Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 527

However, Jack is a pirate, and he has never advertised himself as a good person, and all the people present in front of him are all respectable, speaking the most noble things, and doing things that are more heinous than pirates. Activities.

In contrast, Jack is much better.

Mather continued: "The third place was Barbosa, the former captain of the Black Pearl. Originally, Barbosa was dead. There was no reward for Barbosa on the pirate wanted order. However, there is news that in Guyana In the sea, traces of Barbossa’s activities were found again. He seemed to be collecting debts everywhere, even killing several creditors."

James said coldly: "Barbosa is indeed dead. I saw his body with my own eyes."

Mather smiled and said: "Barbosa is a cunning person, maybe it is not known to use a substitute. In short, to be on the safe side, we have included Barbosa’s name on the pirate wanted list, and his bounty is also Half a million, tied with Jack-after all, he once bombarded Port Royal with the Black Pearl. With such a glorious record, he is worthy to be tied with Jack."

The bombardment of Port Royal is an eternal pain in James' heart, but Mather deliberately mentions it again and again, which is really deceptive.

James couldn't help clenching his fist secretly.

Mather continued to triumphantly said: "The next fourth place is the Indian Ocean Pirate King, known as the Hindu priest. The Indian Ocean is also an important route for our East Indu Company to return to Europe from Asia, and the Hindu priest’s robbery against us is also It’s very troublesome for us, so the reward for the Hindu priest is 300,000."

"The fifth place is Armand, the pirate king of the Black Sea. Armand is a heretic who specializes in hijacking ships of our sects with extremely cruel methods. He controls most of the seas and ports from Morocco to Turkey. One of the biggest obstacles to the rise of Indo Trading Company, his bounty is 200,000 gold coins."

"The sixth place is the pirate king of the Mediterranean, the French captain Cherle. This guy is based in Marseilles, from time to time looting our ships from the Mediterranean ports to the New World of America, the recent power is also more and more swelling, we want to make him bigger Before, it was wiped out. His bounty was 150,000 gold coins."

"The seventh place is the Pacific Pirate King-Mrs. Qing. This Chinese woman is not simple. She was not a pirate, but a pirate looting woman, but when her pirate husband died, she became her husband. The new leader of the group of pirates, and getting bigger and bigger, is an important force on the southeast coast of the Tang Dynasty. Her bounty is 100,000 gold coins."

"The eighth place is the Spanish pirate king Viosova. Viosova is the oldest pirate king in existence. Originally, he was also the most powerful, but this person particularly likes to fight in bars, as long as he is in the place. , There is no place not to fight. He also offended many pirates for this, and even was ambushed by the French captain Cherle, the pirate king of the Mediterranean, resulting in heavy losses.

"His ranking was originally very high, but in his current situation, it is already sunset. Therefore, among the nine pirate kings, he can only rank eighth, and the reward is only 50,000. It's just gold coins, not even worth a warship."

"The ninth place is a black slave. This black slave is an insurgent. He killed his slave owner, robbed the slave owner’s ship, sailed in Mississippi and the Gulf of Mexico, and became a pirate in the Atlantic Ocean. This guy Calling himself a gentleman is really a great irony to our Western civilization. In fact, a few mindless black slaves are not a threat at all, but because he killed his own slave owner, this fact is too bad to offer a reward. His words would make other black slaves follow suit, so he was also on the list. His reward is 10,000 gold coins."

James nodded slightly. Among the nine pirate kings, there were indeed many names he had never heard before.

Mather smiled and said, "How? Your Excellency Commander? Do you have any different opinions on this list?"

James hesitated, then shook his head, "No."

"I have a question to ask Lord James." Lord Beckett wiped his hands with a napkin and took out nine ancient Spanish silver coins from his pocket.

These silver coins are at least three hundred years old, and some of the silver coins have incomplete edges.

Beckett lined up these silver coins and placed them neatly on the dining table.

"I don't know if Lord James has heard of a legend?" Beckett said with a faint smile: "The nine pirate kings sealed the goddess of the sea, Colibso, with nine ancient Spanish silver coins. Interact with each other."

James sneered: "This is nonsense. What really conquers the sea is our shipbuilding skills. Three hundred years ago, we could only build boats for thirty or fifty people, but now we can make three or five. An ocean-going ship for a hundred people."

