Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 505

Zhan Liqun smiled: "Yes, so, as long as your Xuedi team can complete the three-stage reward, you will be rich. Everyone can get 2000 shadow power points!"

"I see..." Xu Feng nodded solemnly.

One water essence has 10,000 shadow power points, and two is 20,000. In addition, two fire essences and two ghost essences are needed. If these essences are at this price, light essence materials , You need 60,000 shadow energy points!

Xin Jue Dao, has not done it, it has made people feel desperate!

Fortunately, since the Xuedi team has reached the third stage, everything is easy to discuss.

Xufeng thought for a while, "Brother Zhan, please help me pay attention to the essence of water. I have a friend who wants one for equipment."

Of course he couldn't reveal the formula of Xin Jue Sword to Zhan Liqun, so he only said that he needed a water essence.

"Oh! Ok! If I meet, I will definitely snap it up for you." Zhan Liqun nodded and said.

"Thank you Brother Zhan, then."

"Brother, you don't have to be polite." Zhan Liqun laughed: "The auction will begin immediately. I will go back to the box to make arrangements. When we are over, we will meet again."

"it is good."

Chapter 436

Not long after Zhan Liqun entered the box, the dancers on the auction stage also stopped dancing and left the stage.

The spotlight was on, and Zhou Zi, the auctioneer in a striped suit, walked onto the auction stand beamingly.

"Dear guests, friends, good afternoon everyone!"

"I am your old friend Zhou Zizai. Welcome everyone to the trading city auction house. I wish everyone can sell or buy their favorite items!"

"Below, ask the auctioneers to upload their auction items. Our auction will officially open in three minutes!"

The auction is about to begin.

Xu Feng sighed faintly, and was about to turn around and walk into his room.

"Are you waiting for someone?"

A low and friendly voice sounded from behind him.

Xu Feng was shocked.

That's right, when he walked out of his box, he was indeed waiting for someone. This person was not just Zhan Liqun, nor was it Marshall and Ax from the Abyss Guild, but someone else.

What made Xufeng's heart frightening even more was that Xufeng's own strength was already not weak, but the other party was able to approach Xufeng silently, and Xufeng didn't realize it until the sound came out.

If this were a sneak attack, Xufeng would have died long ago.

Xu Feng's muscles were tense, and he slowly turned around, only to see a man with a calm expression, looking at him with a faint smile.

"We meet again, Mr. Xufeng."

"Longquan..." Xu Feng controlled his heartbeat and pretended to say casually.

In fact, the person he was waiting for was Longquan.

Longquan is a high-level member of the God Killing Guild, and the person who bought his Flame Impact Bracer at a high price at the last auction.

Xufeng has always been interested in the God-killing Guild. Of course, he didn’t want to join the God-killing Guild, but the guild was inextricably linked to him in the dark. He wanted to know more about this guild. secret.

Xuedi, Mixiu, and Qiluo all belong to the God Killing Guild, and even the Hammer may be.

I don't know what happened to the God Killing Guild, which caused them to leave the God Killing Guild, and now the God Killing Guild seems to want to make a comeback again.

The reason why Xu Feng waited for Longquan here was for Xin Jue Dao's materials.

There is still hope to get things like the essence of water, the essence of fire, and the essence of ghosts, but Xufeng doesn't know where to get the blood of the mountains and the heart of the ocean.

The Godslayer Guild is the strongest guild in the world, so if there is something like the Blood of the Mountain and the Heart of the Ocean, it must be the Godslayer Guild.

"Mr. Xufeng's memory is really good." Long Quan said with a faint smile: "Just now you didn't remember Marshall and Gao Peng."

Xufeng was startled, frowned and said, "Have you overheared my conversation?"

Long Quan smiled and said: "It's not an eavesdropping. It's just that my ears are so strong. Your conversation is not in a soundproof box. I can hear it far away."

"...Okay." Xu Feng sighed in relief.

This also saves a lot of trouble.

"Since you have heard it all, then I will speak straightforwardly. I want some materials. If your guild has it, please make a price." Xu Feng said in a deep voice.

Long Quan stared at Xufeng for a while, "Mr. Xufeng, can you answer me a question first?"

Xufeng nodded and said, "You can ask."

Long Quan smiled and said, "Are you an enemy or a friend?"

This question may seem simple, but it is really difficult to answer.

The key is not the answer itself, but Xufeng's attitude.

If Xu Feng said that I am a friend of the God Killing Guild, then this discussion can naturally continue.

However, in this case, Xufeng would have become an ally of the God Killing Guild, and future actions would also be tied to the God Killing Guild.

Xufeng hesitated slightly, "Passerby, I'm just a passerby."

Longquan laughed and said, "Mr. Xufeng, you are really not leaking. However, I am not satisfied with this answer. According to my guess, you probably did not collect these high-level materials for hoarding and reselling, but to do it. Equipped? Well, the master of the hammer once gave her an epic weapon formula. By making that epic weapon, the hammer can become a master forger. You and the hammer are in the same team. Obviously, you want to make this epic weapon with the hammer."

In front of Longquan, Xu Feng could not refute.

Fortunately, Longquan didn't know what the epic weapon they were going to make.

Or, Long Quan knew, but he also deliberately left a little room for it, and didn't directly explain it.

Xu Feng said lightly: "I really want to be a weapon."

Long Quan smiled and said: "Look, the problem lies here. The weapon you want to make is an epic weapon. If our God Killing Guild helps you, and you use the weapon against us, wouldn't we be embarrassed? "

Xufeng smiled and said: "No, I am just a passerby relationship with you."

Long Quan laughed and said: "You can still use the identity of a novice rookie or a passerby to conceal it, but after you really make an epic weapon, the identity of a passerby rookie will not be able to conceal your brilliance. When the time comes, So many forces will want to win you over, rely on you, and you have to choose from it."

"Our God Killing Guild already has a plan to re-emerge. At this point in time, we can't let a threat with an epic weapon in his hand."

"So, if you want to get the materials of our God Killing Guild, you must be our talent."

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