Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 512

Failure penalty: All drop (-5) level.

... Damn, I'm going to drop 5 levels.

Must succeed!

Xu Feng simply clenched his fist.

At this time, the bizarre passageway in front of him suddenly became clear, and Cayenne River appeared in front of Xu Feng.

Xu Feng revolved down from mid-air.

Fortunately, his consciousness was completely awake, he hurriedly launched the crane to hit the water, a dexterous turn over, he stood firmly on the river bank.

...I really don't feel dizzy anymore.

How is this going?

Did he improve so quickly overnight?

Xu Feng looked down and saw that the arcane crystal in his heart was emitting a peculiar white light, and his heart suddenly realized.

Where is my strength improved?It was clearly the Arcane Crystal that Master Qi Luo gave him to help him!

Arcane crystals offset almost all of Xufeng's vertigo!

Haha!This thing is really awesome!

It's great to have such an arcane master as Keira as a master!

Xu Feng wiped the arcane crystal from his heart and placed it next to him.

He looked around, except for a quietly flowing Cayenne River, surrounded by swamps, and there were many crocodiles lurking in the swamp, waiting for prey to enter their traps.

There were no people around, not even a building, it was too desolate.

Tia Dorma’s hut should be on the upper reaches of the Cayenne River, and his current location should be on the plain swamp of the middle reaches of the Cayenne River.

I don't know where the other teammates have been teleported to.

Xufeng found a dry place and quietly did it, waiting for the snow emperor's signal.

After a few more minutes, a bunch of dazzling fireworks suddenly exploded in the southwestern sky-of course, only people with spiritual vision can see this bunch of fireworks.

Xufeng immediately stood up and walked in the direction of the fireworks.

He has a flexible body and walks easily beside the swamp crocodiles.

Ten minutes later, he was on a raised hill and saw the expressionless Snow Emperor.

Xuedi was startled slightly, "...you are the first to arrive."

"Why, can't it?" Xufeng asked, tilting his head.

Xuedi faintly said: "Of course not, but this surprised me a little. I thought you would be dizzy for a while, and, with the hammer's personality, she should be the first."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Maybe I am close."

In fact, the distance between him and Xuedi was the furthest one, but he was the one who was not affected by the traversing vertigo at all, plus his superhuman agility attributes, of course he could be the first to reach.

Xuedi pursed his mouth, pretending to ask casually: "You have a good relationship with Hammer?"

Xu Feng's heart sank, and he said quickly: "Are we teammates? Besides, I'm looking for a hammer to help me make epic weapons."

"Oh? Do you really want to be an epic weapon, or do you want to make an epic weapon as an excuse to soak her?" Xuedi asked.

Chapter 443

Xu Feng said quickly: "No, no, no, I don't mean it!"

Xuedi smiled coldly, "Huh, why? Do you dare to say that the hammer is not beautiful? She has a good figure, and she is the kind of sturdy beauty without a trace of fat. Her face is red, but it is just a quilt all day long. It’s red, just put on makeup in the future and it’s okay. Of course, her character is a bit problematic, it’s too straightforward, and her brain is not easy to use."

Xufeng was a little bit dumbfounded, "Xuedi, are you complimenting her or hurting her?"

Xuedi gave Xufeng a white look, "Does this hurt?"

"I didn't!" Xu Feng was really inexplicable.

Xuedi said coldly: "If you want to be nice to her, I can help you."

"No!" Xu Feng said quickly: "Don't! Snow Emperor! Me and Iron Hammer are not what you think, we are...brothers!"

Emperor Xue said faintly, "Huh, you can only sleep together as a brother, right?"

"I..." Xu Feng's desire to die is gone.

"I'm here! Ahhhhh!"

At this time, the hammer rushed over, chasing a long string of swamp crocodiles behind him.

Xufeng suddenly said in surprise: "Hammer, you, why have you cited so much?"

The hammer yelled, "I just trampled on their nests of crocodile eggs!"


Xufeng helplessly showed the scorpion crossbow and pirate scimitar, and entered a state of battle.

Emperor Xue also showed his buckler and thunder sword, and rushed up directly against the hammer.

The hammer yelled: "Xue Di, stop, I want Xufeng to help me! Don't let you help me!"

Xuedi said coldly: "Idiot, who wants to help you! I am helping myself, lest I be implicated by the crocodile you lead!"

Xufeng aimed and said: "You two don't quarrel, there are hundreds of crocodiles here, please clean them up!"

Only then did Xue Di and Iron Hammer shut their mouths, each dealing with the crocodile in front of each other.

Xufeng first shot with a poisonous scorpion crossbow.

The levels of these swamp crocodiles are probably above level 35, and the crocodile skin is quite thick, and ordinary attacks cannot penetrate them.

Fortunately, the weapons of Xufeng and others are all extraordinary weapons. Although they are relatively low in level, they are definitely sufficient in combination with their respective strengths.

The poisonous scorpion crossbow shot ten endurance-inspired arrows in an instant, directly killing the three swamp crocodiles that rushed forward.

Then, Xu Feng returned his hand again, swished and shot out twenty endurance-inspired arrows, and killed five swamp crocodiles that rushed towards Xuedi, clearing a path for Xuedi to charge.

Xuedi jumped and jumped directly to the crocodile pile, and a thunder trampling directly attracted half of the crocodile's hatred.

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