Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 536

Xiao Feng roared: "Lian! Come back!"

Unfortunately, Lian could no longer hear the master's command, or she could hear it, but she pretended not to hear it.

Xufeng retreated to Xiaofeng's side and said in a deep voice, "Xiaofeng, now you know that I am not from Dongindu Trading Company, right?"

Xiao Feng gritted his teeth and said, "Even if you are not, these guys were brought over by you. I had hidden them well, but they came as soon as you appeared!"

Xufeng said: "Xiaofeng, you are wrong. Beckett wants to get rid of you regardless of whether you are there or not. I just broke in on the knot where he was about to get rid of you. He messed up his plan! Otherwise, you would have been served in one pot!"

Xiao Feng gritted his teeth, "Then what can you do now? We are already surrounded, Beckett must kill me!"

Xu Feng smiled and said, "Cooperate?"

Xiao Feng said angrily: "It's this time, do you still want to talk about cooperation with me?"

Xufeng smiled and said: "Cooperate, I can save you, if you don't cooperate, then I can only save myself."

Xiao Feng said annoyedly: "Okay! Cooperation! I'm hiding in the bathhouse and not asking about world affairs. I didn't expect Beckett to let me go. Okay! Since the foreign devil dared to do the first year of junior high, I dare to do the fifteenth. Xufeng, don’t you want to do with his sun never set fleet? I support people! I want people, money, boats, treasures, all for you! The important thing is, save me from here first!"

Xu Feng smiled and said, "Very good, I can help."

As he said, Xu Feng took out a gunpowder pill and threw it toward the gate of a large number of soldiers coming in.


With a loud noise, the dozens of soldiers were blown up to bloody flesh in an instant, and the entire bathhouse was blown into a huge gap.

"Go!" Xu Feng took the dumbfounded Xiaofeng and rushed out, and the others followed them immediately.

More English soldiers chased him, and many more pirates were shot and killed.

At this time, Gibbs finally found the way with the black pearl pirates and killed them from behind the English soldiers, killing those English soldiers without leaving a piece of armor.

After the battle, many wooden houses in this small fishing village collapsed and burned, and the streets were full of corpses. The scene was horrible.

The English soldiers still had the advantage in numbers at the beginning, but as the battle fell into a stalemate and the pirates hid in the streets, the advantages of the English soldiers disappeared.

After discovering the anomaly in the nearby sea, the Empress immediately dispatched a large number of Tang pirates to help, and Xiao Feng also gained an advantage in number.

However, his whereabouts were completely exposed, and he must leave Singapore as soon as possible to seek refuge in other waters, so as not to be locked by the sun never set fleet.

He also has hundreds of pirate ships, but in fact, there are fewer than five that are actually fighting warships head-on. Therefore, don’t think he is the most powerful pirate, but he wants to keep up with the day. It is impossible to contend with the falling fleet.

"Lian! Lian!" Xiao Feng searched for the traces of his close maid among the various ruins.

In a ruin, he saw the dead lotus.

Lian's beautiful face was already bloody, but it could be seen that her eyes were widened with anger, and her whole body was covered with bullet holes.

"Damn it!" Xiao Feng beat the ground sadly, and said bitterly: "Lian! Pu! I want to avenge you! I must avenge you!"

Xufeng patted Xiaofeng on the shoulder, "Sorry, let's change, now it is not too late, we have to leave this place quickly."

Xiao Feng took a deep breath and took out an ancient scroll from his arms, "Don't you want Zheng He's treasure map? That's it. Protect it, and don't let him fall into the hands of our enemies."

Xufeng took the heavy scroll and said seriously: "Don't worry, I will protect him. In addition, I need a big ship."

"It's impossible to defeat the sun's fleet by relying on a big ship."

"I know, that's why I need to rescue Jack first, and then take the opportunity to hold a pirate king meeting to discuss the matter of dealing with the fleet that never sets."

Xiao Feng still sighed, "I have thought about the method you said, but... still can't defeat the Sun's Unsettling Fleet."

"It's man-made." Xu Feng said.

Xiao Feng was startled slightly, and then nodded, "You are right, it is man-made, my fate is mine, I can't help it!"

He hooked his finger and called one of his subordinates, "You, take Master Xufeng to the Queen's Twins. From now on, the Queen's Twins will take orders from Xufeng, knowing that he will take you back from the end of the world. ."

The subordinate's eyes widened in astonishment, and he looked a little unwilling, but in the end he nodded and said, "Yes, I'll follow your orders, Captain!"

Chapter 468: Crossing the Bering Strait

After the negotiation was made, everyone split up.

Xiaofeng took his own people and hurried back to the Empress, set sail for a long time, and soon disappeared on the dark sea level.

Under the leadership of the pirate, Xufeng boarded the Queen's Gemini.

The Empress Gemini was built completely in accordance with the Empress, whether it is the length and width of the hull, or the artillery configuration, it is exactly the same as the Empress.

Xiaofeng built this ship with ulterior motives.

On the one hand, Xiaofeng prefers twins very much. He thinks that identical twins are simply the most beautiful things in the world. There is also a saying in the Tang Dynasty-good things come together.

On the other hand, as the person who threatened the East Indu Trading Company the most among the nine pirate kings, Xiaofeng also needed a shadow flagship, so that once the Queen was over, he would at least have the Queen Twin.

Xiaofeng gave Xufeng the Queen's Twins, which was enough to show his sincerity.

Of course, Xiao Feng is also trying to preserve his own strength and prevent the Empress and the Empress Gemini from appearing in the same sea area at the same time, so as not to be swept away by the sun never setting fleet.

Xiaofeng had a foreboding that Beckett would soon bring the sun never set fleet to annihilate him, so he must not put all his eggs in the same basket.

After the pirates of the Black Pearl boarded the Queen Twin, Xufeng ordered the Queen Twin to set sail.

Taking advantage of the dense night, the Queen Twin sailed out of Singapore's secret harbour and entered the vast sea.

The pirates on the ship were busy, while Xufeng, Barbosa and others sat in the captain's room full of Tang style, studying Zheng He's treasure map.

This scrolling treasure map depicts the distribution of oceans throughout the world in detail, but the way of marking various treasures is extremely obscure. You must rotate the map dials of each layer to find relevant clues.

Xufeng kept trying various combinations, and finally composed a line of seal script on the disc: "Cross the edge, do it again."

There is also a line of note in seal script below: "At sunrise, green light will be released."

"What the hell does this... mean?" the Tang Dynasty ship officer next to him frowned.

Xu Feng took a deep breath, closed his eyes and thought.

According to the plot of the movie, the so-called end of the world should be the Arctic region.

However, Xufeng didn't know how to get to the North Pole.

"Show it to Captain Barbossa and listen to his opinions." Xufeng said.

"it is good."

The Tang mate immediately found Barbosa on the deck holding the treasure map of Zheng He.

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