Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 537

"Captain Barbossa, it's up to you to play a role."

Barbossa took the treasure map and looked at it carefully, "Haha! Green light? Mr. Gibbs, have you seen green light?"

Gibbs grinned triumphantly: "I was fortunate to have witnessed it with my own eyes. It was in the waters of northern Iceland. That kind of green light was extremely rare. Just before sunset, the green light hit the sky, but only It lasts only a few tens of seconds. Some people may not see it with their own eyes in their entire lives, and those who can see the green light are hailed as being blessed by God!"

Will frowned and said, "That's not right, Zheng He's treasure map clearly states that green light will be released at sunrise."

Gibbs laughed and said: "Impossible! Green light will only appear at sunset, never at sunrise. When the red clouds reflect the sky at sunrise, it is impossible for green light to appear at all. Basic common sense issues for navigators."

Will frowned and asked, "Then this treasure map of Zheng He, isn't it just talking nonsense?"

Barbossa grinned and said: "Trust me, friends, it is not difficult to get to the end of the world, because the ocean door at the end of the world has been opened for us. The difficulty is how to get back."

The Empress Gemini headed towards the Arctic Ocean.

A few days later, the temperature was getting lower and lower, and the entire ship was almost covered by ice and snow.

The pirates in Singapore all live in the subtropical zone. They walk in a hurry and have no time to bring warm clothes.

Immediately after passing the Bering Strait, thirteen crew members developed hypothermia and were frozen to death in their sleep.

If this continues, after entering the North Pole, there will probably not be a few people left on the ship.

Gibbs said with a worried face: "Mr. Xufeng, we have to find a way, otherwise none of us can stand it."

Xu Feng nodded slightly, "Drink the bar first, use wine to warm up, there will always be ways."

"Yes." Gibbs took the rum bottle and gulped the cow to drink.

This is the first time drinking so legitimately.

Drinking is not for pleasure, but for life.

On the surface, Xufeng was relaxed and calm, but inside was anxious.

In the plot of the movie, the Queen Twins also suffered severe cold, but "in a blink of an eye" they reached the North Pole and entered the end of the world.

However, those are all film montage techniques, which cut out the scenes that audiences don't like to watch, such as "flow accounts".

And what Xufeng is experiencing now is a real life.

Real life cannot be edited, nor can it be montaged. These cold and tormented pains can only be carried hard now.

After sailing on the Bering Sea for two more days, a Chinese pirate sailor suddenly shouted, "Ship! There is a ship! There is a ship!"

The pirates on the ship were all excited at once.

They sailed in this sea area and haven't seen a ship for a long, long time.

And if there are ships, it means there are goods!

"All in place! Raise the pirate flag!" Barbosa shouted loudly.

Even in this extremely cold situation, his shouts were still very inflammatory, even Xu Feng heard it, and he wanted to rush to raise the pirate flag and do a big job.

"Mr. Xufeng, what shall we do?" The Tang pirate chief mate still obeyed Xufeng's orders.

Xufeng said in a deep voice: "Brothers are almost freezing to death. If you want to grab it, you have to grab it. However, before grabbing, I have to ask me to negotiate with their captain. Start grabbing."

"Good!" The Tang pirate chief nodded heavily.

"...Captain, no good! We found a Tang ship ahead! They seem to be pirate ships!" On the other side, on a Slavic merchant ship, the sailors eagerly reported to their captain.

Their captain was taken aback, "What? There are pirate ships in this place? I crossed such a cold Bering Strait just to avoid pirates!"

The sailor said, "What should we do with the captain? What should we do? We don't even have a cannon on the ship! There are only ten sailors! We can't beat them! Or, let's abandon the ship!"

"Don't worry! Let's see the situation!" The captain said comfortingly.

Another sailor hurried over, "Captain, they played a flag and asked to board the ship to negotiate!"

"Negotiating? Good, good! Good negotiation! I like to negotiate!" The captain nodded repeatedly, "Tell them they can board the ship!"

Chapter 469: The Worst Pirate in the World

Xufeng took Barbossa and Will and the chief mate of the Chinese pirates aboard the merchant ship "Warm".

...Warm, really came to give people warmth.

Xu Feng couldn't help laughing secretly.

The merchant ship is not big, and the sailors and workers together are only fifteen or six, and they have no weapons.

The captain is a big fat man, his whole body is wrapped in thick mink, and even his hat is made of mink.

He was surprised when he saw Xufeng and the others boarding the ship, and then he was uncertain and asked: "Excuse me, are you the captain of the pirate ship?"

Xu Feng said coldly: "Yes, why, don't you believe it?"

The muscles on the captain’s face shook slightly, and he quickly said with a flattering smile: “No, no, no, it’s not that you don’t believe it, but it’s amazing that you can command a pirate ship at a young age. Oh, introduce yourself, I His name is Kronov, a businessman from the Chukotka Peninsula."

With that, Captain Kronov took off his thick mink gloves and showed his warm fat hands, wanting to shake hands with Xu Feng.

Xufeng glanced at Kronov coldly.

Kronov was shocked, and quickly retracted his hand and put on the mink gloves again.

Xufeng asked, "What are you on board? Where are you going?"

Kronov hurriedly smiled and said: "The cargo on my ship is very mixed, ginseng, antler, mink, bear skin, bear paw, oh and our Slavic vodka!"

The mate of Tang Dynasty asked Chao Xufeng in a low voice, "What is vodka?"

Xu Feng said lightly: "A kind of water."

"Oh." Tang's first officer nodded as if suddenly realized.

Xu Feng said in a deep voice, "Where do you plan to sell this cargo?"

Kronov quickly said: "We heard that the ancient East is very rich. We plan to go to Quanzhou Port, where to sell goods, and then go to Africa through the Strait of Malacca."

Xufeng frowned and asked, "Are you going to sell mink wool to Africa?"

Kronov said with a smile: "It's okay to sell to Quanzhou. The Orientals are rich and know the goods!"

Xufeng said dumbfoundedly: "You have to pay for your mink velvet to Quanzhou."

Kronov's eyes widened in astonishment, "What? There is mink down there? But, my mink down is the warmest one, don't believe you touch my body! Now the whole sea is minus two or three below zero. Ten degrees, wearing my mink, it’s like twenty or thirty degrees above zero!"

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