Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1500

The tavern girl gave the drunk a push, but in the end she just grunted and made no response.

The tavern girl pushed the drunk to the ground in disgust, and the drunk continued to fall asleep on the ground.

Piping pinched his nose, frowned and said, "This guy smells so bad, I really don't know how much wine I drank..."

Xu Feng frowned slightly, he saw a hint of heroism from the drunk's filthy face.

Although it is impossible to determine who this person is for a while, people who are related to the Prancing Horse Hotel may be useful people.

The tavern girl really wanted to make Xufeng’s business, so the other waiters shouted: "You guys, come and throw this disgusting guy into the pigpen! He has been drinking here for three days, but Did not pay a dime for the wine! Remember not to let him go! If he can't pay for the wine, let him pay for it!"

Several waiters with big waists rushed over immediately.

In this kind of place, if you don't have any strength, you wouldn't dare to open a shop.

The waiters are obviously not the first time they have treated guests who can’t pay for alcohol. They clearly divided the work and lifted the drunk man. As soon as he was about to leave, Xu Feng said lightly: "Get him a room, all All the accounts are on my head."

The tavern girl was taken aback, "My lord, are you kidding me? This man is like a beggar... he won't pay you back!"

Xufeng smiled faintly, "I know, but this table originally belonged to him. Now that we are here, it is considered to have robbed his table. Therefore, I will pay the debt he owes. In addition, I Give you a few more gold coins so that he can stay here for three more days."

With that, Xu Feng stretched out his hand to Pi Ping beside him.

Pippin hesitated for a moment and said in a low voice, "Master Diego, didn't you say that we can't reveal our wealth?"

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "Yes, we can't reveal our wealth for no reason, but we can't pretend to be poor when we need it."

Piping smiled and said, "Yes, yes, I understand."

He safely took out his heavy money bag from his waist, and then in front of everyone in the tavern, he took out a handful of gold coins from the money bag and placed it on the wine table.

"Enough?" Pippin asked.

The eyes of the tavern girl are straight, and she is considered well-informed, and has been exposed to all kinds of guests from all corners of the country, but it is the first time she has received such a wealthy guest.

Therefore, she was completely stunned in place, completely at a loss.

Seeing that the tavern girl hadn't spoken for a long time, Pippin thought he had not given enough gold coins, so he grabbed a handful and continued to ask, "Is it enough?"

The tavern girl said quickly: "Enough! Enough!"

There are more than 20 gold coins in these two gold coins, but in fact, your sloppy drunk can not use 5 gold coins in total for these three days.

This is really big!

The tavern girl smiled and said again and again: "What are you guys doing in a daze? Bring this guy to the hotel room!"

"Yes! Yes!" The strong tavern waiter immediately lifted the dirty drunk, and disappeared on the second floor stairs in the blink of an eye.

The original noisy tavern was silent at this time, and everyone was staring at Xufeng and Piping secretly. There was something wrong in those eyes.

Xu Feng didn't care, and sat down on the chair peacefully.

The bar girl bent down with a smile on her face, and pulled all the more than 20 gold coins on the table into her exposed bra.

"My lord, what do you want to eat or drink, or what do you want to play?" The bar girl Mei smiled: "My name is Lilian, I have first-class skills, I promise to make adults happy to death!"

Piping said with a look of surprise: "First-class technology? Can make people happy to death? Really?"

The tavern girl supported her heavy corset, and said to Pippin with a smile, "Of course!"

Pippin said excitedly: "I didn't expect to meet a juggler here, Lord Diego, should we take her back to make Bilbo happy to death?"

Chapter 623

Xufeng laughed, "In that case, I am afraid that Bilbo is not happy to die, but exhausted."

Pippin suddenly looked blank.

Xufeng said to the coquettish tavern girl: "Okay, there is nothing wrong with you here, just give us some wine and food."

The tavern girl looked extremely disappointed, but she didn't get too entangled either, she just murmured and walked away.

As soon as the tavern girl left, a big-waisted man at the wine table walked over with a glass of beer.

There are three helpers beside him. Although none of the three helpers are with him, they all put their hands on their weapons, ready to take action at any time.

The atmosphere in the bar suddenly became tense, and all eyes were focused on this table of Xufeng.

The brawny man placed the beer glass heavily on the table, and the foam in the beer glass splashed out immediately.

Xu Feng's face didn't change, and he looked at the brawny man lightly.

Piping shrank subconsciously, leaned against Xufeng, and then summoned his courage and said, "Sorry, this is our seat..."

The brawny man burped a smelly wine, then said triumphantly: "The guy you saved just now owes me money."

"Oh, is it?" Xu Feng smiled faintly.

This is obviously for extortion. In fact, it doesn't matter whether you owe money or not. What's important is that everyone present knows that Xufeng and Piping have money in their pockets.

The brawny man grinned, showing his mouth full of bad teeth, "Since you are willing to pay the bill for him and let him sleep in the room, then we should also let him repay our account."

Xu Feng asked faintly: "This seems to make sense, then, how much does he owe you?"

The strong man was instantly delighted, "Hey, refreshing! I like to deal with people like you!"

The three helpers behind him also laughed, as if they were already holding the victory.

The brawny man grabbed the wine glass, took a big mouthful, wiped his beard, grinned and said, "The kid gambled with me two days ago. The brother behind me is the witness. Li lost to me by this number."

With that, the brawny man pointed a finger at Xufeng.

Xu Feng said lightly: "A gold coin?"

The strong man seemed to be insulted. He punched the table hard with his fist, and almost all the beer glasses jumped from the table.

"It's 1000 gold coins! 1000 coins!"

"What!" Piping subconsciously squeezed the wallet around his waist, "We have no relationship with him, why should we pay his gambling debts!"

The brawny man proudly said: "It's up to you to help him pay off the hotel debt! You have to pay my debt for him! Otherwise, you just look down on our brothers!"

Xu Feng said lightly: "It is a matter of course to pay off debts, but before repaying your debts, I still want to ask if the drunk owes money to others? If so, let me join you. Just pay it back."

All the people present widened their eyes in astonishment.

Don’t you pay attention to 1,000 gold coins?

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