Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 530

The flying Dutchman is a ghost ship. What they are doing now is not to fight pirates, but to fight ships of other countries, including commercial, military, and even civilian!

This is true national piracy!

No reason at all!

Such behavior will sooner or later be blamed by several other countries, and by that time, James will be the scapegoat!

As for Beckett, it is naturally protected by the East Indus Trading Company, and there is no bad reputation.

Moreover, the East Indu Trading Company will also form a complete hegemonic route to the sea, even if other countries want to resist, it is too late.

This is really a barbaric era!

What fairness and justice are all false!Between countries, whoever has a bigger fist!

James fully understood, but couldn't resist.

The reason why Beckett can successfully reach the pinnacle of life is that he can treat all people as his tools, he can use tools, or throw away tools when necessary.

As a tool, there is no ability to resist.

James can only agree.

He chose the thin and fat guards before, and Beckett left a team of seamen with live ammunition on the flying Dutchman.

In this way, James became the new captain of the flying Dutchman, and David Jones became the mate.

Before Beckett left, he glanced at the disgruntled David Jones, "Remember, you have made a mistake once. Don't think I dare not ruin you. The reason why you dirty seabed Still alive, that’s because you still have the value to be used. So don’t let me down."

After speaking, Beckett returned to his own Struggle, and then, the Struggle slowly left.

"Captain, what shall we do?"

The water ghost sailor lowered his voice and asked David Jones.

David Jones looked at James, and then at the soul gathering box behind James. The octopus tentacles on his face suddenly curled and twitched, "...Obey the captain's orders!"


The water ghosts who were gradually approaching James backed away.

James breathed a sigh of relief, and said coldly: "Keep sailing, do not dive, interrogate the passing ships first, and then board the ship to fight, don't shoot at will."

"Yes." David Jones replied humiliatingly.

The flying Dutchman immediately raised its sails and sailed on the vast sea.

The two guards, one fat and one thin, also took the soul gathering coffin and entered the captain's room. Once there was any crisis, they would blast David Jones' heart with artillery.

Chapter 461

Xufeng, Tia Dorma and others took a merchant ship and departed from Port Cayenne, first arrived at the Cape of Good Hope, and then transferred to another merchant ship heading to the Indian Ocean, rested in Mogadishu, and changed another. After 11 days, the merchant ship heading to Malacca finally arrived in Singapore.

This is just a small fishing village on the Strait of Malacca, but because of the opening of the shipping route, many Chinese people gathered here, and slowly formed a fairly large-scale town.

Of course, the development of this town is not very good, because this town does not have a government, laws and infrastructure for people's livelihood.

The real boss behind this town is the strongest among the nine pirate kings-Xiao Feng.

Xiaofeng’s pirate fleet has hundreds of ships, and all of them are Tang-style wide-sailed ships. These pirates are quite affectionate and understand the complicated conditions in the waters of Malacca, which caused a lot of trouble to the East Indu Trading Company .

The East Indu Trading Company once wanted to capture the Chinese as slaves on a large scale and sell them to the American continent, but because of the howling wind, they had to give up this opportunity.

It can be said that Xiaofeng is the most troublesome force for East Indu Trading Company.

Xiao Feng is not only going to deal with the East Indu Trading Company, he will plunder almost any European ship. The reason is simple. The big European ships come here not to visit the mountains and water, but to plunder. , It was a very happy thing.

Of course, there are naturally many enemies of Xiaofeng.

Although he only robbed European merchant ships, the pirates were too powerful because of him. The local forces in Southeast Asia were hostile to him, and Xiao Feng did not intend to unite with the local forces. He still went his own way against the Europeans. .

After the ship of Xufeng and others arrived in Singapore, they just walked out of the pier, and a Chinese man dressed in a Ming Dynasty robe walked towards him.

When the Tang man saw Xu Feng, he was taken aback, "Where is the person?"

When Xufeng heard the familiar language, he suddenly smiled, "Just like you, Tang people."

The Tang man looked up and down Xu Feng, then nodded, "You are welcome to Singapore, but these people you brought..."

Xufeng smiled and said: "Don't worry, they have nothing to do with East Indu Trading Company. In fact, they are all pirates. This is Hector Barbosa. We are here to see Xiaofeng."

The Tang man frowned slightly, "I don't understand what you are talking about. I'm just here to introduce business. You are coming from afar. You must be tired and dirty. If you want to take a bath, you are welcome to Singapore. Go to the biggest hot spring bathhouse."

After speaking, the man said to Xufeng, and then walked away swaggeringly.

"Cut, it turned out to be a business man." Gibbs rolled his eyes.

"I don't want to take a bath either. I am a pirate because I can't take a bath every day." Lao Lei grinned.

Xiaopi also grinned and said, "Haha, it is in line with my idea! If I were willing to take a bath, I would have become a decent mayor!"

Xu Feng said faintly: "Do you really believe that he is here to invite guests? Which person do you see who is here to invite guests will have a tone to question your origins?"

"...That's right!" Will frowned and said: "I always felt that the attitude of that person just now was very bad, I thought all the Chinese people were like this."

Xufeng smiled and said: "Tang people have always been a country of etiquette, how can they say hello in an interrogating tone? Obviously, he is the person from Xiaofeng, we are the people who have just stepped into Xiaofeng's site, and he naturally wants to interrogate us of."

"Then what does he mean to go to the bathhouse to take a bath?" Elizabeth asked.

Xufeng analyzed: "If I guess right, his palace should be in Singapore's largest hot spring bathhouse. His subordinates asked us to take a bath. Obviously, he asked us to go to the bathhouse to find Xiaofeng."

"It's really vague." Will shook his head.

Xufeng smiled and said: "Singapore has also been taken over by the East India Trading Company's army. When confronted on land, Xiaofeng has no advantage. What's more, his current reward is 1 million gold coins. Many people He wants his head, of course he has to be cautious."

"Then what should we do now?" Barbosa asked.

Xu Feng thought for a while, "Our purpose of seeing Xiaofeng is to get the treasure map of Zheng He, but the real purpose is to get the support of Xiaofeng. Because even if we can get the treasure map of Zheng He, there are no powerful ships sailing into the world. At the end of the battle, Xiaofeng must be supported. Therefore, we must have a good relationship with Xiaofeng."

"Who knows what this Xiaofeng likes?" Elizabeth asked.

Barbossa grinned and said: "This, I am afraid I have the most say, after all, I have also seen Xiaofeng."

"Oh? Have you seen Xiao Feng before?" Elizabeth asked in surprise.

Barbosa smiled and said: "That was a long time ago, when Jack was the captain of the Black Pearl and I was the first officer of the Black Pearl. Under the guidance of Jack's wish compass, we went out to sea to find the legendary shadow gold. The Wish Compass guided us to Australia’s Gold Coast. It was there that we met the Queen."


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