Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 529

Governor Swann saw Beckett coming in, and then went aside with a "guilty conscience".

After all, he asked James to fight Beckett with him last night. If James wants to betray him, I can't justify myself.

When James saw Governor Swann, he nodded his head politely, as if nothing happened last night.

Beckett raised his head, frowned and said, "Commander, why are you doing this?"

James smiled helplessly, "I accidentally fell into the mud."

Beckett smiled faintly, "Well, order the crew to take their place, and we will set sail immediately."


James then ordered the crew to take their place, and the flagship of the Struggle slowly sailed out of Port Royal.

Mather took another boat and headed towards the waters of Malacca.

After sailing for a day at sea, the Endeavour finally found the flying Dutchman in the evening.

The flying Dutchman berthed quietly on the windless sea, and the water ghosts wearing them all clenched their weapons and grinned at the marines on the Struggle.

It was the first time those marines saw such a scene, and everyone was nervous to die.

Beckett was very calm. He confessed a few words to the two guards. The two guards immediately picked up the box of the soul gathering coffin and followed him.

"Commander, I need you to clear the way for me." Beckett said.


James drew the water-breaking sword and walked in the forefront.

Since his official reinstatement, Beckett has returned this beautiful sword to him.

Beckett thought James liked his beautiful sword, but in fact it was the opposite.

However, James can not refuse Beckett's gift.

The two ships approached, the marines immediately set up the suspension plate on the side of the ship, and James took the lead to walk over.

"Damn marines, you dare to set foot on my pirate ship!" David Jones walked out of his captain's room, the octopus tentacles on his face twisted and fluttered with anger.

The water ghosts around him also made creepy screams, but the seamen were also trained regular troops, so although the seamen were afraid, they did not show it. Instead, they aimed their guns at the water more cautiously. ghost.

James said coldly, "David Jones, Lord Beckett is here!"

David Jones squeezed the crab claw hands hard, but couldn't do more.

Beckett walked over proudly with his hands behind his back.

He is very short, only 1.65 meters-of course, in fact, it may be less than 1.65 meters, and his shoes are filled with insoles.

Even if David Jones is crouched, his height is within two meters. The water ghosts on the boat are also tall and tall, and they can control Beckett by just reaching out a hand.

However, no one dared to move.

Behind Beckett is the Soul Gathering Coffin. Inside the Soul Gathering Coffin is the heart of David Jones.

As long as David Jones moves slightly, Beckett's guards will blast the Soul Gathering Coffin with artillery.

Beckett walked to the center of the flying Dutchman's deck and said coldly, "It smells so bad."

Chapter 460

David Jones roared in dissatisfaction.

Although he doesn't care if his boat is smelly, but being told in person by others is tantamount to an offense to him.

Beckett said coldly: "David Jones, you have not fulfilled the mission I gave you."

David Jones said viciously: "I will clean up all the past ships for you. Except for your British Empire, all trade ships and warships of other countries were destroyed by my flying Dutchman. Now, isn’t that enough?"

Beckett said coldly: "Not enough, what I want is not complete destruction, but a prisoner. Do you know what it means to be a prisoner? Let's settle an account with you. An ordinary merchant ship has a minimum value. Ten thousand gold coins, plus the goods they carry, if captured, we can get at least twenty thousand gold coins. What's more, we captured their crew members and let their relatives take money to redeem them. Going up, a ship can bring us at least 30,000 gold coins."

"But what about you?"

"No matter if you don't ask, I just fired, and the people took the ship with the goods, and they all smashed together. Do you know how much this will cost me?" Beckett said coldly.

David Jones gritted his teeth, "I'm not your soldier! And I don't need money!"

Baker nodded, "Of course you are not my soldier. If you are my soldier, other countries will find excuses to attack me. You are just a tool to do things for me secretly. Of course you don't need money, but I need. Otherwise, why do I have your heart?"

David Jones said bitterly: "Give me my heart back!"

Beckett sneered: "I will, but not now! Now, you have to accept my punishment for not fulfilling my orders."

David Jones said angrily: "I am the captain of the flying Dutchman. No one can punish me on this ship."

Beckett sneered coldly and turned around to open the soul gathering coffin, and David Jones' heart was immediately revealed.

David Jones subconsciously wanted to rush forward, but James blocked Beckett with a sword.

Beckett reached out and picked up David Jones' beating heart, and squeezed it slightly.

David Jones immediately let out a painful roar, his legs softened, and he knelt heavily on the deck, covering his heart.

Beckett smiled contemptuously: "David Jones, do you now know who your real master is?"

David Jones gritted his teeth and stopped speaking.

He only hopes that this punishment will end as soon as possible. Such punishment is not only pain, but also a strong sense of humiliation.

Beckett played with David Jones' heart in his hand, "I want you to remember today's scene, and remember who is your real master. Every one of my men is absolutely not allowed If you make a mistake, anyone who makes a mistake must be punished accordingly."

"Your captain job has been temporarily deprived. When you recover, it depends on your own performance." Beckett put David Jones' heart back into the soul gathering coffin, and then drew out the handkerchief carefully. Wiped his hands.

David Jones stood up hard and said angrily: "You can punish me, but I am the captain of the flying Dutchman. My crew only obeys my orders! No one else, no one else. Want to command them!"

Beckett smiled faintly, "Of course, I have considered the issue you mentioned. Therefore, I plan to send a captain to directly control you, so that I can control the entire ship. Master James!"

James was taken aback, and then he stood up and said: "Yes, Lord Lord."

Beckett laughed and said, "Now, you have a new ship, the flying Dutchman, which belongs to you. You choose two guards to guard David Jones' heart, and I will leave you with a team. Marines, you are in charge of the command."

James quickly said: "Yes."

This is definitely not a glorious thing!

Beckett asked him to stay aboard the Flying Dutchman, which clearly wanted him to be hacked for this in the future!

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