Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1499

With this inexhaustible power, she can quickly produce more parts, and Anduin City and Carlyle City are on the right track immediately.

Of course, next, the more important part is money.

Manufacturing is burning money.

Without the support of gold coins, the iron ore will run out in a short time.

At this time, there were only three days left before Bilbo's birthday, and Xufeng bid farewell to the hammer and took Pippin to the Shire area.

Along the way, Piping was very excited. He kept explaining to Xufeng the changes in the area over the past few years, especially after the construction of the China Tobacco Factory.

Middle-earth was originally a magical world, but Xufeng's design drawings slightly changed the civilization process of this magical world.

The China Tobacco Factory is a very large example. The factory has basically achieved mechanization. The Hobbits in the Shire area hardly need to work and can obtain extremely high benefits and remuneration.

Bilbo's status has also become very lofty among the Hobbits. He is not only a hero who has participated in the Dwarf Expedition, but also a friend of the Dragon Slayer, and he has also opened this Chinese tobacco factory with the Dragon Slayer.

When they arrived at the Shire border, Pippin was even more excited, and kept describing to Xufeng the food and wine in the Shire area, of course, especially the wine.

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "I am not the first time to come to Shire."

"But this is definitely different from 70 years ago!" Pippin emphasized: "The Shire area has changed a lot, because every hobbit is rich and rich, so our food and clothing costs are also It’s the most particular."

Xufeng asked: "The Shire area is so rich, and other areas are so barren, is there no one to beat your Shire area?"

Piping said with a smile: "There must be, but even if they have a thief, they don’t have the courage! After all, Bilbo is the only remaining hero of the Dwarf Expedition. The expedition saved the entire Middle-earth. Civilized, this is the point. Those who want to lay down regional ideas must also weigh carefully. What's more, we have the protection of the gray-robed mage Gandalf. Once we are attacked, Gandalf will definitely be the fastest The speed is transmitted to us. Oh, speaking of Gandalf, I really like his tricks. The magical fireworks he puts are very beautiful and can form a variety of appearances, but every time he comes, Always take away a big truckload of China Tobacco, hahaha."

Xufeng smiled helplessly: "...Old Gan, I miss him too."

Pippin said quickly, "Gandalf will definitely be here on Bilbo's birthday, and you will be able to see him then."

"Well, I'm already looking forward to it." Xu Feng smiled faintly.

Although for him, it was only a few days away from Gandalf, but according to the timeline of Middle-earth, Gandalf had not seen him for 70 years. When they met, Gandalf It must be very excited and tearful.

When Xu Feng thought about it, she felt a little funny.

When they entered and were about to enter the Shire, the sky was already dark.

Xufeng didn't mind rushing into the night, but Piping was already yawning.

These days he was busy back and forth to help Xufeng convey orders, and it was really hard.

What's more, if he knocked on Bilbo's door in the early morning, Bilbo would be crazy.

Xu Feng asked faintly: "Is there any hotel nearby. We can rest for a night before heading on the road, so that we can see Bilbo before noon tomorrow."

Pippin quickly said: "I know there is a hotel nearby, we can go there for one night. This area is a bit complicated, the lower area here and the human and dwarf borders, of course, hobbits rarely leave. People in the Shire area, so basically the humans and dwarves are active in this area. We have to keep a low profile."

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "I have always been very low-key."

The two rode their horses to the pub that Pippin said.

The tavern was built in a small valley, surrounded by sparse residential buildings, and the roads were also full of mud. It looked like a very poor and humble place.

People who come and go here are passers-by, and because it is the junction of the three realms, it is also a gray area beyond the jurisdiction of the law, so it is difficult to develop the local economy.

When Xufeng and the others were about to reach the hotel, a group of ragged children rushed out, and the poor Chong Xufeng and Piping stretched out their hands.

Pippin sighed and said, "Poor children..."

He took out a gold coin and threw it to one of the children.

The child grabbed the gold coin and immediately ran into an alley happily, and a few older children were chasing after him. After a while, there was a scream and a heart-piercing scream at the end of the alley. The sound of crying.

Xu Feng said lightly: "You are harming him."

Piping sighed helplessly: "But I just want to help him..."

Chapter 622

Xufeng said lightly: "Remember, sometimes your kind deeds can lead to painful results, so before doing something, you must consider whether the other party can withstand your kindness."

Pipin Didi sighed slightly: "I remember, Master Didi."

Xufeng said: "Also, the moment you shot it just now, it was a gold coin. Don't talk about these little kids. Even the passersby around you know that you must have a lot of gold coins."

Pippin said quickly, "I didn't take many gold coins. There are only a few hundred gold coins in my purse."

Xufeng sighed helplessly, "You, just don’t have any social experience, don’t you understand if your wealth is not exposed? Look at the few people in the distance, they are all looking at you with ferocious eyes, just like seeing It's like a roast duck in honey sauce."

Pippin suddenly flustered, "What should I do?"

Xufeng smiled and said, "What else? If I protect you, nothing will happen."

Pippin breathed a sigh of relief, "Yes, I almost forgot about it."

Xu Feng continued: "But next time you must be careful. If I am not by your side and you are being watched by others, it is impossible to survive with your combat power."

Piping nodded vigorously.

"Let's go, enter the hotel, I will negotiate everything."


Piping immediately followed Xufeng to dismount his horse, tied the horse outside the hotel, and then walked into the house called "Prancing Horse Hotel" together.

The hotel is full of voices, and there are sounds of drinking and fun everywhere. The not-so-looking tavern girls are constantly shuttling around the table, delivering poor-quality beer and stale meals to the guests.

Although she doesn't look pretty, but her dress is very revealing, she will be touched by customers from time to time. Of course, the tavern girl doesn't care, she originally relies on this to earn tips.

If the business is good, the tip she can earn in one night is about 50 silver coins, which is definitely a very lucrative job for people living here.

Of course, if a guest gives enough money, the tavern girl will also provide additional services.

When Xufeng walked in with Piping, the tavern girl's eyes lit up and walked towards Xufeng with twists and turns.

Although Xufeng's clothes are very ordinary, he can't hide his handsome appearance and extraordinary temperament in ordinary clothes.

This is like a diamond, even if it is covered, as long as there is a little gap, it will bloom with a bright light.

The tavern girl knows countless people, so she can naturally see the extraordinary things about Xufeng. She walked up to Xufeng with enthusiasm, and smiled charmingly: "This adult is so eye-catching. Where are you staying?"

Xu Feng said faintly: "Come here to stay and eat by the way."

The tavern girl smiled: "Okay, of course no problem, please come here with me..."

The tavern girl led them to a table in the corner, on which a drunk man was sleeping.

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