Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 504

Zhan Liqun laughed, "Of course not! Mr. Xufeng is optimistic about the things, who dare to bid? Even if someone else bids, it can be regarded as difficult for our Oasis Guild."

Xufeng smiled and said, "President Zhan, I can't bear this love. After all, I am not a member of your Oasis Guild, and I will not join your Oasis Guild."

This is straightforward enough, and most people will feel very slapped when they hear it.

However, Zhan Liqun smiled steadily, "I know."


This attitude made Xu Feng a little curious.

Zhan Liqun smiled and said, "Mr. Xufeng, what do you think is the most important survival skill for our survivors in this plane?"

Xu Feng hesitated, "Strength?"

Zhan Liqun laughed and said, "That's right. We all rely on strength to survive. However, the most important survival skill is not strength, but recognition."


"Yes, recognition is to recognize things and the situation clearly. It is necessary to see the current situation clearly, but also to see the long-term situation in the future, as well as to recognize the position of the other party, and more importantly, to recognize your own position.

Zhan Liqun smiled and said, "These four points are easy to say, but they are not easy at all. I, Zhan Liqun, have been in the survival plane for decades before finally gaining this understanding. I I can recognize my own position and the position of our Oasis Guild. I know that with our Oasis Guild, it is impossible to get the favor of Mr. Xufeng. Mr. Xufeng, you are not a sparrow, but a phoenix. We Small branches like oasis can only stop sparrows, but they are not enough to attract phoenixes."

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "President Zhan, are you too modest?"

Zhan Liqun waved his hand, "Just tell the truth."

Chapter 435: The Price of Water Essence

Xufeng asked, "But, what does this have to do with your apology?"

Zhan Liqun smiled and said: "You are a Phoenix, but I didn't realize it at first. I just thought you were an individual, someone who had some brains and dared to talk to the Hanguang guild, so I just sent friends. Invite you instead of me personally. When you turned me back, I didn't care too much. I turned around and forgot about it. This is a big mistake I made."

"If I could be more serious at that time and see you as a peerless talent earlier, I would never waste the opportunity to be your friend at that time. It's a pity..." Zhan Liqun shook his head with a wry smile, "I'm still not enough after all. Smart."

Xufeng smiled faintly, "Chairman Zhan, you are too polite. At that time, I was just an unknown person. It was an honor to be invited by the Great Guild. To be honest, it was an honor. But even if you are When I personally invite me, I will not join the Oasis Guild."

Zhan Liqun smiled and said: "I guess you are someone who will do great things in the future. You have your own ideas and ideas in your heart, and you are extremely firm. This is not something that other people can influence and shake. However, I I don’t want you to join our Oasis Guild. Although if you can join, it would be the best. However, I have already guessed the result. If you do not join our Oasis Guild, it does not mean that you and I cannot become Oh my friend."

Xu Feng laughed, "That's true too."

Zhan Liqun laughed and said: "I have missed a round, and now your status has risen because of Master Baiqiluo being the master. I don't know if I am honored to be friends with you in this round."

Xu Feng thought about it secretly.

This Zhan Liqun was a very smart person, even smarter than Nicolas from the Hanguang Society and Ax from the Abyss Guild.

It's a good deal to be friends with such a smart person who also holds the resources of the president.

Xu Feng smiled faintly, "It seems that I have no reason to refuse."

Zhan Liqun smiled and said, "Mr. Xufeng is a wise man."

"Each each other." Xu Feng took the initiative to stretch out his hand.

Zhan Liqun hurriedly held Xufeng's hand, "Mr. Xufeng, in the future, our entire Oasis Guild will be your friend. If you have any instructions, just speak up. Although you are not in our Oasis Guild, you are equal to us. The honorary president of the Oasis Guild is the same."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Chairman Zhan, forget it, I will call you Brother Zhan from now on."

"Okay, I will call you Brother Feng from now on!" Zhan Liqun smiled happily.

Xufeng said: "Brother Zhan, you let me be the honorary chairman of your Oasis. This is really exalting me? Besides, you let me be the honorary chairman of the Oasis. Do I have to help you Oasis? What will the guild do?"

Zhan Liqun smiled and said: "Feng brother, you are indeed a smart person. Actually, I don't need you to do anything. I just need you to stand on the side of my Oasis Guild when someone in my Oasis Guild is bullied."

Xufeng smiled and said, "This is very straightforward, I understand it completely."

What Zhan Liqun wanted was just a backer.

However, the trading city is so big and the influence has been fixed, so it is difficult to find any new backers.

Now that the opportunity came, Zhan Liqun keenly noticed that because of Xufeng's existence, the power pattern of the trading city had begun to change.

Xufeng is now a piece of real gold covered by mud!

The vast majority of people have yet to see Xufeng's future and value, but Zhan Liqun has.

He wins over Xufeng ahead of time, just wanting to occupy a good position in advance, and rely on this backer!

This is really a smart investment.

Xufeng didn't object to this. After all, it was a kind of mutual use of resources. With the resources of the Oasis Guild, Xufeng could also gain a foothold in the Trade City faster.

Xu Feng smiled faintly, "Brother Zhan, I wonder if there are any extraordinary items of essence in your guild?"

"Essence?" Zhan Liqun frowned slightly, "Is it the essence of soil?"

"Yes." Xu Feng nodded, "However, I want the essence of water."

Zhan Liqun said with regret: "Sorry, our guild only has four essences of soil, no other essences."

"Hmm." Xu Feng frowned and asked: "Then do you know where to get the essence of water?"

Zhan Liqun smiled and said, "Brother Feng, you have to ask Emperor Xue for this question."

"Huh?" Xu Feng didn't understand for a while.

Zhan Liqun smiled and said, "Why did Xue Di take the mission of the "Pirates of the Caribbean" series?"

Xu Feng was startled, "She wanted to get the essence of water? So, in the world of Pirates of the Caribbean, can the essence of water be produced?"

Zhan Liqun smiled and said: "Yes, the Pirates of the Caribbean plot is related to the ocean, so the probability of the essence of the water is relatively high. You should be able to enter the Pirates of the Caribbean 3 now, right?"


This is not a secret at all.

Zhan Liqun laughed and said: "Pirates of the Caribbean 3 is a very, very difficult story world. You have to face many enemies and very tricky. If you can complete it, there is a high probability that you will get an essence of water, but , I don’t know exactly how to get it, because I think I was stuck in the second stage of the reward at the beginning, or because Brother Feng, you guys are great, you passed the second stage once."

Xufeng asked, "Brother Zhan, how many shadow power points do you think a water essence needs?"

Zhan Liqun asked: "It depends on whether you are selling or buying. The selling price will naturally be higher than the buying price."

"What if it's for sale?" Xu Feng asked.

"The Essence of Water is very rare. One can probably sell for 10,000 Shadow Energy Points." Zhan Liqun said calmly.

"Ten thousand..." Xu Feng took a deep breath, "Ten times more expensive than the essence of soil."

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