Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 511

And Xuedi is just based on the starting price of the auction house!There is still another 50% discount on this starting price benchmark!

This is almost a free gift!

How can Xufeng not be grateful?

Gong Yang on the side was surprised and asked, "Can I buy such a cheap and rare material?"

Xuedi faintly said: "Of course, since it is internally digested by us, if you want, you can also compete with Xufeng for internal filming power points. Of course, this has a premise, that is the equipment and materials you bid internally. , It is indeed for my own use, rather than being a bad man. I took it from the team at a low price, and then went to the auction house to sell the difference. If it is a scalping, it is to embezzle the interests of the team. I will have more than a hundred methods to let you Can't leave the story world."

Gong Yang hurriedly said with a smile: "I just ask, ask, how dare I compete with Feng Ge, right?"

Xufeng sneered and said, "You are acquainted with you kid, but even if you want to compete, you can't compete. I have 1859 shadow power points in my hand. How many do you have?"

Gong Yang said with a smile on his face: "I still owe Brother Feng, I have a negative number. But after the three-stage plot is completed, am I free?"

Xufeng smiled and said: "Yes, but all the benefits of your three stages belong to me, including the share of the essence of water."

Gong Yang said bitterly again: "Well, I know."

In this way, if the essence of water is out, Xu Feng only needs to give Xuedi 200 shadow power points, hammer 200 shadow power points, and then give bearded Lin Hai 200 shadow power points.

The total cost is 600 shadow power points!

With 600 shadow energy points, you can get a tens of thousands of worth of water essence, it can't be cooler, okay!

This is no different from Bai Jian!

Xuedi asked blankly: "Do you have any other questions? If not, we will start crossing."

The Hammer frowned and asked, "Wait, Snow Emperor, have you figured out how to deal with the sun never set fleet?"

Xuedi said faintly: "Come step by step, you have to save Jack first, and then release the sea god Coli Buso, and finally deal with the sun never set fleet."

The hammer frowned and said, "You don't need me to build ships again, do you? I've had enough!"

Gong Yang nodded tragically, "I have had enough too!"

Xuedi said: "It is really necessary. If we want to be invincible, we have to build a submarine, and it should be a submarine with a torpedo missile attack system. However, think about it and forget it. , You can't use a hammer."

Chapter 442 Enter the plot!

The hammer immediately roared angrily: "I can't? I'm Murong Tie... Murong hates Xue, I hate others the most in my life for saying that I can't do it! Wait and see Xue Di, I must build a real torpedo diving Here comes the boat! Even if it takes my life!"

Duke Yang on the side cried again and said: "Don't be big, big sister, it's not your life that you risked, it's my life!"

Lin Hai smiled and patted Yang Gongzai on the shoulder, "It's okay, you have a long life."

Gong Yang cried again and said, "You can't treat me like this, oooooo, I'm so miserable!"

Xuedi said blankly: "Well, since everyone is sure, then we don't waste time, hurry up and start. Remember, after crossing, we should be teleported to the Cayenne River Basin, I will To release fireworks that only those of us with spiritual vision can see, after you see the fireworks, you must move closer to me as soon as possible."


"Now, start to concentrate your mind and activate the traversing circle-Xufeng, start with you."


Xu Feng secretly took a breath and stood on the magic circle rune in the northeast corner.

When the activation ceremony was performed for the first time, he was still a complete rookie, thanks to the secret help of the captain Xuedi, otherwise, he would not be able to enter the world of Pirates of the Caribbean plot.

By the time of the second activation ceremony, he could already enter by himself without the help of Emperor Xue, but it was still a bit difficult.

And this time, he has improved much more than the previous two.

First of all, his mentality has been very calm. With the foundation of the first two times, activating the crossing of the circle is just a small scene for Xu Feng.

Secondly, Xu Feng's strength has also improved a lot.

Although it was still level 28, Xufeng had a significant improvement in the main four-dimensional attributes of endurance, strength, agility, and armor.

Moreover, Xufeng has also become a trainee arcane enchanter, and under Qi Luo's guidance, he has activated the arcane core in his body.

Even the arcane core can be activated, this kind of small traversing circle is naturally not to mention.

Xu Feng expertly condensed a blue ball of light, and the northeast corner of the circle was lit up.

Then, Bearded Lin Hai, Iron Hammer, Snow Emperor, and finally Duke Yang, all easily activated the crossing rune.

An illusory mirage door opened slowly in front of Xu Feng and others.

Through the crossing gate, you can vaguely see the gloomy area of ​​the Cayenne River on the opposite side.

"I'll go in first, and you will come in right away." Xuedi said.

After speaking, she jumped directly into the gate of crossing.

The hammer immediately followed and jumped in, not to be outdone.

Lin Hai smiled bitterly and shook his head, "These two girls——Xu Feng, you go first."

"it is good."

Xu Feng nodded at Linhai, held a sigh of relief, and jumped into the illusory crossing gate.

A whirlpool-like force immediately engulfed him in it, and Xu Feng felt that his body and soul were on the verge of being torn apart.

But what was strange was that he didn't feel dizzy at all when he crossed this time, and he could even open his eyes to look at the strange passage.

A line of light subtitles popped up in front of his eyes:

It is detected that you are entering the "Pirates of the Caribbean 3: At World's End" plot, and the system task has been corrected.

System task: rescue Jack and ensure Jack's survival in the final battle.

Task reward: 50 shadow energy points.

……Well, this is a fixed task of the system. After completion, you will not double your shadow energy points. Of course, these 50 shadow energy points are to be taken away by the main god, and only rewards for the reward task. It's own.

Xu Feng thought secretly.

Then, a line of light subtitles popped up in front of his eyes:

Reward mission: Sunset Fleet.

Mission Objective: Defeat the Sun Never Set Fleet under the command of Beckett, leaving no one behind.

Task reward: The team can get 1000 shadow power points, and each team member can also get a pirate treasure chest and a system lottery chance.

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