Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 528

James said painfully: "I am not a saint, I have to save myself first."

Governor Swann sneered: "So, are you saved now? Does your so-called rescue mean putting on decent clothes and eating delicious dishes? Do you wash your hands after you go home at night? You hanged today Can the blood of those innocents be washed away? Can you fall asleep when you are lying on the bed? When you close your eyes, won't the faces of those innocents appear in front of you?"

James was questioned and was speechless.

He has worked with Governor Swann for more than ten years. Governor Swann has always been nice and friendly. Although Governor Swann is indeed a bit snobbish and vanity, it is not a shortcoming at all. It is the first time James has seen Swann. Governor Wang spoke so sharply.

"...Perhaps, I shouldn't blame you." Governor Swann suddenly turned and sighed and said: "Didn't I give in to Beckett to survive? From this perspective, we are all It's the same pathetic, pathetic."

James was full of sadness.

Governor Swann picked up a glass of wine he had not drunk and drank it, his pale face gradually flushed.

James knew that he had never been able to drink alcohol, and he rarely drank alcohol. This drink was naturally unusual.

James had a vague feeling in his heart that Governor Swann had something to say to him.

Governor Swann filled himself with another glass, but instead of drinking it in a hurry, he waved his hand and said to the maid who was cleaning up: "You go down first."

"Yes, Lord Governor." The maids put down their work and knelt back.

Governor Swann pursed his lips, "Commander, no, James, have you ever thought about what to do next?"

James was startled, then slowly shook his head.

He is now a walking dead, and what Beckett asks him to do, he will do.

He hates this kind of day, but he can't change this kind of hate day.

Governor Swann lowered his voice and said: "We can't just sit and wait like this. Beckett is just using us and using us as tools. Once the Caribbean Sea and other seas are wiped out, once the East Indus Trading Company rules the entire ocean. The route, then we have no value to use anymore. What's more, Beckett’s method of eliminating pirates is even more evil than the pirates themselves! We can’t let him go on rampage like this anymore, I wrote a letter Letter, I plan to hand it over to Parliament when I return to London to impeach Lord Beckett! If you can join me, our success rate will be greatly improved."

James was startled, "Governor Swann, I don't know...Is it right to do this."

Governor Swann said angrily: "James! You really disappointed me! Where did your blood go? Did you throw it in the Caribbean?"

James said painfully: "I finally got out of the pirate pile with difficulty, I really don't want to live that way, I..."

James can't go on.

Governor Swann stood up and gave James a cold contempt. "You really disappoint me, Commander. Fortunately, my Elizabeth didn't choose you to be his husband. If you want to tell the story today, then whatever."

After speaking, Governor Swann waved away.

Chapter 459 The Flying Dutchman

James sat alone at the messy table.

To be honest, of course he didn't want to live this kind of puppet life. He also wanted to bring down Lord Beckett, but he knew very well that it was impossible to pull a lord into the water with a letter of reporting.

This is a battle between the old nobles and the new nobles. Ordinary people just watch from the sidelines and will not obviously support anyone.

And between nobles and nobles, the biggest way of communication is compromise.

I took your handle, and I can make you compromise and give me something until we both become balanced.

Governor Swann’s letter will not allow Beckett to step down, but only allow the nobles and aristocrats to better distribute the benefits. Governor Swann will become a victim of compromise.

Therefore, it is not that James does not want to take down Beckett, but that it is impossible to take down a gangster with this kind of justice process.

Governor Swann can't match Beckett, and neither can James.

Beckett is the kind of person who steps on the bones of a dead person and climbs up without compassion or guilt.

And they are not.

James was in great distress. He grabbed the wine that Governor Swan had filled but had not drunk and drank it.

The hard alcohol rushed to his forehead, he ignored it, continued to fill himself with a glass, and drank it again.

……the next morning.

Two guards, one fat and one thin, found James who was drunk in a garbage dump outside the headquarters.

"...Commander! You, why are you here?" The fat man asked with horror on his face.

James stood up unsteadily, looked up at the two men, then rubbed his painful forehead.

"what time is it?"

"It's only five minutes before 9 o'clock! The Endeavour is about to set sail! Please hurry up and clean up." The thin and tall guard said eagerly.

James stroked his messy hair and said with a wry smile: "It's too late, so be it."


"It's nothing, if someone asks, you say I fell into the mud." James said coldly.

"...Yes." The two guards could only agree.

However, anyone with a discerning eye can see that James is in a hangover state.

Before, as a commander, he had never drunk alcohol, but since his reinstatement, alcoholism has become the only thing he takes seriously.

James simply tidied up his appearance and walked towards the port.

Soldiers passing by saluted him, but there was a lot of disgust and teasing in their eyes.


it's not a big deal.

James walked through the harbor with a cold face, and stepped onto the flagship of the Sunless Fleet, the Struggle.

"Aha! Our commander has finally arrived."

Mather stood on the bow, looking at James with contempt.

"The commander looks like this, it seems that he has fought with pirates." Mather smiled sarcastically: "It seems that we still have pirates in Port Royal, or that there are people who have been pirates."

James said faintly: "Master Mather, I just accidentally fell in the mud."

Mather smiled and said: "Really? That's really regrettable. I suggest you wash your face first, and then go to the captain's room to see Lord Beckett."

James nodded, and the guard next to him hurriedly fetched a basin of clean water for him. James simply washed his face, so that his throbbing brain was slightly awake.

After the cleaning, he took a long breath and stepped into the captain's room.

At this time, Beckett was studying charts with several officials, while Governor Swann stood in front of the soul gathering coffin, frowning and looking at the box full of witchcraft energy.

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