Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 526

He turned mechanically to leave, and at this time Beckett's guards ran in front of him and repeated Beckett's order.

"Got it." James said hoarsely.

He didn't say a word all afternoon, but his vocal cords were hoarse as if they had snarled countless times.

He took a step forward and walked towards the headquarters of Port Royal.

Not long ago, there was his headquarters, but now, he is just a puppet doing dirty work for others.

Chapter 456

"Commander in Chief James, Lord Lord invites you to the banquet hall."

As soon as James walked to the door of the headquarters, the thin and tall guard standing guard saluted him.

James nodded, and was about to walk towards the banquet hall, when the short fat guard next to him suddenly said: "Commander-in-chief, we admire your feat of lurking in Tortuga Port to smash the pirate conspiracy."

James frowned slightly.

He recognized that these two guards were his former men, and these two men were full-time guards, so when James went to sea to pursue the Black Pearl, they were not on board, and of course they had not encountered a hurricane.

They really think that everything is just acting, and they really think that the official "truth" is the truth.

James gave a wry smile, and did not respond to the two guards, but walked directly in and walked to the banquet hall.

The thin and tall doorman said to the short and fat doorman: "Look at you, it makes our commander-in-chief unhappy."

Humpty Dumpty curled his lips and said, "How can it be me? You must have started badly."

"Bah, I started well, but you clearly dragged me down."

"Hey, I still hope that relying on the previous friendship with the commander-in-chief, I can be a part-time official. It seems that we still have to keep watching the door.

"Actually, thinking about it, the gatekeeper is also good, at least without being swallowed by the hurricane.

"Well, but, do you remember Barbosa? When Barbosa is cursed, isn't it the same to bring a pirate ship to attack our Port Royal?"

"Barbosa is cursed. Those pirates are undead, so they dare to attack Port Royal, but now, what other pirates dare to attack Port Royal? Lord Belt has issued the strictest pirate Prohibition, according to this situation, it won’t take long before the pirates can even eat and drink, and they will starve to death!"

"I'm afraid that the pirates did not starve to death. More and more people are standing up against Lord Beckett."

The two guards chatted with each other.

At this time, James has entered the restaurant.

"Aha!" Lord Beckett said with a smile: "Look at who is here, our battle hero, the glorious Commander-in-Chief, come and come, James, thank you for your great contribution to destroying the pirates!"

The officers at the banquet stood up to toast James, and Governor Swann, who was sitting next to Lord Beckett, looked at James numbly.

...I did not kill the pirates, I killed unarmed innocent people!

James was heartache to the extreme. He wanted to shout out, but he had to squeeze a smile on his face, "Thank you Lord Lord, this is what I should do."

To be a puppet and a dogleg, you must have the consciousness of being a puppet and a dogleg!

Beckett nodded in satisfaction, "Very well, Lord James, I will write a letter to Her Majesty the Queen overnight, telling her how you performed today."

He is clearly commending James, but in fact, he is showing off to everyone present, he can write to Her Majesty directly!

"Come on, hurry up and take a seat. This dinner is specially set up for you-of course, Governor Swann is the host." Beckett laughed.

James quickly bowed to Governor Swann.

Governor Swann was expressionless.

James couldn't help but feel a pain in his heart.

Governor Swann hated him, not without reason.

In order for James to resume his post, he gave David Jones's heart to Beckett. With David Jones's heart, Beckett completely controlled the flying Dutchman. This is also Beckett's daring in the Caribbean. The main reason for the region’s strictest piracy orders.

Therefore, the death of so many innocent people really has a great relationship with James.

Although this is also what James did not want to see, the result has been cast.

At first, James only wanted to go back to the past, and never thought about what kind of chain reaction would be triggered by this.

Now, he is not only reinstated as an official, but even higher. He also owns twelve battleships, but this is definitely not his past.

What made Governor Swann even more annoyed was that because of James' actions, his Elizabeth was still listed as a pirate and was also on the pirate wanted list released by Beckett.

On this pirate wanted list, it is basically impossible to be washed out.

Elizabeth will always be branded as a pirate by the authorities.

And if according to the pirate ban, he should be put to death. The reason why he has not died up to now is only because he is still useful with Beckett, and Beckett needs to use his Governor's Seal to trade East Indus. Companies come to seek profit.

James sat down on Lord Beckett's left hand in a jealousy, and the servant immediately placed a set of beautiful silver tableware in front of him.

There are many dishes on the table, and they are very delicious, but James has no appetite at all.

Beckett inserted a piece of Spanish ham and said faintly: "Has the Pirate Wanted List been made?"

The adjutant Mather said immediately: "It's almost certain, but there are a few pirates that are quite controversial in terms of the reward price."

"Oh? While our commander-in-chief is here, you can talk about the reward list and let the commander-in-chief check. He has lived with the pirates for a long time. Naturally, he has the most say in this kind of thing. "Becket laughed.

Mather glanced at James contemptuously, took a sip of water, and then began to say: "Commander-in-chief, our list of pirates is not only in the Caribbean, but covers the world's trade with East Indus. The company’s most threatening pirate, someone’s name, you might not know."

James said in a deep voice, "Then I will ask Master Mather for advice."

Mather said with a cold smile: "The first one is the pirate king of the Tang Dynasty in the South China Sea, Xiao Feng. His bounty is one million gold coins."

James suddenly opened his eyes in horror, "Howl? One million gold coins? How valuable is he?"

Mather sneered, "Do you know how many ships and goods this guy robbed our East Indu Trading Company? Almost everything we snatched from the Tang Dynasty will be robbed by him! His pirate headquarters is located here. The Malacca Strait, where the sea area is very complicated, but it is the only way for our East Indu Trading Company. We have four governors and five fleet commanders. All of them are killed in his hands. As for goods, silver, and cultural relics There are countless, more than a million gold coins?"

James nodded slightly, "I have indeed heard of Xiaofeng's name, but I didn't expect him to be the number one on the reward list."

"The second one is an old friend you are familiar with-Jack Sparrow." Mather said lightly: "He is known for his cunning and versatile. His Black Pearl has crossed the Caribbean Sea for more than ten years. It is us. One of the toughest enemies of the British Empire, his bounty is 500,000 gold coins."

"Of course, he is dead." Mather grinned.

Chapter 457

James pursed his mouth and said nothing.

He hated Jack Sparrow, and if it wasn't for Jack Sparrow and Black Pearl, he wouldn't be what he is now.

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