel.

In this way, after three days of continuous high-intensity work, most of the waterwheel parts were cast.

After another day of assembly, the 20-meter high waterwheel was placed on the Anduin River.

The rushing river water pushes the huge waterwheel, which is transmitted through steel gears, the gears are transmitted to the levers, and the levers are transmitted to the gears, and thus inexhaustible power is produced.

The residents of Carlyle City who witnessed this grand occasion all cheered excitedly, and the hammer also let out a sigh of relief.

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