Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 539

The Empress Gemini was sailing without a target.

Their fresh water was running out soon, their food was almost at its limit, and everyone on the boat became restless.

Gibbs asked Barbosa, who was in charge of the helm, "Barbosa, are we lost?"

Barbossa nodded, "Yes, we are indeed lost."

"What!" The Tang Dynasty ship officer said in astonishment: "We are lost? Then how do we get back?"

Will immediately said: "Of course we can't go back, at least not now. We have to find the end of the world and find Jack!"

Barbo Sahaha laughed and said: "Of course we are going to get lost! We are here to find a way that no one else can find. If this way is found by others, then there is no saying that we are lost. On the contrary, only Only when you get lost can you find a way that no one else has ever found!"

Everyone was stunned.

Although everyone thinks Barbosa is a bit crazy, but... what he said seems to make some sense.

Xufeng did not interfere with Barbosa's behavior, because he knew that Barbosa was right, and the more disoriented, the closer to the end of the world.

You cannot find the end of the world, but when you are lost, the end will find you.

On the third day of losing its course, the Queen Twin suddenly began to accelerate.

Will and the others sensed that the ship's speed increased again, and immediately ran to the deck.

"Barbosa! Why are you speeding up the voyage?"

"It's not I speeding up, it's the boat speeding up." Barbossa grinned.

"But, there is obviously no wind now!" Elizabeth said in surprise.

Will hurried to the side of the ship. He saw that the current of the sea was getting faster, and in front of them was a huge waterfall cliff. All the sea water was rushing towards the huge cliff waterfall.

It stands to reason that the Empress Gemini is not small, but in front of this huge cliff and waterfall, it is like a thin piece of paper!

"We are going to be rushed down!" Will shouted loudly: "Everyone is in place! Control the ship! Left full rudder, left full rudder!"

All the sailors on the ship panicked.

Barbossa shouted loudly: "Don't move! Don't move anyone! Let us keep moving forward!"

"But! The cliff and waterfall ahead!" Elizabeth said eagerly, "Barbosa, you killed us all!"

Barbossa grinned and said: "A confused person is always confused, and a smart person is always incomprehensible! But it doesn't matter—"

While talking, Barbossa grabbed the cable around him and shouted loudly: "Welcome to the end of the world! You may not be able to find it here if you take this road in the future! Hahahaha!"

Chief Tang rushed to Xu Feng eagerly, "Master Xu Feng, what should we do?"

Xu Feng said in a deep voice, "Grasp everything that can be held tightly around you."

"Yes, then what?" Tang's first officer asked.

"Then, just wait." Xu Feng said lightly.

"..." Tang's first officer was about to cry.

I had known that the end of the world was like this, and if he was killed, he would never come.

In the blink of an eye, the Empress Gemini reached the edge of the cliff, and Will was still desperately trying to save himself, trying to turn the ship across and then row back against the current.

However, this ship has no power at all in front of the turbulent waves of the abyss.

The whole ship fell from the cliff, straight down the river, and plunged into the endless abyss.


At the same time, at the end of the world, Captain Jack Sparrow is experiencing a process of split personality.

He has been trapped on this shallow beach for a long, long time.

The only person with him is the Black Pearl, which is intact.

The Black Pearl was swallowed by the Sea God Beast, so it was naturally intact at the end of the world.

On the Black Pearl, Jack the Glutton found half a peanut. He hurriedly arranged the tableware, fastened the napkin, held a knife and fork in his hand, and gently picked up the half peanut.

As soon as he was about to put it in his mouth, he heard a gunshot. As soon as his body stiffened, he fell off the dining table.

It was Jack the "Cruel" who killed him.

Jack the Cruel blew the smoke that filled the muzzle, and said coldly: "On my boat, only I can eat! All the bastards have listened to me. He pulled up the sails and loosened the ropes. !"

"Yes, Captain! Loosen the sling!" A naked Jack with a "enthusiastic" face stood on the sling and shouted loudly: "The captain has an order, let go of the sling!"

After a while, the "cowardly" Jacks on the deck who were mopping the floor immediately became busy in a panic.

Cruel Jack said coldly: "Hurry up and work, you slackers!"

A "silly" Jack stood in front of him numbly, motionless.

Cruel Jack took out his musket, and he couldn't help but kill Stupid Jack with a bang.

Chapter 471: The Revered Jack

After killing the "silly" Jack, Jack the Cruel walked up to another Jack who was tying a cable.

This Jack was clumsy and tied the rope several times, but he still failed.

Jack the Cruel said coldly, "Mr. Sparrow."

"Yes, Captain." The fool Jack saluted and said hello quickly.

Jack the Cruel said coldly: "What do you think of the cable you tied?"

The fool Jack said quickly, "I think it's almost the same, Captain."

Cruel Jack said angrily: "You are tied in an inappropriate position, and the strength is not strong enough, so you dare to say that you tied the same thing? If we go to sea like this, you know that because your rope is not strong enough, you will kill the entire ship. Jack?"

Stupid Jack lowered his head and said, "Sorry Captain, please give me another chance."

Jack the Cruel smiled coldly, "Give you another chance?"

He took out his saber and pierced the stomach of the fool Jack with a single sword, "It is because of the existence of a character like you that we have fallen to where we are today."

He drew his saber, and the fool Jack fell on the deck in pain.

Jack the Cruel turned his head and said, "Sloppy and disorderly are the faults of you people! Now, everything must be overturned! I have no sympathy for you maggots! Work fast!"

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