Beckett smiled and said: "I'm glad James, you have a very sensible mind. You are right. It is our technology that really conquers the sea. However, the myths and legends of Colibso have always existed. Rumors say that David Jones was originally doing work for Colibso. Later, David Jones betrayed Colibso. Of course, it is also possible that Coli Busso betrayed David Jones first. In short, David Jones tricked Colibso into Shipwreck Bay, and then assembled the nine pirate kings to seal it-before, I thought it was a legend, but since you gave me the heart of David Jones, I was aware By the way, the legendary things are not necessarily false, but we are not close to the real truth."

"In the legend, when the nine ancient Spanish coins reappear, when the pirate ship song sings again, it is when the sea goddess Colibso broke the seal.

"Now, I have got nine ancient Spanish coins, but... there are more ancient Spanish coins in this world, so Lord James, can you tell me which ancient coins here belong to the real nine pirate kings? A token?"

James looked at the ancient Spanish coins on the table and shook his head lightly, "None of these."

"Oh?" Beckett raised his brow.

Mather frowned and said, "These are all collected from the pirates with all my hard work. You said none?!"

James said faintly: "Yes, none of these. You know, pirates are a group of drunk people who never feel sorry for spending money. If they really use ancient Spanish coins as tokens, drink a drink, they They won’t find their tokens. So, if they have tokens, it’s definitely not an old Spanish silver coin, but something they must have around."

Beckett frowned slightly, then slowly unfolded, "You are right, Commander."

Chapter 458

Beckett put away the silver coins in front of him, and then asked with a faint smile: "I just saw that you still have questions about the list of wanted pirates. If you have any, just tell me."

James thought for a while and said: "Lord, your list is actually a list of the nine pirate kings, but I think that it is far more than the nine pirate kings that pose a threat to the world's oceans. One of the most important ones is. Character, you ignored it."

"Oh?" Beckett smiled. "Will? Elizabeth?"

James shook his head, "Will is just a mindless blacksmith, Elizabeth... just pushed out by fate, she is not a pirate."

This is of course to say good things for Will and Elizabeth.

Governor Swann, who had been expressionless, couldn't help but glance at Will at this time.

Beckett asked, "Then who do you think is the real threat?"

James said in a deep voice, "Xu Feng."

"...Xu Feng?" Beckett took a deep breath, "Well, that kid... he kidnapped me and took away my privateer permit. I have to say that he is indeed very cunning."

James said: "He and Xiaofeng are both Chinese. Once the two of them unite, I am afraid the whole ocean will be earthshaking."

Beckett nodded slightly, "Your analysis is right, Mather—"

"Yes." Mather quickly put down the knife and fork in his hand and stood at attention.

Beckett said lightly: "You go to Singapore to find Xiao Feng’s nest, find a way to kill Xiao Feng, and get his tokens. As for the guy named Xufeng, if you see him, you have to Kill him all. His bounty is... one hundred thousand gold coins."

Mather hesitated, "Hundred thousand gold coins? Wouldn't he be too worthy of that kid? He is not even a captain now, he is just a chief mate at best, all on our wanted list are captains, And those pirate captains do not only own one ship!"

Beckett smiled faintly: "I know, that's why I offered him one hundred thousand gold coins. If the kid himself is the captain, I am afraid that his item is worth at least half a million gold coins."

Mather opened his mouth, "...Yes, I see, I will take someone to Singapore. Oh, yes, there is one more thing, I have to report before I leave."

Beckett said, "Go ahead."

Mather said: "Recently, the flying Dutchman was a bit unobedient. Their Poseidon was dead. We still don’t know the exact cause of death. But David Jones did not follow our orders to capture the passing merchant ships. Sinking them directly is like venting anger."

Beckett frowned slightly, "Is there any of our British Empire in the merchant ship sunk by the flying Dutchman?"

Mather said, "That's not true."

Beckett sneered: "That means he is not crazy yet, just demonstrating to me. I have his heart, and he dares to be so presumptuous, it is too unreasonable. Tomorrow, we will take the Struggle to find David Jones. , I want him to understand who is the real master in this ocean."


"Well, everyone, please continue to eat, Commander James, you also have some." Beckett laughed.

"Yes." James mechanically forked a slice of Spanish ham.

... After the dinner, Beckett left with his men.In the huge dining room, there are only servants who are busy cleaning up the tableware, and James and Governor Swann sitting opposite each other.

James said with difficulty: "Governor Swan... I'm sorry."

Governor Swann said coldly: "You betrayed Elizabeth. This cannot be solved by a sentence of sorry."

James quickly said: "No, I didn't betray Elizabeth, I wanted to pull her out of the pirates, but she had fallen too deep."

Governor Swann said: "If you don't steal their David Jones heart, it won't be what it is today."

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