Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 513

"Shoot! Xufeng! Shoot!" The Hammer yelled while backing.

Xufeng smiled bitterly and said, "What do you think I am? Just shoot when you say it?"

The hammer shouted: "Shoot in the face of Emperor Xue!"

Xufeng almost didn't laugh out loud, "Hammer, you strike hard, don't drive!"

Xufeng shot another round of endurance inspiration arrows at the crocodile pile, and his endurance consumption had already passed half.

Alas, as a man, he can only shoot two rounds. This really needs to be strengthened.

Xufeng put away the poisonous scorpion crossbow, holding the pirate scimitar, rushed to the crocodile pile.

The hammer also turned two hammers, and together with Xufeng, fought hard in the crocodiles.

At this time, Duke Yang ran over again out of breath, "I finally found you... well, excuse me."

Gong Yang looked at the crocodiles all over the floor, and immediately turned his head and left.

Bearded Lin Hai arrived in time and stopped Yang Gongzai, "Yang Gongzai, you see clearly, we are now in an advantage!"

Duke Yang smiled awkwardly, "Hehe, I know, I actually plan to get more crocodiles."

"No need! Let's kill all the crocodiles here together and clear the field!"

"Good, good." Gong Yang bite the bullet and followed Lin Hai.

After the Xuedi squad fought, all the crocodiles on the scene were killed. Looking around, there are crocodile corpses everywhere.

Xuedi wiped the blood stains on the Thunder Sword, and said lightly: "This time the team cooperation is good, Xu Feng, your attack power is much stronger than before, but you only shot twice. "

Xu Feng smiled helplessly: "I will...try to improve."

"Yeah." Xuedi nodded slightly, "The attack of the crossbow gun is very high. I hope you can practice more and try to shoot from the beginning to the end."

...I will die!

Xu Feng said, "Yes, Captain."

Xuedi whited the hammer again, "Next time you attract so many strangers, you can deal with it yourself."

The hammer curled his lips unconvinced, "I didn't ask you to help me! I can do it myself!"

Xuedi said: "It's still early, let's take a break and then go to Tia Dorma's witch house."


Xufeng looked around, "By the way, who of you brought the fire?"

Xuedi asked: "What are you going to do?"

Xufeng smiled and said, "There are so many crocodiles here. It would be a waste not to take the opportunity to eat some grilled alligator meat."

Gong Yang immediately said, "I have fire. I used my CD to exchange for an extraordinary lighter."

"...The lighter is actually extraordinary?"

"By the way, what kind of rubbish did you change!"

"But it's right to think about it. His CD is rubbish, and the things he replaces are rubbish. It's appropriate to replace rubbish with rubbish."

Gong Yang laughed again and said, "Although the extraordinary lighter is rubbish, in this case, it is a baby! How do you light a light without my extraordinary lighter? Didn't you ask me?"

"Huh! Please?" The hammer grabbed his own hammer.

Gong Yang immediately shrank his shoulders again, "Big sister is big, let's go back, you can't be rough to me!"

The hammer sneered and said, "You don't deserve it!"

With that said, the hammer put some dry firelighter on a rock and knocked it with the hammer.

Suddenly, sparks splashed everywhere, and the dry firelighter was immediately ignited.

"This..." Yang Gong's chin was about to be shocked.

The hammer said coldly: "How? Your extraordinary lighter, is it rubbish?"

Gong Yang nodded helplessly, "Yes, yes."

Xufeng hurriedly expanded the firelighter to make a bonfire, and then cut several pieces of crocodile meat with a pirate machete, put them on the branches, and set them on the bonfire for barbecue.

After a while, the crocodile grease was roasted, dripping on the bonfire, sizzling, and the aroma of grilling crocodile meat floated out.

"It smells so good!" The Hammer smiled happily: "Brother Xufeng, you are really good!"

Xuedi sneered coldly, "Yeah, you two are good at it and match well."

The hammer laughed and said: "That is! Xufeng is my brother! Xuedi, are you envious? Do you want to have a brother like Xufeng? I advise you to dispel this idea, because Xufeng is just my brother , It is absolutely impossible to be your brother!"

Xuedi said blankly: "...Idiot, I don't want him to be my brother."

Chapter 444

After the crocodile meat was cooked, Xu Feng divided it into pieces.

Everyone sat around the campfire, tasting the crocodile meat, and discussing the next step.

"The time we are now should be right after Pirates of the Caribbean 2. Captain Jack should have just been swallowed by Poseidon, and Will and Elizabeth should have just entered Tia Dorma’s cabin. See We arrived at Barbossa that was resurrected by Tia Dorma." Xuedi analyzed.

Lin Hai frowned and said, "This Barbosa, in Pirates of the Caribbean 1, is the biggest villain. There should be hatred between him and us. If Tia Dorma makes Barbosa the captain, our life I am afraid it will be difficult."

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "No, Barbosa is a smart person. He has seen our strength, so naturally he won't be enmity with us."

Lin Hai nodded and said, "I hope so."

The hammer frowned and said: "It's a pity. I knew we would come back so soon. My [I am stronger than Xuedi] should have been kept. With that ship, we should be able to save a lot of trouble. "

Gong Yang immediately said, "Yes, yeah!"

Xuedi shook his head, "Impossible, you have to understand a fact-the story world we entered is not a story world, Pirates of the Caribbean 2, Pirates of the Caribbean 2, Pirates of the Caribbean 3, Pirates of the Caribbean 3, although the characters The relationship is the same, but the things in this story world are different. The whole plane of survivors, so many survivors, so many who can enter the Pirates of the Caribbean story, are we the same story world they are in? No, the story world of Pirates of the Caribbean 3 belongs only to our Snow Emperor team. When other teams enter the Pirates of the Caribbean 3 story, they enter a copy of the parallel story world-of course, ours is also a copy of the parallel story world. ."

The hammer frowned and said, "I didn't understand what you said."

Xu Feng explained: "It's very simple. You can treat the story world we are now entering as a copy of the game. Although the content in the copy is the same and the relationship between the characters is the same, it is just in the thousands of parallel story worlds. It’s just one of them."

"Oh." The Hammer nodded seemingly, "Ah, it's useless to say that these are useless, you guys still talk, what should we do next? How can we complete the reward task! I am going to hellfire now Warhammer, I also need shadow power points. If I have 1000 shadow power points, I can get at least 200!"

Xuedi cast a sullen look at the hammer, and then faintly said: "The reward task for this talent is very difficult, not only because we ultimately have to deal with the world's most powerful naval fleet, but more importantly, We have to do it step by step, and it will be impossible to do one step less."

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